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Everything posted by ParwinderSingh

  1. It doesnt matter what the outside temperature is, a cold shower will have the same benefits no matter where you are...... even in the winter..........even in antartica.............if you dont understand what is does, whether it is becos you havent bothered to do your research or whether you are just being ignorant, then either way you should not claim it to be a ritual........... it aint about the temp, for the benefit the waters gotta be cold, the colder the better, or whatever you can manage. lolll ....Its got nothing to do with immortality either... no the gurus werent stupid, neither were the singhs and they left advice for us to follow if we wish.......... end of the day dont call it a ritual and dont go bashing hindus next .....or call me a brahmin (LOL) .................best thing to do it to try it even once or at least everyday for about a week and see how you feel each morning...................... if then you dont like it, then dont do it...........it aint gna be the end of the world....
  2. very true BUT if humans are incapable of explaining everything then the scientist minds will be facing probs............... sometimes we need to come home and things begin to make sense.... i dont think we are here long enough to have everything proved, we simply need to do what we gota do.
  3. actually there are alot of health benifits from taking cold showers, lolll just cos we come froma punjabi back ground doesnt mean were all stingy........
  4. I think i know of a penji who might want to do kirtan ............................ ill let u know once its confirmed....................why does london have to be so far away.????
  5. Its not about belief, its about truth. it did happen and that is the truth, if people choose not to take the truth then they must also know that they are mistaken. and it can be explained scieintificaly, i have a rough idea about it, but i think its disrespectful and i am not worthy of being able to explain such events, also the possibility of me being wrong in HOW it happened, but u gota trust in that it did happen!. i would do injustice to Baba Deep Singh and i would be a fool to try and explain how God, the creator of the UNIVERSE allowed baba deep singh to fight with head on his palm. we as humans have a limited understanding, and we spend billions of ££s on sciences all over the world and are constantly discovering new things, some things we still can explain. and the guru has also told us that we cannot even define akaal purakhs hukam because it is so vast. just try to think, if god can create anything, as is the most powerful beyond all reasonable doubt, im sure he can allow this amazing event to happen. from akal purakh residing inside his body, and the shakti of the shabad guru residing in every atom of his body, this Khalsa, who is a warrior of akaal purakh is capable of doing anything, putting it very simply, God can create and destroy, if we believe in this then we know anything is possible
  6. there is alot of very deep knowledge behind eating from sarabloh, ill check the links and see if its on there, otherwise ill post a reply soon.
  7. vahegurooooooo well done paji ..........................for making this thread. as humans we all know that with love we can all live in peace. but even knowing this we fail to live by that principle and allow the bad things to take over and guide our decisions, instead of showing compasssion we show hate, instead of humility we act in ego.................. People please understand that by being lowly and loving to everyone, you please God, and inreturn you are showered with His Grace. I wish for the dust of the feet of those humble people who love everyone and always respect the sangat................ BIG HUG EVERYONE!!!
  8. FAteh ji, im sorry for your loss. i think i know how you feel, i lost a good friend and it was hard to understand and get over the fact that , your friend is gone forever, and you never got a chance to say any last words, is it a real mind opener, worse still after a few months life keeps goingand you forget and itsback to thesamestory. as for why god gives and takes that is a question of understanding. you really need to know what human life is for, we get this life to attain salvation. our families and friends are here for the same reason. although we get attached to people, we should always realise that we will all be seperated one day, i dont think i can explain why god does what he does, but everything is his, he does as he pleases and what he does is always for good.
  9. my diet terrible i must admit cos a physically cant eat too much cos i got a dodgy tummy lining, what kind of things will help in my situation.........? i have thought about yoga but simply do not have the time, are there any simple exercises i could do help my back......? im abit worried cos at first you couldnt notice but now my back going abit funny and it hurts when itry a sit up straight.......... bhul chuck maaf and thank u JustME xx i think yoga will take the same amount of time as it would for the excerises, alot of people think yoga involves ALOT of time and benifits dont come until after alot of practice. but people start to feel the difference in things from the first time they do it.................... if you cant eat too much how about eating more smaller portions, but more often.....also make sure you are getting all your vitamins, maybe the doc can help prescibe vitamins until you correct your diet. if your back gives in why dont you after each paath, like japji sahib , take a min to stand up and stretch and then continue............. stretching can make you flexible, and if you see a physician , they may tell you the right stretches to do and then make your back muscles stronger. i know i dont know how to help you but thats what i would have done .......... main thing is , be strong and dont give up , have faith only in the guru
  10. one day people will say the guru has no impact on my life, why should i belive in him
  11. haha,,,,so true, i think this behaviour posted by people, which i was unaware of till i read throught the threads should be dealt with, but lets not give these people attention, lets continue to do what this forum is made for................
  12. this is a great idea. good work man, n good luck
  13. BEST advice i can give is to send them to the gurudwara, GIve em the address of the gurudwara and tell them that any maya that is to be collected should be done from the gurudwara and they will get it there. if they still dont give in or dont listen to you then they are pakandi. because if suppose i was colecting for a charity, as soon as someone said no, i would say thats fine and back out, the pakandis get on ur case and keep buggin you n keep saying, just give whatever you want, just a little........... its gota stop!
  14. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he came here too..........hes been here loadsa times and goes all over man!!!! its the same guyy im sure , every so often he will come into the shops. a couple of times we gave him sumat n then like with him keep coming and acting like he doesnt remember us lol we sussed him propa, cos my cuzins seen him too, last time my bro gave hima propa lecture on how he will suffer n stuf for what hes doing and told him to go never come bk but he needs to be dealt with if he hasnt stopped. hes had the same photo of them kids of the school for aobut like 6years!!!
  15. i think its our fault, humans before us and now....................i rekon cos god gave us a free will to choose good and bad. humans abuse it by going for wordly things,and what happens when we love worldly things? gurbani tells us the we becone full of ego ,greed, etc etc which leads to violence and UNhappiness. lack of spiritual knowledge and a lack of a path in life has made people go crazy. Through good and bad karams we have come to earth at this specific time. If we are lucky we will get through but alot of us mite end up going through charasi, if we really knew we wudnt waste any time........ but then again we can choose......
  16. like most people on here and ever, we have just heard stories and stuff from others and formed our perceptions and maybe a few quotes from gurbani to back it up. my thoughts are that jamdoots come to collect you when your times up. if you have been 'bad' then basically they smash ur soul outa your body and take you before dharam raj. but i ont really know, and never tried to find out. i think as long as u live a sikhi jeevan the guru wil help us out. and hopfully we wont get too scared in the afterlife.
  17. Just a personal opinion, your statements were kinda rude... or atleast I thought so Its really amazing and I admire everyone of you for taking Amrit but you have to realize that you don't get to that state in an instant. Its not like the ones who haven't taken Amrit aren't tied to Guruji. Not everyone is chardi kala and some have to work much more than others to be able to fully commit yourself. I just asked that question because I was troubled by it, Guru Gobind Singh ji gave Amrit to panj payare and then recieved Amrit himself when a whole range of people were present. And I choose to disagree with anyone who says that Guru Sahib gave Amrit secretly to the people. Each and every single soul who recieved Amrit that day was a blessed one but they did that when others were present. Know what.. I thought I'd ask a question in here and hopefully I will be able to understand and remove some of my doubts on Sikhi... but guess I failed to realize that ya'll will divert the main topic and are more interested in dissing this and that, rather than helping a fellow mate... Bhul Chuk mauf... thanks for all your replies... so you still chose what you wanted to belive?? paji i found my answer in the topic. Basically the ceromony is something personal and very special. so personal like a doctor wont allow random people to watch him deal with a patient in the surgery. and so special that it is not advertised widely and recorded becos it its something which is very important and sacred to the religion. Another reason which i think is practical is that the sangat may distract people. and also probably make alota noise cos most of us dont realise the guru is still hear, back in the day, i reckon each person out of the 0000s was silent out of fear or respect........where as in this day and age we are more interested in reading texts or chatting to mates. ........... just what i think i learnt. Also something which is kept hidden from us and made scarce is often seen as important., whether or not The guru gave amrit in the sangat........... hope that helped sum it up............. altho im not worthy of giving an explanation nor do i know anything
  18. i think its to do with when translating to english we are brought up to call god a he.........i think ......but in gurmukhi the gurmantar isnt a male or female word.........i think
  19. :D awwwwwwwwww mannnnnnn at least were all losers init :umm:
  20. paji it will make a difference saying it on here, becos ppl like me who sit at home all day and night called internet singhs mite actually feel that something needs to be done and support those who go to the commitees. how will i ever find out if im always on the internet and never leave the house??? lol
  21. well said, maybe i can add that the difference in the happiness of doing simran , reading bani and doing good deeds, will be taken with you and will last forever. the happiness from wealth comes and goes throughout life, but there will be no account after death....... the anand you will get from reading bani and doing simran is soooo beautiful and blissful that you could never get that feeling even if you had all the money in the world............... but dont listen to me.......... ty to see for yourself and experience it........ and youl find your answer
  22. laughing at your ownself ? :umm: Seems like you wanna fight. lets take it outside monkey sikhi isnt for the weak? well you know nothing.... literally nothing......who are you to say who sikhi is for and who it isnt, the Guru took 208 years (through 10 roops) to explain what sikhi is and here are people trying to limit it in their arrogance................. a weak body with the Gurus hand on his head, could fight thousands...........look at our history........ sikhi is a universal path... stop being imature and try to be productive in such a topic as this
  23. While i respect your erm efforts, i would love to take you to various areas where the people/gangs like nothing better then kicking and spitting on sikhs and bullying them. i would love to see you with your open arms and sweet speech then ... !!! fighting back is not always the answer, but as our history shows, sometimes you have no other alternative. there are times for peacefull protest, and there are times to knock the living daylights out of the papi. The person who has posted perhaps isnt correct in everything he has said, but at least try and see the frustration in his posting. Whether we like it or not in certain areas where sikhs are heavily outnumbered, the sikhs are being bullied, and thier sisters are being treated like dirt. its a real life fact. another fact is that some people do try and help and do make a stand. this includes educating the masses like the Sikh Awareness Society are doing. they do fantastic work of making people aware of the current issues. but equally there are people who are banging heads together where they are needed. dont forget most people out there are not like sikhs, they do not try and use all other means first, they dont have compassion, they will not think twice before putting a petrol bomb through your living room window. so yeh some sikhs are standing upto people like this, it aint easy so lets not automatically knock them. if they do something wrong then fair enough, but to label them all is wrong also. to be honest most of us would not have the courage to face 20 guys armed with bottles, bats, knives and possibly guns. we can boost each other and ourselves as much as we like but its the truth (for most at least including me). but there are some sikhs who will stand, they will fight and they will sometimes get beaten into a pulp, but they will stil continue. whats dishearening for them is the talk that goes on about them being thugs and criminals. when a muslim gang is making a singh touch thier feet at college, then sweet words will probably have no effect. this is one recent example. so to first poster, read as much gurbani as you can, and keep your rehat, yes continue with your training, and if you need to fight then do so, but not out of ego or hatred, fight for only what is right. for others, unless you have been there and faced these issues yourselves you have little room to comment. its like living in a ghetto, how can people with nice cushy lives, daddy's car to drive and uni fees paid for etc etc how can they understand how life in the gutter is like. its the typical upperclass white looking down with disgust at the ghetto black. try and have some understanding that life may be different for different people. its not as easy as applying the principles you live by on everybody else. different people, different situations, please try and understand this. so if your going to give advise then cool, go ahead, but be careful as you may not know what these people have to deal with, and lets not be the ones who with our clever and snidy remarks enrage the person to go and commit further bad actions. sometimes people just want someone to listen to their outbursts and pain, as sikhs we should listen, not just tell them to get lost etc. and ps, i have heard of 3 amritdhari girls who have converted. one wore a keski and did kirtan, one was from a very influential and respected amrithdhari sikh family, and the other was also a kirtani. paji, come on................. obviously you cant have open arms in situations you have discribed. your right that we hav to fight back.....i think we need to asses individually where to use open arms, i think the veer is refering to the general attitude of people who constantly want to fight, the Guru is not happy with those people. But where we stand up to ourselves and for the truth and fairness the guru is also happy. you need to understand your path in life, if your always looking for a fight then thats wat youl get
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