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Everything posted by chatanga1

  1. I guess easier ways of learning have taken precedence. There are so many Youtube channels and podcasts available that people are more ready to listen for knowledge at their own leisure. There are so many great kathas available online that take months to listen, so that people may not really get the time to come here and write.
  2. SGPC does have schools and colleges, and it also runs some hospitals in Panjab. Not all Christian schools are free either. Christians have been running free schools for many many years. Why are they still amongst the poorest part of Panjab/Indian society? It seems more like an irate person complaining without knowing the true picture.
  3. Search for "Tahmasp Khan" on the internet and you may find his autobiography. He was a Persian General in Nader Shah's army.
  4. Guru Sahib was still guiding his sidki Sikhs - Bhai Makhan Shah. This 26 years is leela of Guru Sahib that we cannot explain. Why did Guru Arjan Dev not take up arms against Chandu or the Moghals? Why leave it to his 11 year old son? 10 jame of Guru Sahib but we Sikhs were and still are a minority in Panjab, never mind the despotic state of India or the world. The question you ask, can only be asked to the Guru really.
  5. These are persian words that have spread throughout india during the times of the moghals.
  6. I've never heard that. Ever. Most likely because most of the earlier emigrants from Panjab were from Doaba. Lol ? You've spoiled it now...
  7. In Doaba majority of Dalits return themselves as hindus. Doaba has a very high Dalit population.
  8. No, from what you have described, this is the maryada introduced by the SIngh Sabha Lehar, now formulated by the SGPC and Its the current maryada at SachKhand Sri HariMandir Sahib.
  9. It's best to follow whatever the tradition is of the place its happening at. Simple. The Panth has got bigger issues to deal with.
  10. Not Muslims in Government offices. NGO's do but the government officials are always careful about what they say. However in India government officials don't hold back. On 11th Novermber 1963, Sushial Nayyar then Union Health Minister in a public meeting in Delhi ridiculed the Sikhs and their Gurus by calling them "just unshaven Hindus distinguished by their unshorn appearance, blindly following imitatting their ancestors who lacked the leisure and facilities for proper shave..." 60 years later these people are still of the same mindset.
  11. Raja Harnam Singh was not the Maharaja of Kapurthala but one of his sons. Such a shame as this lineage goes back to Sultan Ul Quam Jassa Singh Ahluwalia. These pictures are from a report by the SGPC, on the "Rape of Rawalpindi" in March 1947. The Muslim League killed over 7000 Sikhs and made over 100,000 homeless in the space of some 6 or 7 days. This village pictured was a Sikh village which were forced to become Muslims or face the men being killed and their daughters and wives taken. The men capitulated in order to save their women in reality. This village was where the men were all circumcised forcibly and had their heads shaved even though in islam for any male passing the age of 7 (I think) circumcision is not obligatory. It was a very vicious campaign killing twice as many Sikhs as in November 1984, yet majority of Sikhs I've interacted with don't even know this. Furthermore, it was the Sikhs who escaped Rawalpindi in March, who caused most bloodshed of the Muslims in Patiala, where the Sikhs were given refuge by Maharaja Yadvinder Singh. Maharaja Yadvinder Singh wrote in his memoirs about the Sikhs seeking refuge in his state, and it was most appalling what had happened to them.
  12. @S1 NGH Come on bro, this maggot posted this lie in april and its still here. It must be his 15th alias on this forum.
  13. Admin, that cockroach is back on the forum spreading his venom. check your messages.
  14. Communist with an intense dislike of religion and religious fervour.
  15. It's just a front. Ravi is hand in glove with the anti- Dasam Granth maggots.
  16. Because they know there is a market for making money and so they want to move away from their actual image in the world - that of a failing, violence ridden state, which cannot feed it's own people. They have an ambition to entice Sikhs to their side, by claiming that they "love" and "respect" us as much as Hindus/India does. They want Sikhs to gush over the hospitality offered to them by Pakistan. These pilgrims who go there are kind of roped into interviews. These Sikhs should be asking two very vital questions: 1. Why have Sikhs paid for the passage for to Darbar Sahib, Kartarpur, when the land of that Gurdwara extends to the border anyway and why have Pak Govt claimed they have spent millions on the corridor, when they have also taken millions and millions of Gurdwara land revenue since 1947? 2. Why has Shaheed Ganj Bhai Mani Singh and Gurdwara Lal Khoohi not be returned to Sikhs after they have been taken over by Muslims? Gurdwara Lal Khoohi is the a Gurdwara to remember the site of Guru Arjan Dev Ji's torture before Guru Sahib vanished in the Ravi, where Gurdwara Dehra Sahib is sited. Iinstead of asking these questions the Sikh visitors just gush over the arrangements made, even though they are paying for them in VISA fees etc.
  17. This video says that a descendent of Guru Nanak converted to Islam. Some woman is named as converting. She wouldn't have been the one to initially convert. Women is those days did whatever their husbands did, and most likely it was the hisband who converted and she had no choice but to follow. Sad as it is if it's true, but those days were like that. I've seen this before in a family of Bedi's in Malaysia where the man converted and his wife had no choice but to convert with him.
  18. Am I also correct that you are the latest reincarnation of MrSheikyourbooty/mehtabsingh/ukguptsingh/khalsa1699 etc?
  19. Haven't heard anything. SIkh Youth UK would know more about this.
  20. Those very same teachers also put their hands up and said we cannot teach the Guru. There is nothing untowards the actual vidya, its all the lies behind the scenes that are offensive. Like i said earlier "it only takes one drop of poison with a spoonful of honey..." The honey is these videos and the poison is what Niddar was teaching other than this. Really? You need to research more into his thinking than 2 videos. He is not misunderstood. People who know their stuff know exactly what he is.
  21. Who cares what you want? A thousand of you would not or could not bring the international spotlight on farmers protest like Rihanna's tweet did. Celebrity endorsements are endorsements that carry more weight than you, me and my false ego x 1000. Even that vacuous bimbo Kim Kardashian generated world-wide interest in Turkey's genocide of Armenia, when she attended the annual remembrance of it. Otherwise who would have been aware of it?
  22. I did read it. I was agreeing with you. Yes i have brother. Pak? I'm glad you've brought that up. Try reading about the history of Pakistan and the Taliban movement. Pak Govt backed this movement until it brought chaos and thousands of deaths to pakistan itself, right into the heart of the country. Then you may learn how dangerous it can be to try and use one power against another, only to find that power coming for you, once they have finished the other power. Why? It's absolutely true. The Cis-Satluj Sardars tried to use the British govt and look at how it turned out. Some of them very Raja's had to even abdicate because they wouldn't follow the british criminals. They used one power against another and paid a price themselves. They all lost their kingdoms in 1947. You clearly have not read up on Panjab history then. It was a very poor and shortsighted decision that was made, that was a disaster for the Sikhs and Panjab. They saved their thrones for less than 100 years. Read history and learn my friend. I and my false egoistic saviour image will side only, and only with the Sikhs. Whatever is going to help the Panth, I and my false ego will be there. Why wage any war when we "lack psychological, social and political skills" in the first place? If we had any "psychological, social and political skills" we would sit on the side and let them destroy each other. Shouldn't our first war be an internal war to sort out these skills and then take these skills to a more wider arena?
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