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I have alot of respect for this Pope just for being the first to apologize to the Jews and Moslems for atrocities commited unto them by the Christians hundreds and thousands of years ago. It was not a popular act within the Church communities but the Pope went ahead and did that regardless.

May God bless his Soul. pray.gif

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Pope John Paul clings to life as health worsens

CTV.ca News Staff

Pope John Paul neared death on Friday as his health worsened, with his final hours given over to prayers from Catholics around the world and here in Canada.

"This evening or this night, Christ opens the door to the pope," said Angelo Comastri, vicar general for Vatican City.

Pope John Paul II continues to cling to life inside the Vatican, but officials say his condition is worsening, that his breathing is "shallow" and that several of his major organs are weakening.

"The general conditions and cardio-respiratory conditions of the Holy Father have further worsened. A gradual worsening of arterial hypotension has been noted, and breathing has become shallow," the Vatican reported in a health bulletin.

"The clinical picture indicates cardio-circulatory and renal insufficiency. The biological parameters are notably compromised."

About two hours after that bulletin was released, Italian media agencies started to issue contradictory reports about the state of the Pope's health.

Reuters news agency, citing unconfirmed Italian media reports, said John Paul had, in fact, died.

But soon after, Italy's Sky Italia released a report quoting Vatican sources that said the Pope's brain and heart were still functioning.

The Vatican quickly set the record straight.

"It is not true that the Pope is dead and there is no truth that his electro-encephalogram is flat because there is no such machine in the papal apartments," a Vatican official said.

John Paul's health declined sharply Thursday when he developed a high fever brought on by a urinary tract infection. He suffered septic shock and heart problems during treatment for the infection.

Septic shock leads to a massive loss of blood pressure, making the heart try harder and harder to compensate for the collapse.

"The chances of an elderly person in this condition with septic shock surviving 24 to 48 hours are slim - about 10-20 percent, but that would be in an intensive care unit with very aggressive treatment," Dr. Gianni Angelini, a professor of cardiac surgery at Bristol University in England, told the Associated Press.

In all, the Vatican issued no less than three press releases in one day on the state of the Pope's health. That's caused many Catholics to expect the worst.

In one early press release on Friday, Vatican spokesperson Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Pope had received the "Holy Viaticum" communion, reserved for those near death, after a sharp downturn in his health overnight.

Still, the regular operations of the Vatican continued on Friday, with a flurry of new appointments.

An announcement came that John Paul had appointed 17 new bishops and archbishops. As well, the Pope also accepted the resignation of six others.

The large number of appointments and resignations is unusual for one day.

The nominations and resignations included bishops in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, republics of the former Soviet Union and the Pacific.

And in another unusual move, the Vatican said it will keep its press office open all night on Friday, in case there is any news to report on the Pope's condition.

The Pope was reportedly able to celebrate Mass at dawn on Friday, and receive some top aides.

Those aides included Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican's No. 2 official, and his doctrinal chief, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Outside the Vatican, thousands of people -- many in tears -- are standing in vigil beneath the Pope's apartment window overlooking St. Peter's Square.

John Paul was given cardio-respiratory assistance after his heart stopped Thursday afternoon.

On Wednesday, the Vatican underscored the seriousness of his condition when it confirmed the Pope was being fed through a nasal-gastric feeding tube.

Last week, for the first time in his 26-year papacy, the frail Pope scaled down Holy Week appearances because of his ailments.

Just last Sunday, he tried, but failed to give a blessing to the crowd gathered for Easter Mass.

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so what is the pope all about anyway?

like what is his role/task?


lol i don't got a clue

and also

if he is about to die...

well we can't stop it anyway can we?

it's God's Will


isn't he knocking on a bit?

apologies if i sound rude - not intended!

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pope is the bishop of rome pretty much hes is the jathedar of catholic akal thakt

no im not saying save him, but this guy did madd seva, so we should give a prayer for his soul, n stuff, if hes gonna be reborn then beg akal to give him sikh roop, unless he got mukhti then u never know....just ask for his shanti.....

and u do sound rude

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