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KHALSA CAMP or Sikhstudent.org?


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I would go to khalsa camp because its more mature minded camp blush.gif but thats my view.. All camps are Great !! Its upto you who decide where you can learn the most...

One time i became the sewadar of the camp because we heard that they do anti sikhi stuff.. and me along with others were there and acted like a "Religious Police" .. it was kinda funny LOL.gif .. I kept in touch with the camp and it's sewadars and let me tell you that sewadars were all parents and we know that older generation are not much aware of the sensitive religious issues.. So with my and other local singhs input in the camp turned the annual camp of my city as the best camp for kids.. It's very easy to blame but it's very hard to work for good outcome.. Completely agree with sher_panjabi !!

All camps Rocks !!!

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waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

Pyare jio, just to clarify, as some people seem intent on spreading misinformation.

Khalsa camp is something very different to many camps we have today. Das has been doing seva at many camps for the last 10 years. All camps aim to inspire non-sikhs into sikhism.

After a while we realised many young people come into sikhi and then leave. There is nothing for them as a support structure, or to teach them to become better sikhs and progress further.

Hence Khalsa Camp came along. It is a camp which purely promotes spirituality within the Sahib Siri Guru Granth Sahib. It attracts people through spiritual advancement, rather than being activities-based. It does have activities, the last camp there was paintballing, clay-pigeon shooting, golf, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, pilates, aswell as a day trip to the beech. This is plenty of activities in one camp. This years camp is near the Lake district.

However if you speak to any campers, they will always say the things they remember are the Amrit-velas sessions, amazing keertan sessions, and rainsbhai, the high quality of the speakers, the way in which everyones questions are answered, the spiritual nautre of the event, and the way everyone feels so inspired.

If you are going to a camp to just do activities, and have a laugh, then khalsa camp is probably not for you. If you are going to camp for some activities, but mainly to learn how to be a better sikh, get your questions answered, do Gurbani vichaar and sangat with jeevan wale Gursikhs then khalsa camp is for you.

Whether mona or practicing sikh, if you wish to learn, experience and share about sikh spirituality then Khalsa camp is for you. Hence "Discover the Spirit Within".

Veer taksali singh - your comments about Khalsa camp are wrong. It does seem strange that one who uses his username based on a group, is accusing a camp which has attracted hundreds off people for over a many years as groupist. That is hypocritical no matter what your views. I would urge you to speak to all those youth who associate themselves with Taksal, and have attended KC, particularly the last two years. Maybe they will tell of the kind of spiritual experiences they had there.

Khalsa camp is where the Panth should be going. It is professional, and spiritually based. It does Sanj of Naam, Bani and abyass. You do not get unity by just talking about it, you get it sitting and practicing naam, bani and abyass together. That is what creates real bonds.

waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe

i am going to boss camp, me went last yaer and its a life changing experience,

i remeber there was a few singhs tthat sed they wud keep there kesh because of what there learnt at camp, boss camp rockssss, the singhs rock, as they are NOT from any particualr jathebandi but are KHALSA jis, compared to some who just call them selfs nangs and akjs. any way boss camp rocks, it wil be nice to see some of the sangat there

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe

i am going to boss camp, me went last yaer and its a life changing experience,

i remeber there was a few singhs tthat sed they wud keep there kesh because of what there learnt at camp, boss camp rockssss, the singhs rock, as they are NOT from any particualr jathebandi but are KHALSA jis, compared to some who just call them selfs nangs and akjs. any way boss camp rocks, it wil be nice to see some of the sangat there


hahaha... i wuda agreed with ure post up n until the point u said the BOSS lot are NOT from any particular jathebandi! AHAHAHAHA! its a Taksaali camp! They are mainly all taksaalis and they all teach Taksaal maryadha! Not saying thats a bad thing but am just saying thats how it is.

Oh and tell me where it does it say on KhalsaCamp.com that its by AKJ? Coz i tell u sumin - theres more peeople from jathebandis helping with the KhalsaCamp than any other camp.

And thats a totally unbiased view. Ive seen it with my own eyes. I aint AKJ either so i have no reason to support KhalsaCamp other than the fact i think its definitely a worthwhile experience compared to other camps.

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I attended Khalsa Camp 2 years ago and will say it was good, up until i had some experiences which changed my mind (I wont go into at this time).

Bhai Sahib Jagjit Singh Ji stated that all questions are answered, however this is not totally true. Only selected questions were answered. I remember writing numerous questions and putting them in the 'questions/comments box' but still to this very date remain unanswered by the sevadaars of Khalsa Camp.

Im not knocking Khalsa Camp, dont get me wrong. My family and I attended the camps when they first started approx 15/20 years ago...but it IS influenced by the sevadaars thoughts and thinking, which is understandable. I think all camps are influenced by the sevadaars understanding of Sikhi.

My main point is that many have stated that Khalsa Camp is unbiased and that they concentrate entirely on Naam, seva, simran and bani. If it was based on the stated, then sure the more bani read the better? however i clearly remember Rehraas Saahib ji starting at "SODAR" and finishing at "TERA KEETA..." I know not everyone will read Sampooran Rehraas Sahib ji thats fine and understandable but when a group of us decided to do the Rehraas Saahib ji that was prescribed by our Panj Pyare, in our rooms, we were thought of as 'trouble causers' and frowned upon for not joining the rest of the camp. I also remember that one bibi did Sampooran Rehraas Saahib ji on the Vaja and this was also frowned upon...

Go to which ever camp you want, at the end of the day its all good, just state the facts. If your camp follows a particular Rehat don't cover it up. That just looks silly...

Apologies for offence caused, none intended.


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Guest A Singh.

"Taksali Singh" did you follow the Rehras Sahib done collectively by the group and then do your longer Rehras Sahib later/earlier in addition (the more Bani the better), or did you leave whilst the collective normal Rehras Sahib was done to conduct your longer Rehras Sahib seperately? If the latter, it may have explained your dilemma. Also please refer to my comments in an earlier thread on Ekta/disunity within the Panth, with regards to Maryada and Rehat.

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sangat jio go to khalsa camp or boss camp

sikh student camp is a niddar nang camp STAY AWAY


i have also heard from reliable sources that this camp is just a dos hole, no real learning of sikhi, also the nangs just use the camp to convert people into druggies and meat eating so they can justify thier actions and feel better.

just go to the khalsa camp or boss camp, or both as they dont clash


Bit of a harsh joke.

I went last yr, it wasnt the best camp in the world but then i did jst show up on the wednesday!!!

I thought it was good and useful, i laready knew a lot more about sikhi then was being taught and the only lecture i actually went to - as i only went on the off chance, the lecture side was prety much done, i had already heard it 5times before as i know the guy who did it!!! So again, i didnt learn much but in terms of the rest of it! The stories that were told, the kirtan darbar at the end, i thought it was great!

Sikhi parchar was done there, from what i remember meat wernt really an issue, just kids playin games etc.

The only thing i didnt like was maybe the sevadars, but thats just down to an attitude problem by them. Nothing to with the camp, jst they to up themselves in authority positions. I had it out with the ones i had problems with and it was all good.

People are going to camps to lean something, i havent been to many but droped in to loads of them recently for like one dayers and stuf and they all been good!

(im not sticking up for sikh student btw!!!)

I shud be hopefully checkin out khalsa camp this yr as where our sangat is goin (ie the people i spend the whole week with doing kirtan, paath, training etc) so be nice to stay with the sangat and boost our own sikhi. Also as everyone tells me its good and so i might as well check it out!!

End of the day, if you kno the bare basics to sikhi, and are strong in them!! then there shud be no worry of being mind converted etc! Just stay strong in your own belief and if you got problems? Go and see Guru Ji.

(PS the talks at the camps are the best!! ie when people all jst sit in a group and have discussions...)


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"Taksali Singh" did you follow the Rehras Sahib done collectively by the group and then do your longer Rehras Sahib later/earlier in addition (the more Bani the better), or did you leave whilst the collective normal Rehras Sahib was done to conduct your longer Rehras Sahib seperately? If the latter, it may have explained your dilemma.  Also please refer to my comments in an earlier thread on Ekta/disunity within the Panth, with regards to Maryada and Rehat.


We did it after.

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wjkk wjkf

yea i agree with that. just be strong huna. me, im going to khalsa camp! its gonna be wikid.i know for a fact i'm going to be inspired by there talks and discussions. i went last year with my dad but not for all the camp..i weren't old enough to go by myself..but since it was at my dads property they let me in. even though i only went for like two days, i could deffo see myself goin this year! it was soo good. we did keertan in the back with a massive fire! the most spiritual experience ive ever had! the sevadars really helped and it was good. i havn't been to any other of the camps so i can't really comment on them. i have heard a lot. but not really going to share that as i don't know how biased these opnions are.




wjkk wjkf!!!

:doh: :doh: :doh:

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