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Look At Whats Going On! :'(


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What can we do to stop these ppl doing such things?

I mean we got a Sikh PM, cant he do something?

What can we do personally to help, should we be emailing Sikhs to warn them or something?.



Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

the problem isnt in Canada veerji/bhanji; its in india. this is happening only in india and you know that the government wont stop at anything to change Sikhism...we cant do anything until Sant Jernail Singh Ji Bhindran wale show up and lead us once again. (He has taken another life...i heard this from many chad-di-kala Singhs and Singhniaan) RAAJ KAREGA KHALSA!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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wjkk wjkf

wat can we do about it?


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

we know the truth and we should thank Waheguru Ji that we do. but we should also inform other Ppl. we should let our community know whats goin on with us. do anything. do power-point presentations in the Gurudwara. make really informative posters. we should let everyone know that we are 100% Sikhs, not Muslums, Hindus, Christians, Jews, etc. the indian government just uses us all the time. ghandi wanted us Sikhs to die while seperating india and Pakistan..thats why he broke PUNJAB! he was a very, very clever man. he knew that whenever there would be a fight between Pakistan and india, Sikhs would be the ones who would die the most. WHO GAVE UP THE MOST LIVES IN INDIA FOR THE SAKE OF EVERYONE THERE? IT WAS US SIKHS! AND WE STILL DO![/COLOR] (and dukh_sukh ji, i dont think we should call these Ppl the Hindus cuz its really the hindu government. so please just be careful about what you say..it could lead to unpleasant things.)

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

we cant do anything until Sant Jernail Singh Ji Bhindran wale show up and lead us once again. (He has taken another life...i heard this from many chad-di-kala Singhs and Singhniaan) RAAJ KAREGA KHALSA!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.


What makes you think we cant do anything???, if sant ji could... so can we.

Dont know why people believe that sant ji will come back.

wer sikhs, we dont beleive this, we should not be waitin for a person who has been matyrd, to come back to this world, well all be waiting untills its to late.

we need to make sikhi stronger, we need to let more of our brothers and sisters aware of the truth about brahmanistic india and its hinduvta. we need to re awake the kaum just like sant jarnail singh khalsa bhindrenwale did.

but dont wait for anyone ,we can all make people aware.

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Guest Lohgarh Singh

wjkk wjkf

its nonsense saying we need sant ji 2 lead us, the sikhs arnt sheep, we are lions

find a leader, let us into battle, win with honour n rule with even more

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i thought it best i state the aim of that webpage is to educate and inform that such organisations as RSS exist to misinform the masses about what Sikhi is and the way to combat such groups is to correctly educate others about Sikhi. The problem is that these organisations have a very very large amount of funding and a gigantic number of members (RSS is believed to have the singularly largest membership of any organisation in the world) :wub: @

What can we do?

Krodh is useless- do the one thing that they would most want you not to:

put ALL your energy into following Sikhi, gettin closer to Guruji, find out about Sikh history and dont wait for others to take the lead become Gursikhs and set an example and educate people about the true message of Sikhi :TH:

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i thought it best i state the aim of that webpage is to educate and inform that such organisations as RSS exist to misinform the masses about what Sikhi is and the way to combat such groups is to correctly educate others about Sikhi. The problem is that these organisations have a very very large amount of funding and a gigantic number of members (RSS is believed to have the singularly largest membership of any organisation in the world)  :wub: @

What can we do?

Krodh is useless- do the one thing that they would most want you not to:

put ALL your energy into following Sikhi, gettin closer to Guruji, find out about Sikh history and dont wait for others to take the lead become Gursikhs and set an example and educate people about the true message of Sikhi :TH:



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sikhs living in india are mostly not worried about there religion.sikhs having full length beards can be seen consuming alcohol and doing other stupid things which are forcing young sikhs to think twice before saying that they are sikhs with proud

moreover gurudwaras here are not propagating sikhi.so called sewadars want people to donate money to gurdwara's but donot have any kind of programmes for younger people so they are moving to other things rather than becoming good humans

these so called sikhs cannot do anything and manmohan singh is also one of them and also he is just a puppet in hands of sonia gandhi.so dnot expect anything from him.

waheguru jee ka khalsa

waheguru jee kee fateh

mandeep singh

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