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Look At Whats Going On! :'(


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sikhs living in india are mostly not worried about there religion.sikhs having full length beards can be seen consuming alcohol and doing other stupid things which are forcing young sikhs to think twice before saying that they are sikhs with proud

moreover gurudwaras here are not propagating sikhi.so called sewadars want people to donate money to gurdwara's but donot have any kind of programmes for younger people so they are moving to other things rather than becoming good humans

these so called sikhs cannot do anything and manmohan singh is also one of them and also he is just a puppet in hands of sonia gandhi.so dnot expect anything from him.

waheguru jee ka khalsa

waheguru jee kee fateh

mandeep singh

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hmmm, i found some images disturbing from info-sikh.com, bhai mati das ji is considered a hindu saint, banda singh bahadur was not a sikh but a hindu who came across a "sikh guru" who was suffering depression, and only thanks to banda singh bahadur did guru sahib bounce back. all these lies can easily be proven wrong with the books that were made at the time.

such are the things that are shown to the kids of punjab, all sikhs are hindus and all hindus are sikhs. sikhism came from hinduism and therfore it makes it a sect of hinduism, regardless if we go to a different place of worship. regardless if we do not read the shastrs and all that, nahi, we are all hindus! :wub: :wub: :wub:

if you do not believe what i am saying, please explain to me why sikhs have images of shiv ji, and why hindus have images of guru nanak dev ji?

(note, i am being sarcastic, obvious both sides have been brainwashed)

but my point being, these facts can b easily proven wrong, yet the fat cats who control the dharam parchaar allow the rss to merge sikhism with hinduism? one of the most disturbing images i saw was a skeleton (gandhi) with indira kuthi )indira gandhi), in the middle of it was guru nanak dev ji. very disturbing, yet the question is, are we powerless to do anything about it?

gustaphi maaf

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

we cant do anything until Sant Jernail Singh Ji Bhindran wale show up and lead us once again. (He has taken another life...i heard this from many chad-di-kala Singhs and Singhniaan) RAAJ KAREGA KHALSA!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.


What makes you think we cant do anything???, if sant ji could... so can we.

Dont know why people believe that sant ji will come back.

wer sikhs, we dont beleive this, we should not be waitin for a person who has been matyrd, to come back to this world, well all be waiting untills its to late.

we need to make sikhi stronger, we need to let more of our brothers and sisters aware of the truth about brahmanistic india and its hinduvta. we need to re awake the kaum just like sant jarnail singh khalsa bhindrenwale did.

but dont wait for anyone ,we can all make people aware.


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Khalsa Ji, you misunderstood my statement: "we cant do anything until Sant Jernail Singh Ji Bhindran wale show up and lead us once again." do you know how bad our panth is right now as a team?? you would be disgusted if you knew how our panth is doing. (without the government) Ppl opposing Sikh women for sewa (and at the meating where it was decided, there was not a single female there...so basically the men were the only ones who got a say in an issue abt women! no.gif thats just wrong. and what abt the head Ppl of Gurudwaras? (all around the world) Ppl dont even get along in a Gurudwara. nonono.gif . how do you suppose Ppl will fight together without a leader?....ask the ones who actually have Giaan, Khalsa ji. maybe you dont know anyone who actually has their Dasam Dwaar opened, or anyone who does a lot (and i mean A LOT) of Bandgi (bun-d-gee). these Ppl who do a lot of Bandgi dont let anyone know that they do it. we can actually tell who has his/her Dasam Dwaar opened. i know someone and he is a Nihang. he knows now that i know abt (about) his Dasam Dwaar. if you ask these Ppl they know that Sant Jernail Singh Ji is here in a different form. its not a joke or anything i just made up. i dont just try to bug Ppl in order to pass time; nor do i write things that i believe or others believe. i give facts. (im not sure when the war will take place though. ...thats not for sure ji.) ...anywho...I DIDNT MEAN THAT WE ARE INCAPABLE OF FIGHTING OR GETTING OUR PANTH BACK TOGETHER. NO NO NO...THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL. WHAT I MEANT WAS THAT WE WILL NOT BE SEEING SUCH A PANTH THAT WE WISH TO SEE, UNLESS WE HAVE A COMMITED LEADER...THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH THINGS IN OUR (PANTH) FAITH SUCH AS US PROTESTING AND ALSO SUCH THINGS AS US TRYING TO STOP THE INDIAN GOV'T. LOOK AT TAKSAL RIGHT NOW. ITS CHAOS! YOU ALL KNOW THAT. DONT YOU KNOW THAT THE TAKSAL PEOPLE STARTED TO SCREW UP OUR PANTH AFTER SANT JERNAIL SINGH JI HAD GOTTEN SHAHEED?? "we need to awake the Sikh kaum just like sant jarnail singh khalsa bhindrenwale did.

but dont wait for anyone ,we can all make people aware." i dont mean that we actually have to wait for someone. i've been ahead in all the protests i've been in except one. if i meant that we cant do anything, then i would just be sitting at home while others went to the protests. i hope you understand that i meant that we as Sikhs are capable of doing anyhting we want to do (and we are doing many things to get back our freedom right at the moment), but the thing i actually wanted to get across was that there are such Ppl (persons) we need; not nessessarily Sant Jernail Singh Ji for some Ppl...but do remember that he was the one who turned around almost all of the Sikhs, almost everywhere. if you can think of a better leader for us, then i am really, really sorry. Please forgive me Khalsa Ji. pray.gif [also read: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=117885

Please forgive me Khalsa Ji.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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Khalsa Girl1

What form has Sant Jarnail Singhji Bhinderanwale taken?


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

i dotn know Prem ji. i dont think that the Ppl who dont figure it out for themselves are supposed to know who Sant ji is in this life. (im not one of those Ppl who have a lot of Giaan from God Himself.) so i cant help you there. sry...(and i dont think we should know beacuse some Ppl might spread it out....that could be the reason for me not being told who Sant ji is right now.)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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Khalda Girl 1

I'm not sure I believe it pehnji. I think we should just put our faith in Guruji and not worry about being saved or guided by a reincarnated Sant Jarnail Singhji. Everything is there in Guruji.


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Prem ji...please understand that i have used the word "think". i dont expect you to believe it, and i also dont expect you to disbelieve it. these are just my thoughts. and i wont write about them anymore if you odnt like them. im sorry Prem ji. please forgive me.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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Khalsa Girl 1

Pehnji - what is there top ask forgiveness for? And why do you think I dislike your thoughts? I disagree with you on this point, that is it, end of story, but we are still brother and sister - and so please dont feel that your ideas are not valuable because they are. You probably dont agree with everything I believe but we are still brother and sister.

love and blessings

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