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"call The Muslims To Seduce Sikh Girls Into Islam!"

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theres a lot of literature already distributed by Muslims calling for Islamics to forcefully convert Sikh girls. Its scarey to think this kind of literature in Luton is actually just one in a million.

If anyone has a copy of such literature, please do post here...

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

It's strange how this same literature has been around for over 10 years now. We used to see the same stuff in college/uni 10 years ago.

The "easy drunk sikh girl image" is a generalisation of Sikh girls which muslims have. We don't really do much to combat the stereotype, if anything over the last 10 years our sisters are beginning to fit into that category.

The funny thing is that the vast majority of punjabi girls who get into relationships with muslim boys know the score. They know what their getting themselves into.

The oneous is on us, our sisters need to be encouraged to become Singhnees. We need to understand Sikhi from living it not from the internet or text books. Our Sikhi needs to be so strong that none of this "bollywood lovey dovey blue eyed boy" rubbish influences our lives. Until our Sikhi parchaar is not strong, until our Singhs become tyar bar tyar then these pervy guys will keep hovering around our girls. I watched the "Rise of Khalsa" last night, watch it and understand how the Khalsa rose from nothing to the army that destroyed a fully equiped Mughal army. It's because the united Khalsa believed in Guru Ji and believed they could accomplish anything. And they did, the took over Sirhind! The Khalsa stood up to the Mughals and Afghanis who would kidnapp Hindu and Muslim girls from villages.

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Sikhi is here. It always will be. Gurbani will never die. The Guru will never die. We have been given an immortal and eternal Guru who, no matter what happens, will ever just whither away or disappear.

Do parchaar but at the end of the day, just tell people that the Guru and all source of bliss, resides in Guru Granth Sahib Jee, who is at their local Gurudwara. Show them path - its up to them to walk it.

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Even if this is old news it doesn't mean that it wont happen again therefore we all need 2 b aware of it and protect ourselves and each other. Also we shud tell other peepl about wat is happening at the moment, so they 2 can b aware of this.

Perhaps if the Sikh girls didn't drink they'd understand Sikhi much better, and they wouldn't be seen as prey! grin.gif

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Even if this is old news it doesn't mean that it wont happen again therefore we all need 2 b aware of it and protect ourselves and each other. Also we shud tell other peepl about wat is happening at the moment, so they 2 can b aware of this.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

I think the majority of our community know something about this literature. It's been floating around for 10 years or so. Every so often the stage secretary in the Gurdwara mentions it. People listen for about 15 minutes and then forget about it. Our community seem to get distracted very easily.

Parents need to get more responsible with their kids. They need to know what their kids are up to. They need to set give strong example about Sikh values. In short they need to become Sikhs themselves.

If our Sikhi was strong why would literature like this scare us? It scares us because we know that it's true. The club scene is now part of Punjabi culture, alcohol plays an influentual role in the Punjabi community. The muslim groups are playing on these things which is not even meant to be a part of our maryada.

Why do we put ourselves in these vunerable positions where a bunch of islamic loonys can write some literature and it panics us!

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

It's strange how this same literature has been around for over 10 years now. We used to see the same stuff in college/uni 10 years ago.

The "easy drunk sikh girl image" is a generalisation of Sikh girls which muslims have. We don't really do much to combat the stereotype, if anything over the last 10 years our sisters are beginning to fit into that category.

The funny thing is that the vast majority of punjabi girls who get into relationships with muslim boys know the score. They know what their getting themselves into.

The oneous is on us, our sisters need to be encouraged to become Singhnees. We need to understand Sikhi from living it not from the internet or text books. Our Sikhi needs to be so strong that none of this "bollywood lovey dovey blue eyed boy" rubbish influences our lives. Until our Sikhi parchaar is not strong, until our Singhs become tyar bar tyar then these pervy guys will keep hovering around our girls. I watched the "Rise of Khalsa" last night, watch it and understand how the Khalsa rose from nothing to the army that destroyed a fully equiped Mughal army. It's because the united Khalsa believed in Guru Ji and believed they could accomplish anything. And they did, the took over Sirhind! The Khalsa stood up to the Mughals and Afghanis who would kidnapp Hindu and Muslim girls from villages.

pray.gif totally agree veer ... todays "punjabi" girls...and boys 4 that matter... they need 2 realise 4 themselves b4 they can live the sikh way of life, need 2 take a gud luk at their lives and realise that what they are doing is wrong, then the sikhi way of life will come ...but how long is it gonna take??? grin.gif anyway..must get bak 2 revision


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It's like competing companies trying to expand and become more powerful.

The Muslims reckon they'er being good Muslims (as well as that universal sense of gratification one gets when convincing someone else that their views are correct), and the Sikkhs respond with the idea that if they were as totalitarian and dominating over women as Muslims, that they wouldn't have this 'problem'. Which will actually only acheive in driving gals away.

This is a 'Catch 22' situation.

God recognises no distinction between human beings on the grounds of religion. We all know that.

And yet it hurts when someone 'converts' to Islam.

'Conversion' doesn't really exist, per se. Someone's biological make-up as a human being doesn't suddenly change (although the incestuous nature of many Muslim relationships will probably change that...), but what does happen is that a religion like Islam - founded on the tennets of killing or enslaving kafirs (infedels, non-believers...free-thinkers...) - is allowed to gain such momentum. It's a crime against humanity more than anything else.

Of course, girls who are actually thick enough to fall for it probably deserve it to some extent (seriously lady's...half the stuff guys say to you are just pre-used 'lines' they've adapted from some obscure movie or something). I think that Asian girls need to rethink their concept of what it means to be 'free' and 'independent'. It doesn't mean that just because they aren't necessarily 'religious' (whatever that may mean...) that they suddenly have only one other lifestyle to adhere to (namely, the most vulgar interpretation of Western life...I mean, at least have some class when you do it, eh?).

I don't keep my hair or anything like that. But I don't drink, smoke, do weed or do drugs...even though most of my friends do. Including the ones who wear a dastaar.

Why do I do this?

Because I choose to lead a strong and virtuous life.

Girls can do this with great ease. I know plenty who do.

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

~ Confucius ~

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