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A Message From An Elder To The Youth!


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Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fathe

This is a message for the youth from an elder chardikala gursikh, after a program an elder came up to daas and was very disappointed in what he has been seeing at keertan programs and Rensbhais. He said that when he goes to the toilet or to the langar hall to have some langer all he sees is a bunch of youth chatting in the langar hall or outside of the darbar sahib.

He said it was ‘disappointing’ and it does look good. He didn’t like the fact that bibia and Singhs were talking to each other and said it does not leave a good impression towards that bibi or singh. It’s not good for the jatha or the panth and to be honest if we want to do that then we might as well stay at home. There is no point going to a keertan program, staying in the darbar sahib for an hour then going straight outside because we saw our mate leave. If we want to do this we might as well stay at home listen to some keertan on the computer and do what we want later. So this is a benti to all the gursikhs who want to make a jeevan and are serious about there sikhi, please stop wasting time we don’t have much time left we will soon leave this world we are only here as visitors our time will come sooner then we think.

Sorry if daas has said anything wrong, daas to is in the trap of talking to much. Please do ardaas for the panth that we have a Pakha Amritwela and Athi Pehar Naam abhiyaas jeevan. Dhan Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fathe!

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I disagree, that's such a fanatical view on things, its quick to pass judgement on someone, we especially the punjabi community does it in an INSTANT. They see a singh talking to a bibi they automatically think something. I don't see anything wrong with them talking what if a bhain is asking her veer for advice on certain things and seeing guru sahib as hazar naazar you help out the bhainjee and give her advice, does that mean he is lowered in the eyes of Guru Sahib, or is it just in the eyes of those select few individuals who feel that no communication between them should occur.

This topic has been discussed numerous times, and numerous replies for and against have been posted, I feel that you shouldn't spend more time socializing, talking, conversing than sitting with Guru Sahib ji and in the keertan program, whether its in the langar hall, outside, or elsewhere but I also don't see anything wrong with just talking or seeking advice. Its different if a bunch of friends are sitting in a circle and disrupting the peace by talking, laughing out loud.

My two cents.

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I disagree, that's such a fanatical view on things, its quick to pass judgement on someone, we especially the punjabi community does it in an INSTANT. They see a singh talking to a bibi they automatically think something. I don't see anything wrong with them talking what if a bhain is asking her veer for advice on certain things and seeing guru sahib as hazar naazar you help out the bhainjee and give her advice, does that mean he is lowered in the eyes of Guru Sahib, or is it just in the eyes of those select few individuals who feel that no communication between them should occur.

This topic has been discussed numerous times, and numerous replies for and against have been posted, I feel that you shouldn't spend more time socializing, talking, conversing than sitting with Guru Sahib ji and in the keertan program, whether its in the langar hall, outside, or elsewhere but I also don't see anything wrong with just talking or seeking advice. Its different if a bunch of friends are sitting in a circle and disrupting the peace by talking, laughing out loud.

My two cents.

I agree with your reply.

Its better for the youths mingling in/around a Gurdwara compounds (where there are adults to keep an eye on them) rather then them haging around in a pub, night club or just hanging around aimlessly in the streets.!!

Chill Man :D

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i agree with H, and P walla.

whats the point of even being at a rensbai if your going to hang about outside socialising and gossiping. and i think bhaji above said about getting advice, i very much doubt that every person outside is talking to get advice.

So this is a benti to all the gursikhs who want to make a jeevan and are serious about there sikhi, please stop wasting time we don’t have much time left we will soon leave this world we are only here as visitors our time will come sooner then we think.

agree 100%

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yeh i agree with pwalla, thats so true ! the last rainsbhai i went to i was going to go home so i came out and seen people talking in groups everywhere, and to be fair its not only the youth. I have seen some people doing matha tekh and sitting down for about an hour and going out and never coming back in! its true what was said, we haven't got long left and therefore make the most of things and imagine how much we can get out of listening to kirtan and doing simran than chattin with our mates outside. blush.gif


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Oh my wholly Akal Purakh,

Here we go again. rolleyes.gif Listen, just because there is a Kirtan Darbar and what not going on does not mean we can't have a little conversation with friends that you see there. Not everyone can sit in the darbar the WHOLE time, some people get hungry, some people's back start to hurt, numerous other reasons, and they go outside just to take a "break." And while you are outside, I don't think there is anything wrong with talking, and gup shupping. At least they are INSIDE the Gurdwara premises, and not at some club or something. Man, I don't know why we discussing the same BS over and over again, get with it people...YES both MALES AND FEMALES can talk, YES they can talk about ANYTHING on God's GREEN Earth they please. A Gurdwara is a place of worship I agree, but the langar HALL is a COMMUNITY Kitchen, and inside a Kitchen it does not SAY anywhere you can't have conversations. rolleyes.gif

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