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Nihang Rehat?

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Guest Narinder Singh
chatanga is using niddars definition really going to give any clarity?

so many people ask what did the nihangs do in the 80's? Why not go and ask the singhs in india they will tell you how they were tortured how their sons and daughters were killed, how they are permanently crippled.

Just becuase the Nihang Singhs have no way of advertising their shaheedis doesnt mean they didnt give any. I myself know countless singhs who gave up their lives in the 80's. Please do not dishonour those countless shaheeds, by starting this debate again.

A note to the admin this discussion has gone WAY OFF TOPIC - can we end it here please!

Why automatically jump to the assumption of anyone dishonoring the shaheeds? Its a simple question, what were contributions of the Buddha Dal and/or Nihangs in general?

Their names, their actions, where they lived, things of that sort. And iff they didnt "advertise" their shaheedi (whatever that means), they why dont u take the responsibility of making their story be heard.

There's no need to get defensive veerji/panji.


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reading on from what i wrote...now I am very confused! I am going to be honest here, why call Dasme pitas maryadha something else, and why split and have differenct sects of Sikhism?

Why cant we all be in the same umbrella called 'Khalsa' and nothing else? Why do we need to complicate things and put the khalsa in different sects?

There should be ONE maryadha which ONLY Guru Gobind Singh intiated, ONLY ONE, not two, not three by anyone else.

If we are confused of our own identity I am afraid Sikhism has gone long time ago just after Guru Ji left for his eternal home. No one knows what to believe and what they should be doing as a Sikh. I am quite strong in my faith, but reading some of the comments on this site has moved me like a pinball.

If there is more than one sect in SIKHISM, only ONE is correct and the others are WRONG! The only one that is correct is the one intiated in year 1699, sorry but this is the truth and that was as ou know it the original 'KHALSA'.

There is no need to be confused. Just keep in mind that we celebrate Baisakhi day as 'Khalsa Sirjana Divas' and not as 'Nihang Sirjana Divas'. The word Nihang exists only on the fringes whereas as the word Khalsa is centre stage in Sikhi.

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chatanga is using niddars definition really going to give any clarity?

so many people ask what did the nihangs do in the 80's? Why not go and ask the singhs in india they will tell you how they were tortured how their sons and daughters were killed, how they are permanently crippled.

Just becuase the Nihang Singhs have no way of advertising their shaheedis doesnt mean they didnt give any. I myself know countless singhs who gave up their lives in the 80's. Please do not dishonour those countless shaheeds, by starting this debate again.

A note to the admin this discussion has gone WAY OFF TOPIC - can we end it here please!

If Narinder Singh asks a question of Jassa then please allow him to answer it. Pleae do not attempt to answer the question which you invariable know willbring

If yo forth more questions especially you claim that Nihangs give Shaheedi in 1984. The impression being that their contribution was at par with the mainstream Sikhs. Such answers will naturally invite more questions. Your request for admin to close this thread seems like a panic reaction to not being able to justify your first naswer. If you don't like to participate in this thread then that is your choice, no one has forced you to contribute here but please have respect for those who wish to see a discussion on Jassa's claim that all Sikhs were once Nihangs and that Nihangs were the original Khalsa.

To Admin and Moderators

Please do not close this thread as before kaal tuhi's contribution it was going along well and had not been diverted.

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Jassa, proactive has made many claims that you have yet to answer.

If you truly believe that "nihangs are the true sikhs", then you should have no problem refuting proactive's claims. Keep in mind that I am not pro-nihang or anti-nihang, im here to learn.

Oh by the way, can you tell me the contributions made by the Buddha Dal or Nihangs in general during the Sikh freedom movement of the 80's and 90's?


again same thing what contribution u or ur jatha have made when from 1699 to 1980 s ???? when khalsa was on horse for 100 years non of u or ur so called jatha was even created .... when massa rangar attacked harimandir sahib when abdali attacked where were u ???? only budhadal faught .... when maharaja ranjit singh got the raj non of u were only people faught was budha and tarna dal .... and about movement in 1980s .... nihangs were not in favour of it from the starting .... unlike many other sampard leaders we never made any false promises to the people ... that kill him and i will save u .... we never showed them any false dreams .... but yet we have saved many people during that period ....

the difference lies in ur and our defination of dharam yudh .... for us dhram yudh is killing adharmi .... not killing anyone who stands in front of us .... blow up buses .... open fire in mandirs .... rob people of villages ....

now if u or ur jatha have lost to indian govt in 1984 take it .... instead of blaming it to nihangs .... and take the records ... how many sikhs u got killed in 1980s and how many hindus u killed at that period .... ration would be 10:1 ....

the truth is first time since 1699 in 1984 khalsa panth has lost .....

ok tell me if ur not in favour of something .... what will u do stand with them stand against them or be neutral ????? yet we had shaheeds but the difference is we need not to make their asthans .... we need not project them as gems of panth ... they have done seva by giving shaheedi and they will get respect in dargha ....

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and which claim he is making ????? i cant see any instead of giving new meaning to nihangs word sword this that ..... he is just a panth hater .... thats it .... he cant see the chardikalla of khalsa panth .... he wants only pkj to be on top .... he cant see ahead of it ....

making claims on turbans ???? what kind of turbans according to him singhs wear at that time ???? the one most wear today ... u cant fight with such turbans .... u need to role it in hairs to keep it on head in wars .... see the shasters of dumala of baba deep singh kept at akal takth sahib .... just by looking the size of shasters u can guess the size of dummala .....

now baba deep singh wore a dumalla does that make him a non sikh ?????

funny claims but the truth the pagri dastar in sikh panth was only duamla at that time not the patiala shahi turbans .....

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reading on from what i wrote...now I am very confused! I am going to be honest here, why call Dasme pitas maryadha something else, and why split and have differenct sects of Sikhism?

Why cant we all be in the same umbrella called 'Khalsa' and nothing else? Why do we need to complicate things and put the khalsa in different sects?

There should be ONE maryadha which ONLY Guru Gobind Singh intiated, ONLY ONE, not two, not three by anyone else.

If we are confused of our own identity I am afraid Sikhism has gone long time ago just after Guru Ji left for his eternal home. No one knows what to believe and what they should be doing as a Sikh. I am quite strong in my faith, but reading some of the comments on this site has moved me like a pinball.

If there is more than one sect in SIKHISM, only ONE is correct and the others are WRONG! The only one that is correct is the one intiated in year 1699, sorry but this is the truth and that was as ou know it the original 'KHALSA'.

There is no need to be confused. Just keep in mind that we celebrate Baisakhi day as 'Khalsa Sirjana Divas' and not as 'Nihang Sirjana Divas'. The word Nihang exists only on the fringes whereas as the word Khalsa is centre stage in Sikhi.

whats difference between khalsa and nihang according to you ????? the meaning u gave fearless and worrior .... isnt khalsa both .... that makes khalsa nihang ... that makes guru gobind singh ji nihang ... isnt it ?????

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reading on from what i wrote...now I am very confused! I am going to be honest here, why call Dasme pitas maryadha something else, and why split and have differenct sects of Sikhism?

Why cant we all be in the same umbrella called 'Khalsa' and nothing else? Why do we need to complicate things and put the khalsa in different sects?

There should be ONE maryadha which ONLY Guru Gobind Singh intiated, ONLY ONE, not two, not three by anyone else.

If we are confused of our own identity I am afraid Sikhism has gone long time ago just after Guru Ji left for his eternal home. No one knows what to believe and what they should be doing as a Sikh. I am quite strong in my faith, but reading some of the comments on this site has moved me like a pinball.

If there is more than one sect in SIKHISM, only ONE is correct and the others are WRONG! The only one that is correct is the one intiated in year 1699, sorry but this is the truth and that was as ou know it the original 'KHALSA'.

There is no need to be confused. Just keep in mind that we celebrate Baisakhi day as 'Khalsa Sirjana Divas' and not as 'Nihang Sirjana Divas'. The word Nihang exists only on the fringes whereas as the word Khalsa is centre stage in Sikhi.

Thanks so that brings my conclusion that KHALSA is a way of life but people have adopted Nihang state of mind in to a way of living i.e. Bhudda Dal and Tarna Dal to their own accord.

As I understand Nihang is mentioned in Bani as a state of mind of Gursikh, its not a sect or anything like that, but people have just adopted that approach (correct me if I am wrong).

So why are people labelling themselves as Nihang? Why not just plain KHALSA or GURSIKH?

Its like me making another nihang sect and calling it 'MAHA DHI DAL' (lol, bhul chuk maaf on this one)

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'Now we are considered distinct, now they [modern Sikh leaders] preach us to be just Nihangs, Nihangs are these, they do not consider us Sikhs, they say we just move about aimlessly, ask have they done any religious service, work etc. When the whole nation was but Nihangs who else was there to serve? All accept the service of the Khalsa nation but all the sacrifices it [the Akali Nihang Khalsa Panth] has made, they [the mainstream S.G.P.C. Sikhs] have written over and attributed to themselves. No! That Khalsa is us. Yes! That Panth that was first of Singhs was of Nihangs. It was this Nihang Panth, which the Maharaj [Guru Gobind Singh] brought into being. He himself dressed as a Nihang. Nihang is he who on the battlefield fights in the vanguard. Nihangs are not a caste nor are they a distinct sect. Look! They [mainstream S.G.P.C. Sikhs] make us out to be a sect that it is a sect of Nihangs. So thus, oh Khalsa, they label us thieves and bandits. In actuality they consider us as a waste of time. But never mind - as someone acts so he reaps. If they act badly towards us, our Singhs will bear it. If they do good we will do good - if not they will reap what they sow.'

('Prachin Panth Parkash Steek' , by Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh Ji, Pa.118)

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People have issues with the fact that there is in existence a Nihang Rehit, whereas they don’t ask any questions when there are also AKJ, Taksali, Nanaksari, SGPC Rehits!

Nihang Rehit is designed to revolve around the aspect of constant yudh, as the Nihang is a warrior by occupation his whole lifestyle is based upon the meditation on war and weapons. To be a great warrior, you must dedicate your life to being one, hence the reason for having dedicated Nihang warriors.

Even amongst Nihangs, you have different rankings; the Akalis would have been top Bhujangi Warriors, veterans of the battlefield who have fought many wars and survived, as they achieve status of a great warrior they become standard bearers of the Panth, many may retire the battlefield to teach Shastarvidiya to the younger Nihangs, hence the Budha Dal and Tarna Dal.

The Bhujangis – Warriors who are equal to many on the battlefield, who can dispatch of groups of enemies by themselves and lead the other Nihangs into battle. Baba Sukha Singh was one of the most accomplished Bhujangis, stories saying that he could dance through 100 warriors without hitting anyone or being hit.

Nihangs – The standard warrior, does his shastar abhihas but isn’t as greatly skilled as the Bhujangi Singhs.

Singhs – Not part of a Nihang Dal, but comes to war when the time is needed. Possibly leading a grishti life.

As the Nihang Rehit is based around war the rehit includes:

Shikar – Hunting to improve the strategy of the warrior, horse riding skills, accuracy, courage, determination.

Shastarvidiya – To train in the art of war, platha, ayudh, neeti, formation fighting, skirmishes etc.

Shastar Pooja – To worship weapons and to do abhihaas with weapons. The person who doesn’t worship and respect his weapons will never be able to attain victory on the battlefield.

Bir Rassi Bani – To compliment the psychological aspects of war, Bir Rassi Bani is recited and memorised to prepare the warriors for war, to die and to kill others on the battlefield. War is meditated upon constantly to the point where all the warrior visualises is the battlefield in his mind.

Shaant Rassi Bani – To focus the mind of the warrior upon the one pervasive Akaal.

Bana – To be constantly tyar bar tyar for war, sturdy dumala, heavy kamarkasa, being able to use and retain weapons with ease

There are many other things, but the ones above are the main aspects.

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Guest Narinder Singh

I think Jassa has lost his mind! Instead of calmly answering questions and clearing up any confusion youve become hostile, defensive and also a bit insecure, your definately gonna have a hard time convincing anyone like that.

What jatha do i belong to? I DONT BELONG TO ANY JATHA!

And basically what ive understood from your long nagging post is that most nihangs werent in favor of putting up any sort of resistance.

Great, so Sri Darbar Sahib was attacked, Sri Akal Takht was completely destroyed, our mothers, sisters and daughter were raped on the parkarma of Sri Darbar Sahib, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of INNOCENT Sikhs were brutally tortured and killed, yet most nihangs didnt support any sort of resistance? Tell me, when will "guru diyan ladleeyan faujan" put up a defensive then? I would expect the WARRIORS of the panth to be on the front lines in defense of Sri Darbar Sahib and the 37 other gurdwareh that were attacked, but they werent.

Most of you Nihangs could learn a thing or two from true Nihangs like Baba Nihal Singh ji or Avtar Singh Ji Brahma who actually FOUGHT and were not posers like most of you.

The world will only respect you for what you DO, not what you say you'll do.


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