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'sikh' Speed Dating?

Sikh Soldier

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I'm just surprised that people jumped on this so much. Personally i would never go speed dating - it just seems a bit contrived but given that some people from Sikh backgrounds find it difficult to find partners I would never knock them for this.

Again, the way some people are going on we may as well ban women and men talking to each other.

If you want an arranged marriage- good for you. If you don't and want to find someone Sikh yourself - good for you.

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i disagree with speed dating.

When was dating in accordance in gurmat?

On akj.org they have a link 'matrimonal submission'- http://akj.org/skins/one/matrimonial.php

Its a fantastic idea, you just fill out your details and wait for a response, much better than dating.

Its better to have your parents involved, and have a marriage arranged properly.

I know you all probably disagree with me, oh well.

vahiguroooooooo pray.gif

Oh ok. Gursikhs in the past never drove cars or ate cakes and biscuits, does that mean we shouldn't now? What is wrong with meeting a prospective Sikh partner and enjoying a meal or something to get an impression of them? That arranged marriage stuff is cultural anyway. What do you expect people who convert to Sikhi to do then? They don't have these traditions of arranged marriages or extended families to fix things. Are they still not Gursikhs? Like I said, don't mix premarital sex with dating.

Plus - Look at what a jaloos Sikh weddings have become now. It is just an opportunity to show everyone how rich you are.

ok fine im sure you are a well learned gursikh and know alot more than me...

However let me just say a few things... how can u compare eating a biscuit or driving a car with dating????!!

wether you like it or not, dating is wrong, becuase the panj piayre said so, and i listen to them rather than you.

there are a number of other ways of gettin a partner other than dating.

<<<<What do you expect people who convert to Sikhi to do then? They don't have these traditions of arranged marriages or extended families to fix things.>>>>

Are you kidding??? Nearly all of my local sangat came from a background where thay had no sangat, but they got strong into their sikhi, took amrit, and left marriage to mahraj, and mahraj found a partner for them.

I dont know what sikh weddings you have been to, but i have attended anand kaarajs where the couple are amritdhari and follow gurmat, and they dont show their riches off.

Im not gonna say anthing else but i know there is sangat out there who agrees with me and wouldnt go dating.

I get your point. Sorry if I came across as pompous. It is true that some SIkhs are deeper into their faith than others.

Still with the bulk of the Punjabis who come from Sikh backgrounds in the west I would still maintain it isn't a bad idea for them to find Sikh partners in any way. These days you have some parents who basically don't want to get too involved because of bad experiences in arranging other marriages in the past. I've met quite a few Sikhs at uni who are in their early twenties who tell me that their parents have left the decision to them.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against arranged marriages, some really successful partnerships have happened in my family from these. But in the end I would leave it down to choice depending on your circumstances.

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40% of marriages in America have ended in divorce, and I'd bet that most of those people didn't have their marriages arranged for 'em. Wish I could get statistics on divorce rates for arranged marriages, but I bet it wouldn't be quite as high...

Thank you.. FACT it is !!!

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Thank you ALL for your points of view and opinions. I have sent the link to this post to my friend and i'll see what he says/thinks. I personally still stick by what i think, that speed dating is wrong and by using the pre-fix 'Sikh' to promote (what I think is) a non-sikh activity is wrong also. Just because its getting harder to find the 'right' partner doesnt mean you have to resort to such anti-sikhi activities. As we all know, in everyones life things get difficult, but its just a test from Waheguru, and to see who stays strong and who resorts to the 'easy (and wrong) way out'

But thanks for your views.

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i disagree with speed dating.

When was dating in accordance in gurmat?

On akj.org they have a link 'matrimonal submission'- http://akj.org/skins/one/matrimonial.php

Its a fantastic idea, you just fill out your details and wait for a response, much better than dating.

Its better to have your parents involved, and have a marriage arranged properly.

I know you all probably disagree with me, oh well.

vahiguroooooooo pray.gif

I think that will only work for akj community while others have to rely on more open based matrimonial website such as Sikhnet one etc..

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I guess whatever way we do it we just have to make sure we get our numbers UP!!!

I can understand everyone's respective opinions here.

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LOL @ stats! :D

Man, arranged marriages are only performed by pindus! These people also believe in "honour killing" and other strange rituals. Also, these people don't believe women have equal rights. If anything, men always have the last word in the house. Remember that women always stick to their men in "pindu" culture no matter what. So to compare arrange marriages to "love" marriages is useless. It is like comparing apples and oranges.

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