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I third that....you lot uk sikhs, neet to get your priorites straight !

taken from mastercard commercial:

hoddie of sant jarnail singh ji bhindranwale/khalistan- 5 quids

hand made taksali kirpan - 30 quids

big titanuim or sarbloh hand made karas- 40-50 quids

new age sikh youth fanatics hating on muslims and hindus and sleeping with BNP and then lol sleeping with pakistani - PRICELESS!! only in UK ..LOL


and yes it is madness siding with people who will obviously just turn and stab you in the back at the first opportunity!!

just like its madness saying that the atrocities of partition are over!! so because people have reached a certain age we should ignore what happened?!

so using your lame theory, all the people who were killed in 1984 or who committted murder in 1984 should be forgiven when they pass their retirement age?! in about another 10 years we should all turn around and say '1984 is done and dusted'?!?!?

your thought process is disgusting, you choose to pick and select history and the murders and deaths of people just to suit your own position! how someone can even compare the acts of the bnp with the creation of pakistan and the deaths of thousands of innocents is beyond me.

im outa this convo, too weird for me man!!

Mr Braincell the war from 1984 is not over Pakistan isnt oppressing Sikhs ,you can;t win this argument so give up

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I would just like to add that many Hindus Belive in and support the Khalistan movement, Most of my hindu friends do...In fact more of my hindu friends support it than my sikh mates :)

A group even came to the Annual Khalistan protests but went home early due to the anti-hindu slogans being shouted :D

Whats your point?Why would Hindus support Khalistan,when they got Hindustan,I believe the slogans were not anit hindu,are you refering to when the sangat was chanting 'Hinduan Nall Nai Rehna Bolo Hinduan Nall Rehna,Khalistan Hai lehna Khalistan Hai lehna ,Hor Zulam nai sehna Sangato Hor Zulam Nai sehna.

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The British National Party (National Front) is a fascist group, and should by no means be trusted by Sikhs, or other ethnic minority communities. No confidence should be placed in their policies. The majority believe if such a party ever did form government, it will guide the country into turmoil. The result of Sikhs in any way supporting the BNP in the long-run will not be fruitful by any means.

:TH: respect.gifd_oh.gif :D

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The BNP isn't a threat like Islam, when's the last time over 50 people were blown up by BNP supporters? Yeah there was this BNP nut a few years ago who blew some pubs up but that was all. Every month there seems to be a new bomb plot by Muslims and with each new plot it is Sikhs who suffer the most. The BNP is just taking the ground that mainstream parties are unwilling to take and that is that Islam is a threat to all non-Muslims. The BNP is more concerned than mainstream parties by the activites of Muslim gangs with white girls as shown by the documentary a few years ago and the recent convictions of Muslim paedophiles.

I don't think the BNP will ever gain power but it is clearing the way for a less fascist party and more centralist party but ones that tells the truth about Islam to come forward. As more and more terror attacks are committed by Muslims then such a party is likely to emerge probably through some charasmatic figure with a high profile and with financial backing from capitalists.

I wonder whether the TUC and Livingstone will ever come around to a "Unite Against Islamofascism" conference!

Fact is this. There are a number of really nasty extreme English people lurking around in the background. Some of us saw these people in the 70s/80s and know what they are about. Younger Sikhs seem naive to these people who have been keeping a low profile for a while. The strategy these people used in the past was as nasty as the street level antiSikh stuff done by Muslims and included murder, violence and intimidation to try and make people leave England or as miserable as hell.

If you watch the youtube I posted with the NF guy, you'll get an idea of the type of animal I'm talking about. These people are just as fanatical and hate filled as Johnny Islamoextremist. I have no doubt they would kill people if they thought they could get away with it.

Problem with the BNP is....if they get in power these other groups will also grow off their backs. Even if the BNP have turned their backs on them now (fact is most prominent BNP guys have a NF background). Although I share serious concerns about problems our people face from extremist Muslims (especially naive girls) how is jumping in with the BNP going to help? The only thing positive I have to say about Nick Griffiths is that he at least differentiates betweens extreme Muslims and Sikhs. But even he would rather we all left!!

The other point that seriously disgusts me is the helplessness and cowardness that is becoming commonplace in SIkhs. Has this come to such a point that we have to get in bed with people who openly hate us and want us out of the country because we are unable to deal with our problems ourselves!!!!

So think real carefully before you support anyone and as someone said earlier I have no doubt that theoretically - if people like the BNP was to get rid of Muslims tomorrow - YOU CAN BET that we will be on the list pretty soon afterwards.

The NF for you:


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Forget khalistan, it always was an unrealistic dream, the people of punjab certainly dont want khalistan, shouldnt sikh groups in the UK focus on agendas which are actually relevent to their community?

People of Punjab were murdered and brutalised into giving up their dream.

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I would just like to add that many Hindus Belive in and support the Khalistan movement, Most of my hindu friends do...In fact more of my hindu friends support it than my sikh mates :)

A group even came to the Annual Khalistan protests but went home early due to the anti-hindu slogans being shouted :D

Wow! Hindus support khalistan? Are these Indian/Punjabi Hindus? I have a hard time believing this.

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It is completely wrong that Hindus support Khalistan.Hindus hate Khalistan.Hindus even hate sikhs. Just use your mind.

Sikhs in Punjab do nat want an oppressor, People don't want Khalistan before 84, But destroying of Akal Takht changed it. So many of great singh have given there life for Khalistan and now it will never be possible for any Gurus Sikh to give this dream.

We can neither trust Hindus nor Muslims, I will say if we joined Pakistan in 47, then we would have fighting with Pakistan govt, and Indian govt providing support and terrorist camps were to be opened in India. It is the strategy of Govt.

Pakistan can never attach khalistan when it is created. because when we will get independence from India, militarily we will become too strong and it would be better option for Pakistan to attack India which would be weakening.

The BNP will first use us against Muslims , then they will change there strategy, anyone should not be amazed that they joined Muslims in future, As it is all politics.

The truth is that we should join these politics, Join them with whom Sikhs get max benifit, It is to outwit other, This is war of strategy, Each one is using other, So the greatness is using others in a mirage of used.

I am not a great strategist but read ART of War, great Book if you can incorporate old text in new meaning.

The truth is that we should also do same, join that group from where we get advantage, sole meaning is to get benefit for sikhi.

The truth is as long as we have belief in our Guru, the dream of our Homeland lives in our Souls like a burning fire.

"Raaj Karega Khalsa | Ake Rahe Na Koi ||

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