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Is It In His Hukam To Lose Faith Too?

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Dear Sangat Jee,

Especially over the past month my faith in guru jee has faded and now it is in decline. When i do amritvela and do paat etc i no longer feel anything, no love, no warm feeling in my stomach, no smile plays across my lips - i have no faith at all. I am really upset and feel i have been cut from Vaaheguroo and don't know what to do. I want to feel the feelings i had before, i want the faith i had before. Whether it is because maya has had a stronger influence or what i really don't know. :);)

Please may you bless this sinner with some knowledge as i would be truly greatful.

Forever your servant, d_oh.gif :WW:

Khalsa123 - Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!

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Sat Sri Akal.

I'm no mahapurush and no human being is.....but what I can say is that We are humans and we are bound to flow with the emotions that we can or cannot control. If you do not feel the love , it does not at all mean that you have lost the faith forever...may be it is temporary phase and the testing time ...i think ur faith and devotion during this time will help you bind a stronger bond with the almighty.

The existence and presence of the almighty is beyond the human understanding....so realize this thought and u might again be awestruck by the almighty's very concept.

Just let this phase pass easily as one bad dream.......it is realy not possible that you show your devotion towards him and he will not re-instill his faith in you.


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To really get that Sikhi flame within you re ignited, read on our Glorious history, the sacrifices of the Shaheeds, listen to Dhadi Vaars,which send a shiver down your spine, look into Gurbani and its meaning, eg : like our National Anthem, and read in between the lines, think why you are on this Earth for without God you would not be here, don't just think of God in the aspect/dimension of Earth ,think of God all around in Space,across the universe ,visualise the Universe - while thinking of God - then see how you feel.

These are just a few suggestions which have worked on friends of mine, at times like your experiencing

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Dear Sangat Jee,

Especially over the past month my faith in guru jee has faded and now it is in decline. When i do amritvela and do paat etc i no longer feel anything, no love, no warm feeling in my stomach, no smile plays across my lips - i have no faith at all. I am really upset and feel i have been cut from Vaaheguroo and don't know what to do. I want to feel the feelings i had before, i want the faith i had before. Whether it is because maya has had a stronger influence or what i really don't know. :umm: :cry:

Please may you bless this sinner with some knowledge as i would be truly greatful.

Forever your servant, :BOW: :WW:

Khalsa123 - Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!

to be honest pajee i been like that for 9+ years, but i think that what seva is, even if i dont get nothing must at least remember vaheguru for the body eh gave me, for the air he gives me, i could be a dog. cat whatever

Also where else can one go anyway? what are the alternatives to trying to be a good servant, alternatives are what alcohol, drugs, partying, i rather do what i do now than those things

and remember carry on and on and on, one day you will be rewarded the longer u have to wait the better it will be once you get that reward, hang in there.

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even though you've lost faith. God continues to give you breaths to live, food to eat, shelter, clothing. etc etc.

that's an awesome deal, ain't it?

how many people do you know, that you would lose faith in, that would continue to support you like that?

my suggestion to you would be to not "do" paath, see it around you.

the shabad isn't words. it is a living truth. when you read gurbaani try to see it around you. when you read the "aarti shabad"(there are a few "aarti" shabads also by bhagats in SGGS ji), next time look at the trees around you, feel the breeze in the air, look at the flowers, and see the aarti being performed around you and not just reading it.

i actually had this experience the other week while driving to work. I never noticed the beautiful trees swaying in the wind, the bushes, the flowers, the blue sky, doing chaur of akaal purakh and the thaal with jewels in the sky, the stars the sun, the moon, look around you, man its amazing, what man can create something this grand?


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even though you've lost faith. God continues to give you breaths to live, food to eat, shelter, clothing. etc etc.

that's an awesome deal, ain't it?

how many people do you know, that you would lose faith in, that would continue to support you like that?

my suggestion to you would be to not "do" paath, see it around you.

the shabad isn't words. it is a living truth. when you read gurbaani try to see it around you. when you read the "aarti shabad"(there are a few "aarti" shabads also by bhagats in SGGS ji), next time look at the trees around you, feel the breeze in the air, look at the flowers, and see the aarti being performed around you and not just reading it.

i actually had this experience the other week while driving to work. I never noticed the beautiful trees swaying in the wind, the bushes, the flowers, the blue sky, doing chaur of akaal purakh and the thaal with jewels in the sky, the stars the sun, the moon, look around you, man its amazing, what man can create something this grand?


Vaaheguroo Vaaheguroo Vaaheguroo Vaaheguroo Vaaheguroo

maannaa tu te yaar bahut aggey nang gya

je sammne hunda tere pairi haath laa shaddne si

:WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: (chal hunn es naal kam chala)

but seriously veeray, that was super deep stuff!!!! d_oh.gifd_oh.gifd_oh.gifd_oh.gifd_oh.gif

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Bhuddists say that you cannot achieve Nirvana by TRYING to reach Nirvana. You just do your duties and prayers, and it will find you.

That is faith. So don't try tricks to regain your faith, just keep doing sewa and naam jaaping, and one day, if you're lucky, you may find the path. You really have nothing to lose.

Just do what you know is right, and don't use your loss of faith as an excuse to do what you know is wrong.

Simple advice.

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Agree with MiriPiri, lose the icha and desires to be "chardikala", walk in the hukam of the guru and everything comes when he wills it. The more you desire something the further you become from it.

Just keep in mind the emotions that rob you of your sanctity (the thieves) and avoid or control them as much as possible.

P.S. I'm rubbish myself, but I can give good advice, so forgive my hypocricy!

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