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Jonathan Kay On Ontario Khalsa Darbar, Radical Sikh Separatism, And The Mcguinty Government's $250k Gift


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One thing I don't agree with and think is against Maharaj Ji's teachings is accepting government (especially lottery) money for Gurudwarae. They should be built only with donations from the Sangat, then you don't have to answer to anyone.

It's strange how media in different parts of the world are starting to report the same type of stories - is someone stepping up their efforts to malign us or am I being paranoid?

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One thing I don't agree with and think is against Maharaj Ji's teachings is accepting government (especially lottery) money for Gurudwarae. They should be built only with donations from the Sangat, then you don't have to answer to anyone.

It's strange how media in different parts of the world are starting to report the same type of stories - is someone stepping up their efforts to malign us or am I being paranoid?

Nah you aint paro is true is a campaign by the Indian Govt,who make an issue of things cos they're scared now,every MAJOR nagar kirtan in the West this year had some sort of Khalistan theme small or large this can be seen across the web from the UK to America this has made the Indian govt more scaredd

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Look at the comments this Hindu guy made "Ron Banerjee" a Modi and RSS loyalist.

Premier McGuinty visited India on a taxpayer funded junket, which focussed on PUNJAB (where Sikhs come from) and PAKISTAN ... two regions which supply lots of immigrants (and terrorists) to Canada. McGuinty went there to curry votes from the Sikh and Muslim communities, camouflaging it as a 'trade mission'. Another multi-million dollar Liberal waste of taxpayer funds.

If Canadians were serious about bizness opportunities in India, we would go to GUJURAT, the most advanced, well-governed, and prosperous region. Not many GUJURATI immigrants here, though: they're so rich they dont need to come to Canada! Sorry, Liberals, no vote-banks...so no trade missions, right??

Ron Banerjee

Director, Hindu Conference of Canada


Khalistan terrorist supporters infesting a National Post blog? The Hindu Conference of Canada represents and supports justice regardless of political affiliation. We hail & support Indira Gandhi's heroic assault on Khalistan terrorists, and the Indian Army's wonderful liberation of the Golden Temple in 1984. Indira and her Congress were always opposed by Modi and the BJP...so sorry, Singh, your spurious allegation that we 'represent' a particular political view or party is false.

We support all anti-terrorist acts, whether it be Indira's Congress govt heroically crushing Sikh terrorism or the Modi administration defeating Muslim terrorists. When the Congress party is correct (as in the 1984 assault on Sikh terrorists), we support Congress; when the BJP takes the correct path, we support them. We are always on the side of justice and righteous conduct, independent of political affiliation.

That's why the Hindu Conference of Canada is the sole Canadian Hindu advocacy...reflecting the moderate mainstream views of Canada.

You should know, Mr Singh, that we support the closing down of Ontario Khalsa Durbar and many other Sikh temples in Canada. And we are lobbying the govt to do just that. Real Canadians will no longer tolerate the presence of these hate factories in our midst for long. The Canadian military will at some point enter this Darbar, just as the Indian Army entered and purified the Golden Temple.

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First of all we need to use the same media tactics to hit back at prats like kim bolan and other indian govt /congress party a$$ lickers. We need to expose their agenda on sites like youtube by constrasting so called Khalistani terrorism with indian state terrorism beacuse at the moment its all one way traffic. When indian farts these western facist right-wing rats (kim bolan, john kay) sniff the air and respond in the favor or the indian govt inline with canadian govt thinking because of strong economic ties, they dont care about the cost of human blood and lives or freedom... all they care about is money, money, money.

They even think having the world "khalistan" on t-shirt is terrorism. If that is the case then lets ban the word tibet from t-shirts. The great "terrorist" and revoltionary george wasington fought a secessionist armed militant campaign to force the british forces out of the land that is known as USA now. So before these fools even think of stopping kids wearing T-shirts bearing the word khalistan on them, the indian govt a$$ lickers should educate themselves on world history and geo-politics.

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Look at the comments this Hindu guy made "Ron Banerjee" a Modi and RSS loyalist.
Premier McGuinty visited India on a taxpayer funded junket, which focussed on PUNJAB (where Sikhs come from) and PAKISTAN ... two regions which supply lots of immigrants (and terrorists) to Canada. McGuinty went there to curry votes from the Sikh and Muslim communities, camouflaging it as a 'trade mission'. Another multi-million dollar Liberal waste of taxpayer funds.

If Canadians were serious about bizness opportunities in India, we would go to GUJURAT, the most advanced, well-governed, and prosperous region. Not many GUJURATI immigrants here, though: they're so rich they dont need to come to Canada! Sorry, Liberals, no vote-banks...so no trade missions, right??

Ron Banerjee

Director, Hindu Conference of Canada


Khalistan terrorist supporters infesting a National Post blog? The Hindu Conference of Canada represents and supports justiceWTF regardless of political affiliation. We hail & support Indira Gandhi's heroic assault on Khalistan terrorists, and the Indian Army's wonderful liberation of the Golden Temple in 1984. Indira and her Congress were always opposed by Modi and the BJP...so sorry, Singh, your spurious allegation that we 'represent' a particular political view or party is false.

We support all anti-terrorist acts, whether it be Indira's Congress govt heroically crushing Sikh terrorism or the Modi administration defeating Muslim terrorists. When the Congress party is correct (as in the 1984 assault on Sikh terrorists), we support Congress; when the BJP takes the correct path, we support them. We are always on the side of justice and righteous conduct, independent of political affiliation.

That's why the Hindu Conference of Canada is the sole Canadian Hindu advocacy...reflecting the moderate mainstream views of Canada.

You should know, Mr Singh, that we support the closing down of Ontario Khalsa Durbar and many other Sikh temples in Canada. And we are lobbying the govt to do just that. Real Canadians will no longer tolerate the presence of these hate factories in our midst for long. The Canadian military will at some point enter this Darbar, just as the Indian Army entered and purified the Golden Temple.

WTH Save this ,this is the kind of stuff,he made a threat to send Canada's Military into our Gurdwareh!!!! I read this somehwere as well can you give me the link lets see wht this Hindu council can do bring it on.

How is Gujarat a peacefull state where thousands of Muslims were killed in a genocide this man needs a good battering

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for all the people who say that yelling khalistan zindabaad in foreign countries does no good, all i gotta say is that, it sure is freaking out a lot of bharat mata fanatics as well as bharat mata herself.

people only react to stuff that threatens them...and support for khalistan by many many NRI sikhs scares the living daylight out of these people.

and since these people are so removed from reality, its gonna freak them out even more, when they start to learn how many sikhs actually do favor a concept of khalistan, and its not a tiny little minority like they keep claiming in the media...


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