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What you said is all pretty much ok, except for calling random girls as prostitutes. You should know that they could be from poor families trying to make a living. Maybe they hate it themselves but do it only to have food on their table.

so according to this prostitution is ok if you are poor?

i doubt it..............maybe you should do research on mehtab singh and see what he fought against.

plus i wasn't calling random girls prosititutes......................being a prostitute is one thing, but looking like one is another.

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so according to this prostitution is ok if you are poor?

i doubt it..............maybe you should do research on mehtab singh and see what he fought against.

plus i wasn't calling random girls prosititutes......................being a prostitute is one thing, but looking like one is another.

First of all, they are not working as prostitutes. I never said I agree with what they are doing, its just that calling someone a prostitute when they are not one is what I spoke against. And yes I am aware of what Shaheed Sardar Mehtab Singh Mirankot fought against. You said they look like prostitutes, well, I wouldn't know because I never saw or met one.
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i don't understand...

i live in a area where i'm the only singh for miles (literally last time i seen a singh was 2 months ago)..if hadn't been for this movie...i still walk the streets with ppl eyeballing me as a terrorist...now i walk down the streets as if i'm a superstar...people shaking my hand going Singh is King...

live a little guys...in the end its a movie in the era of kaljug...bani parro...maharaj tho kushya leo..

this movie has probably done more good than bad....whats wrong with it?....do you see sikhs walking your toronto, vanocuver, uk streets....you see buncha wannabe sikhs...cut hair..act as if they are sikhs....so what ..this movie just puts everything in perspective i guess of what sikhs of today look and act like....

have any of you gone out and blantly started yelling at someone who claimed to be a sikh (be it because they had cut hair or for whatever reason)...then why yell at a movie that will not be stopped since their isn't sufficient evidence that this movie defames the faith

its a movie....movies are based upon fiction or non-fiction at times real events are construed in order to make profit.

I don't understand why everyone well the select few sikhs are getting adjetated about this. Have they done beadbi as to do harm to guru sahib?...have their hurt the panth...if so....answer this....has not the leaders of the panth already doing enough to dismantle the panth itself? if the panth was so insecure about what others think...then why doesn't the sikh nation make a mainstream film? ....

don't put blame to a movie on our own shortcomings...

why was this movie made?....had the sikhs actaully looked and practiced the teachings of guru sahib....this movie would have been different of course....but the majoirty of so called sikhs don't even look like sikhs....10% of the 'sikh' population are amrtidhari....

what do you expect?

enjoy...we can only expect to live for about 100 years...god willing....enjoy it...people are not that dumb to base this movie entirely on the sikh religion.

just some food for thought...

waheguru da nam japo !!...

pray for me as i pray for you my friends

wjkk wjkf

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has not the leaders of the panth already doing enough to dismantle the panth itself? if the panth was so insecure about what others think...then why doesn't the sikh nation make a mainstream film? ....

don't put blame to a movie on our own shortcomings...

why was this movie made?....had the sikhs actaully looked and practiced the teachings of guru sahib....this movie would have been different of course....but the majoirty of so called sikhs don't even look like sikhs....10% of the 'sikh' population are amrtidhari....

what do you expect?


we can only expect to live for about 100 years...god willing....enjoy it...
I beg to differ. Sikhs are here to stay :1singh1:
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may i remind everyone that this movie is not religious reconstruction, its merely a comedy!!

ohhh its merely a comedy making fun of Sikhi and Singhs??????? ohhhhh thats it then????????? :rolleyes:

people are not that dumb to base this movie entirely on the sikh religion.

Why even add it in there???????? an agenda????????????????

Make a hindu movie that is a comedy about hindu or bollycrrap, Sikhi has zero to do with their laughable comedies.

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OK so on one side you have an arguably insensitive portrayal of Sikhs in a bollywoood movie – nothing new. On the other hand we have Sikhs outraged with their swords unsheathed, ripping up posters of the film – all this just to find themselves locked up in a local police station, suffering from a concussion or two, but with no disruption to the film being shown as scheduled.

Now at surface value one would presume the cause of all this undue mess is the movie itself. But with careful thought it is not difficult to realise that the real cause of Sikhs being miss represented are the Sikhs themselves. If we’re going to behave like clowns and have pictures depicting our foolishness plastered all across newspapers then we really cant blame bollywood for portraying us they way they do. Those shown protesting really have no leg to stand on. Retaliation will only intensify the situation in future. The real solution is a long-term strategy to introduce more and more real representative Sikhs in all aspects of international media – this includes news, soaps, documentaries, journalism, bollywood/hollywood (of course!) and etc. And let’s not forget sports and politics! Anything that’s gets real Sikhs noticed in the public eye is good. I know its an uphill struggle for Sikhs to acquire such positions but that is why it will take time and you can already see the growing number of sikh faces you find in media today e.g. hardeep singh kohli, monty panesar and etc. The least we can do is encourage this trend rather than applying brakes to what seems to be the solution to our own predicament for the time being.

I hope one day people can recognise the real ‘pindus’ they have becomes from all this. In a way I think we’re getting just what we’re asking for.

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