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Sex And Sleeping With Kirpan

Guest Ik Guru da Sikh

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To the thread starter,

The system that works for you and whoever you choose to have sex will be based on trial and error until you have found a method that works best for you and your partner.

There is no rigid manual detailing step by step actions in preparedness for the act of having sex while keeping rehat of 5 Kakkars all the time, but only mere suggestions from those that know what they are on about to those that don't have a clue in the slightest.


1). Your Kachera must never be taken off past your ankles (it should be in contact with at least one leg at all times). If it does you have to see Panj Pyare and explain why your Kachera left your body.

*Please see Rehat Maryada (Taksaal) availalble here - Five Kakkar's section - Kachera*

2). Your Kirpan also must not leave your body at any time - also in either having sex or just sleeping.

*Please see Rehat Maryada (Taksaal) availalble here - Five Kakkar's section - Kirpan*

Ppl may mention/suggest that there is no difference between situations like this and flying on a plane. The difference is in that the choice to be made is out of our hands if we actually want to fly. We have to respect the law/aviation authority in their choice and make concessions to be able to do this - some see this as betrayal, thus they won't eat during their flight and do so much extra paath and do ardas for forgivness.

"If the Kangha, Kara or Kirpan are separated from your body, you are forbidden to eat or

drink until they are replaced. Upon the replacement of your missing Kakkar, Japjee Sahib

is to be recited and an Ardas must be performed for the seperation and to beg for

forgiveness. The Ardas may be performed either in a Gurdwara or the place where you

are replacing your Kakkar. Having done this, you may eat and drink." - from Rehat Maryada mentioned above.

Sadly others just see removing Kakkar's as simply being practical.

While in your situation there doesn't have to be any concessions for this action. Thus it comes purely down to personal choice. So being practical here would mean that one has already come to the conclusion that it is not a betrayal to SatGuru Ji. If you chose to remove your Sri Sahib for your own convenience through your own choice, what you are doing is simply wrong. You are therefore doing it just for the end result and not the bigger picture. Same as removing Sri Sahib just to go on the london eye or go clubbing.

There are a number of ways to secure your Sri Sahib to your body so it remains as an Ang. As previously mentioned as part of your dastar/keski, you can have it in a holster type setup still in the gatra, or you can tie it in a kamarkasar (still in the gatra) with the handle of the Sri Sahib showing. Then you can tie this kamarkaar diagnoally or in any other way across your body and will be able to adjust it to a more convenient place on your body when the need arises without having to touch the Sri Sahib directly - thus maintaing a degree of Suucham and practicality at the same time.

And also if your having sex not merely for pleasure's sake but for pro-creation reasons, it may be worthwhile to do some paath followed by ardas asking for blessings and that you may never forget the all important Naam before. If it is purely for pleasures sake (SatGuru Ji is Antarjame and knows you better than you know yourself so no fooling Maharaj here), you may also want to do ardas so that one does not become even more consumed by kaam and instead be allowed to focus that spent mental energy on Naam in the future.

Don't know who said but is was someone here on SS, they said something like this 'where there is Kaam, there is no Naam' :lol:

Also apologies if daas keeps on mentioning the person 'your having sex with'. It is not to cause offence to you, but due to the fact you have not mentioned if its your wife, partner or whatever. Not that you have to to me or on account of me saying this.

Rabh Rakha

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Guest _singh_

waheguru je ka khalsa waheguru je ke fateh

having thought about it would it not be a sensible idea wrapping your kirpan + gatra around your keski as you would when your going to bathe

Waheguru je ka khalsa waheguru je ke fateh

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Mod Note: This topic has been cleaned up simply for the irrelevent and often cruel and unkind replies. 1. The responses should be coming from amritdharis who are experienced in this field. 2. If you are not, then you are simply voicing your opinion based on a belief system that is not actually your own. 3. this has the potential of being a informative and practical topic, please do not spoil it with childish and immature responses. :) This topic is being moderated

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