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What Do I Do?!!!


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I don't know if i should post it here, but just like to share it with you guys what i just read on Sikhnet Youth Forum:



Just wanted to know what I should do!! K!! I am 17 yrs. old, and I dont know if i am pregnant!! I was really really messed up and I didnt mean to get that messed up, but things just got out of hand!! And the guy who is know my frend, I have known him for about 3 days know and he is 22!! yea I know!! tell me bout it!! But what am I suppose to do if I dont want him to go to jail!! What if I am pregnant with his kid!! oh know!! What should I do?!!

Thank you!!


Start by getting a pregnancy test. Clinics that do these tests usually have counselors to talk to you about your options. If you are pregnant, they can help you decide what is best for you. You do have options. Keep us posted. Blessings. GTKK


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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

That's harsh. That is why we gotta learn self-control... I guess you have to make the best of a bad situation.

And the guy isn't going to jail... the legal limit for sex is 14, so there isn't a problem there. Hopefully the guy will put up some $$ for the raising of the kid. :umm:

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Guest SikhForLife

this girl is real stupid.. i smell another fake post on sikhnet.. notice the systematic !! use.

the guy wouldnt go to jail first of all.. shes 17.. depending on what state she lives she basically is an adult.. she cant file any charges.. and she is repsonsible for her act..

i dont feel bad for her..

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Its really really hard to trust someone these days... its not written on their forehead kinni vaari mooh kala keeta ehna ne... its really sad, depressing, and heartbreaking... only a guy can feel if he finds out his wife has done such a dirty thing before marriage, and only a girl can understand how heartbreaking and shocking it is if she finds out her husband had been doing these things before marriage... when these things take place in pinds in punjab, it becomes life and death issue, but majority of the people here in western coutries are soooooooo shameless (besharam) :umm::(:D:(:(:(:wub::(:D:(

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Regardless of whether the SNYF post is legit or not, it should be noted that in most jurisdictions in the United States, having intimate relations with a person under the age of 18 is considered statutory rape.

Prosecutors have the authority to press charges against the adult (18+) in this type of situation. This is true even if the underage person consented. So the guy here most likely would face jail time if there is evidence to show that he did in fact engage in such relations (i.e. if DNA match proves he is the father, that's pretty much all they need).

Now, whether a District Attorney would actually prosecute is another story. It all depends on the circumstances in each case.


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Guest balwinderkaur

this post sounds fake to me cuz it sounds pretty absurd......but if its real...then sympathies to the girl if she was drugged before being "raped" or whatever......but if she's loose then good luck to her then.

thazz why guru sahib always says keep in control. :umm: what a wise guru sahib we have. :D

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Guest SikhForLife

cali khalsa..

actually its not a national law.. its different for every state.. for example NJ law is:

Age of consent and statutory provisions prohibiting relationships between minors and adults: 16

First-degree assault if actor has intercourse with victim <13;

second degree if contact with victim <13 and actor is four or more years older or intercourse with victim aged 13-15 and actor is four or more years older


however.. since she claims to be 17 regardless of if the law states 18.. its merely an age deemed "adult" she can be in that catagory if other factors match the 18+ criteria. like we hear on TV.. "he/she will be tried as an adult"

but i dont think she has a case.. unless she reported the incident right away and took some actions

fyi : hawaii law states

Hawaii First-degree <admin-profanity filter activated> assault if actor knowingly has sex with victim <14; third degree if <admin-profanity filter activated> contact is with victim <14.

14 is too young.. they shud ammend that law to 17

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