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A Question About Skirts/dresses

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My Sis Harsimran,

Well I wonder what all you are thinking and how you take the things. STOP thinking going 300 years back. Put your self down from horse its 2009 sis, Think how a girl should think in this era. Khalsa was made with the things (5K's) according to the necessities or requirement of that time.

Now grow up and respect sikhi from heart and don't think like Muslamaans (sorry to say). Live the LIFE Harsimran... becoz its actually only ONE.


This doesnt make sense.

Khalsa is eternal, the people change but Sikhi dont. How can a woman defend if she is constantly thinking of her skirt revealing what she should coverup??? Just a gust of wind can disrupt her thinking and make her more worried about keeping her skirt from blowing around and revealing again what "should" be covered up. Wearing a skirt just means she wants to show off to guys, it has nothing to do with anything else.

Some people that claim to be "sikhs" a very very stupid. My dad isnt even a Sikh and told me yesterday he got mad when he went to the state fair and saw an <banned word filter activated> with a patka and beard drinking a beer and thinking he was all "kewl". My dad who isnt even a Sikh got offended, but some Sikhs still think they are Sikhs because of the "claim".

No true SIKH woman will wear a skirt period(the rest can just complain)

Well Keerpa come at TODAY leave the past... You guys are still thinking we sikhs are YODHA (warrior) [How can a woman defend if she is constantly thinking of her skirt ] Come on man defend from whom... We are not in JUNGLE and we are not on our horses and fighting with Mugals. Some one has tried to wash your brain... Khalsa was requirement to that perticular time (Guru Gobind Singh Ji's) but not Its no more required to be keeping long kirpans and walking in a mall.

Well If that guy [yesterday he got mad when he went to the state fair and saw an <banned word filter activated> with a patka and beard drinking a beer and thinking he was all "kewl"]

He is also belongs to this WORLD only and moreover he is young then why not he enjoy his life.... just becoz he borned in Sikh family... And BTW SIKHS and not only people who are close to GOD or I must say are superior... We (sikhs) should not have that superiorty complex in us.

Wear Skirtis not an offenc moreover she is not going to ride Horse or going to have fight with any Babar or Aurangjeb. Come out of PAST buddy. We should live in today (I am not saying we should follow Western culture or do indecent activities.)

Have you notice I called her SISTER. and how can one suggest his sis anything wrong.

God Bless You.


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My Sis Harsimran,

Well I wonder what all you are thinking and how you take the things. STOP thinking going 300 years back. Put your self down from horse its 2009 sis, Think how a girl should think in this era. Khalsa was made with the things (5K's) according to the necessities or requirement of that time.

Now grow up and respect sikhi from heart and don't think like Muslamaans (sorry to say). Live the LIFE Harsimran... becoz its actually only ONE.


This doesnt make sense.

Khalsa is eternal, the people change but Sikhi dont. How can a woman defend if she is constantly thinking of her skirt revealing what she should coverup??? Just a gust of wind can disrupt her thinking and make her more worried about keeping her skirt from blowing around and revealing again what "should" be covered up. Wearing a skirt just means she wants to show off to guys, it has nothing to do with anything else.

Some people that claim to be "sikhs" a very very stupid. My dad isnt even a Sikh and told me yesterday he got mad when he went to the state fair and saw an <banned word filter activated> with a patka and beard drinking a beer and thinking he was all "kewl". My dad who isnt even a Sikh got offended, but some Sikhs still think they are Sikhs because of the "claim".

No true SIKH woman will wear a skirt period(the rest can just complain)

Well Keerpa come at TODAY leave the past... You guys are still thinking we sikhs are YODHA (warrior) [How can a woman defend if she is constantly thinking of her skirt ] Come on man defend from whom... We are not in JUNGLE and we are not on our horses and fighting with Mugals. Some one has tried to wash your brain... Khalsa was requirement to that perticular time (Guru Gobind Singh Ji's) but not Its no more required to be keeping long kirpans and walking in a mall.

Well If that guy [yesterday he got mad when he went to the state fair and saw an <banned word filter activated> with a patka and beard drinking a beer and thinking he was all "kewl"]

He is also belongs to this WORLD only and moreover he is young then why not he enjoy his life.... just becoz he borned in Sikh family... And BTW SIKHS and not only people who are close to GOD or I must say are superior... We (sikhs) should not have that superiorty complex in us.

Wear Skirtis not an offenc moreover she is not going to ride Horse or going to have fight with any Babar or Aurangjeb. Come out of PAST buddy. We should live in today (I am not saying we should follow Western culture or do indecent activities.)

Have you notice I called her SISTER. and how can one suggest his sis anything wrong.

God Bless You.


Here's a question for the moderate and with time fellow. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh or should I say YO homie SUpp like you said gotta be with the time right!

Alrite has the kachera gone out of style?

What about the Kara? I think the new Kara is a gold or diamond chain around the neck with a khanda and a Lil Jon hat on the head. ANd don't forget gotta keep the swagger so tilt that hat, just a lil bit.

And the Hair on your body is this fad; not in anymore?

What about the comb do you use a straigthener now?

Trust me I tired being serious with you, but when someone says Khalsa Panth is out of style, then they need some laugher to bring them back to reality.

Here a fun fact for the moderate and hip YoungSikh. If you are in the range of 22 feet when someone is hold a gun at you. The person can attack the person who has the gun and not even get shot. But since your young I wouldn't try it. You need skill like the Khalsa has to pull this stuff off. But like you said Khalsa is outdatedlaugh.gif

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Ok, first of all, don't take this thread too seriously.. smile.gif

I'm just wondering if Kaurs can wear skirts (i don't mean miniskirts but something of an appropriate length) or dresses. The only times i've seen sikh women wearing skirt (or lengha or whatever) is in some wedding pictures. Is there some unspoken rule that prohibits wearing skirts? And that we should only wear pants? Would wearing a skirt be seen as something un-sikh? Is there some history behind it?

I was thinking that it might partly be because Kaurs are supposed to be warriors and it would be difficult to fight and ride a horse in a skirt. I've also heard at least sarees being clearly condemned because it's a hindu dress.

Anyway, looking forward to answers.

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki Fateh!

My Sis Harsimran,

Well I wonder what all you are thinking and how you take the things. STOP thinking going 300 years back. Put your self down from horse its 2009 sis, Think how a girl should think in this era. Khalsa was made with the things (5K's) according to the necessities or requirement of that time.

Now grow up and respect sikhi from heart and don't think like Muslamaans (sorry to say). Live the LIFE Harsimran... becoz its actually only ONE.


No brother in their right mind would tell their sister it's okay to wear a skirt. A skirt is an inivatation for moraakh behaviour. God didn't create this body to be fashioned off its to be respected and hold some dignity for Godsake.

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Well Keerpa come at TODAY leave the past... You guys are still thinking we sikhs are YODHA (warrior) [How can a woman defend if she is constantly thinking of her skirt ] Come on man defend from whom... We are not in JUNGLE and we are not on our horses and fighting with Mugals. Some one has tried to wash your brain... Khalsa was requirement to that perticular time (Guru Gobind Singh Ji's) but not Its no more required to be keeping long kirpans and walking in a mall.

Tell this to the GuruPanth????? You say your brand new made up way is the right way while people that live the tradition since Guru Gobind Singh are wrong????????

People like you follow trends that ever change so your style now will be completely different in five or ten years then you have to rewrite your manmat rehat etc.

Not all Sikhs lived in the Jungle, you read or was told like 13 seconds of history and claim to now an iota of Sikhi. Its not required for any moorakh claimed Sikh to wear a kirpan a turban anything. Are Turbans outdated because ya got yer brand new hat on. Back wen I was a kid you were a nerd for not bending the bill to make the sides an shade for playing sports, now a daze its kewl to wear a hat thats two sizes too big and leave the tag on to show off :rolleyes: . Wen I was a kid people wore their pants on their waist and not at theyre thighs. Wen I was a kid not talking correct meant you were stupid now you got panjabis thinking they are black calling eachother nikka and act like ebonics is a language to need to learn etc. People that are kewl today will see their picture in ten years and then will be called a nerd for following the stupid fad that was sooo ten years ago.

Well If that guy [yesterday he got mad when he went to the state fair and saw an <banned word filter activated> with a patka and beard drinking a beer and thinking he was all "kewl"]

He is also belongs to this WORLD only and moreover he is young then why not he enjoy his life.... just becoz he borned in Sikh family... And BTW SIKHS and not only people who are close to GOD or I must say are superior... We (sikhs) should not have that superiorty complex in us.

you are correct he does belong to maya, maya has him in a downward spiral. He does belong to the world and will rotate with the earth for eternity probably, its ok trade poison for nectar and see watcha get in the end.

SIkhs arent the only ones close to God but those that drink are not close to god they are close to a beer mug or tiny cup of liqour rather than the essence of wat gave them life.

people like you are atheist or agnostic, why? because you have no sence of reality within Sikhi, you dont read Gurbani and waste your life in a gamble. Do I lose that you derelict Sikhi??? (NO) do you (YES) You always looking of a new way to gain maya, plain and simple.

People that dont follow Sikhi and still claim to be Sikhs are the ones who are superior they have this hidden knowledge of maya that shades their view and they think they have this personal relationship with the truth when each moorukh has their own way of retardation which goes to show their way is as lame as how they think.

Do yourself a favor and give up religion itself because you end up wasting your life pretending to be religious.

Wear Skirtis not an offenc moreover she is not going to ride Horse or going to have fight with any Babar or Aurangjeb. Come out of PAST buddy. We should live in today (I am not saying we should follow Western culture or do indecent activities.)

Is the wind in the past????? IS sitting in a chair and having perverts doing what they can to look up her skirt is in the past??????????????? :rolleyes:

Can she ride (lets say) a bike with a skirt????? Can she walk on a see thru platform above people????????? is this in the past or are steel platform/catwalks in the past??? Is a skirt wearer able to run??????????? can she jump???????????? A skirt makes you not able to do anything but walk. Wat happens if a huge gust of wind is blowing will she be able not not be stared at wen all the perverts are around her staring?????????

Lame excuses of why you lilke to see girls in skirts. You encourage manmat moorakh people to be even more foolish, good job that gets written down on your karma list too but wait karma is outdated too ????????

No need to be religious cause science says its outdated right????? but then science is mostly in religious respsects just considered "educated guesses" do they have actuall proof of how the creation was made???? no just an "educated guess" add a good word in front of a guess and it still equals a guess.

Idiots going to the Gurdwara with their manmat is outdated and them not going is benefitial to all those who go for understanding Sikhi while the others can sit at home drinking in their skirts flirting with perverted guys that seem gq cause of there woman like qualities they claim as macho. :6

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cartoon16.jpgPICTURE CAPTION: Fashion has become such a dominating force in modern society that it has eroded the principles of Humility and Simplicity enshrined in Sikhism. Not only the young, even the elderly people have fallen to its bewitching charms thereby forgetting the ethics of Sikhism.

It is a very common sight to see young girls wearing short and revealing dresses even while paying obeisance in the Gurudwaras. It seems that they come to the Gurudwara not for seeking the blessings of WaheGuru but to parade themselves.

Surely their parents, especially their mothers, can advise them to wear the appropriate clothes at least while visiting their Guru? It seems the parents too have forgotten Sikhism and embraced fashion.

Where is Sikhi going? "

Some ppl think its being kaurageous if they wear whatever they want" fearlessly"

NO it is not acceptable, wearing such manmat fashionable tight showy clothes leads to LUst,

Dont believe me ok, but if ur wearing a low neck shirt its not the other persons fault your causing for their eyes to drop,

Theres a video its really educational!

EVeryone watch it!

1,2,3, GO

This is embarassing im going to go hide and cry endlessly


baabaa hor painan khusee khuaar ||

O Baba, the pleasures of other clothes are false.

jith paidhhai than peerreeai man mehi chalehi vikaar ||1|| rehaao ||

Wearing them, the body is ruined and pained, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind.(the 5 thieves will attack you ||1||Pause||

But y would sumone wear a skirt,

its fashion, it look good, attention, ??

If i were to wear a skirt id have this feeling of being young beautiful hot and id notice the other sex giving me attention as i desperately work for it,,

so y?

what a waste of time

Feeling Hot and looking good isnt the meaning of this life,

If we dress humble the way we would dress in front of our Guru Sahib maybe that humbleness will come into our heart,

Fashion is Fire,

You go to a wedding see sumone decked out it starts an uneasy desire inside of you that I want A decked out Suit thats better or is the latest fashion,]


What will we say when Dharam Raja asks us What have you done,

23094907402704878 hours shopping

3209403298409832094809328094809382098430982 dollors wasted

921893849380329840983240938098 hours of looking at fashion


Check out these CARTOONS !!

AKho Satnaaam Sri Waheguruu!

good post.

One should realise Gurdwara Sahib is the Sacha Darbar of Satguru Nanak Sahib Jee and therefore present themselfs with the utmost humility before Dhan Dhan Satguru Granth Sahib Jee. Dress as you would dress to meet the Beloved Satguru.

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Tell this to the GuruPanth????? You say your brand new made up way is the right way while people that live the tradition since Guru Gobind Singh are wrong????????

People like you follow trends that ever change so your style now will be completely different in five or ten years then you have to rewrite your manmat rehat etc.

Not all Sikhs lived in the Jungle, you read or was told like 13 seconds of history and claim to now an iota of Sikhi. Its not required for any moorakh claimed Sikh to wear a kirpan a turban anything. Are Turbans outdated because ya got yer brand new hat on. Back wen I was a kid you were a nerd for not bending the bill to make the sides an shade for playing sports, now a daze its kewl to wear a hat thats two sizes too big and leave the tag on to show off rolleyes.gif . Wen I was a kid people wore their pants on their waist and not at theyre thighs. Wen I was a kid not talking correct meant you were stupid now you got panjabis thinking they are black calling eachother nikka and act like ebonics is a language to need to learn etc. People that are kewl today will see their picture in ten years and then will be called a nerd for following the stupid fad that was sooo ten years ago.

Well If that guy [yesterday he got mad when he went to the state fair and saw an <banned word filter activated> with a patka and beard drinking a beer and thinking he was all "kewl"]

He is also belongs to this WORLD only and moreover he is young then why not he enjoy his life.... just becoz he borned in Sikh family... And BTW SIKHS and not only people who are close to GOD or I must say are superior... We (sikhs) should not have that superiorty complex in us.

you are correct he does belong to maya, maya has him in a downward spiral. He does belong to the world and will rotate with the earth for eternity probably, its ok trade poison for nectar and see watcha get in the end.

SIkhs arent the only ones close to God but those that drink are not close to god they are close to a beer mug or tiny cup of liqour rather than the essence of wat gave them life.

people like you are atheist or agnostic, why? because you have no sence of reality within Sikhi, you dont read Gurbani and waste your life in a gamble. Do I lose that you derelict Sikhi??? (NO) do you (YES) You always looking of a new way to gain maya, plain and simple.

People that dont follow Sikhi and still claim to be Sikhs are the ones who are superior they have this hidden knowledge of maya that shades their view and they think they have this personal relationship with the truth when each moorukh has their own way of retardation which goes to show their way is as lame as how they think.

Do yourself a favor and give up religion itself because you end up wasting your life pretending to be religious.

Wear Skirtis not an offenc moreover she is not going to ride Horse or going to have fight with any Babar or Aurangjeb. Come out of PAST buddy. We should live in today (I am not saying we should follow Western culture or do indecent activities.)

Is the wind in the past????? IS sitting in a chair and having perverts doing what they can to look up her skirt is in the past??????????????? rolleyes.gif

Can she ride (lets say) a bike with a skirt????? Can she walk on a see thru platform above people????????? is this in the past or are steel platform/catwalks in the past??? Is a skirt wearer able to run??????????? can she jump???????????? A skirt makes you not able to do anything but walk. Wat happens if a huge gust of wind is blowing will she be able not not be stared at wen all the perverts are around her staring?????????

Lame excuses of why you lilke to see girls in skirts. You encourage manmat moorakh people to be even more foolish, good job that gets written down on your karma list too but wait karma is outdated too ????????

No need to be religious cause science says its outdated right????? but then science is mostly in religious respsects just considered "educated guesses" do they have actuall proof of how the creation was made???? no just an "educated guess" add a good word in front of a guess and it still equals a guess.

Idiots going to the Gurdwara with their manmat is outdated and them not going is benefitial to all those who go for understanding Sikhi while the others can sit at home drinking in their skirts flirting with perverted guys that seem gq cause of there woman like qualities they claim as macho. blink.gif

Is the wind in the past????? IS sitting in a chair and having perverts doing what they can to look up her skirt is in the past??????????????? rolleyes.gif

Can she ride (lets say) a bike with a skirt????? Can she walk on a see thru platform above people????????? is this in the past or are steel platform/catwalks in the past??? Is a skirt wearer able to run??????????? can she jump???????????? A skirt makes you not able to do anything but walk. Wat happens if a huge gust of wind is blowing will she be able not not be stared at wen all the perverts are around her staring?????????

So man thats the way you think... I mean its clear now how you see girls... I mean WIND, SITTING ON CHAIR, BIKE WITH SKIRT, WALKING ON PLATFOARM ABOVE PEOPL.. WOW , JUMP, AND MOREOVER if a huge gust of wind is blowing will she be able not not be stared at wen all the perverts are around her staring????????... NOT SHE WILL NOT PREVENT BECOZ YOU WOULD BE THERE... Man you are so naughty... How you think buddy... If you think in that deatail then I am sorry to say you are fully indulge in S*X and pretending to be stay away from kaam karodh moh lobh and stuff like that... Well You and other persons you are reply or reacting to my post all are in anger becoz they use hell a word MOORAKH (including you) for me, that is a sigh of EGO and huama.. you read Gurbani and you started thing your self MAHA GAYANI and assumed the rest of whole human's species is MOORAKH.

Well I like the way you assume girls ... sitting...wind... platfoarm.... wow such a younh thought man.... Now I must say YES Girls should not wear Skirts becoz.. who knows guys like you are staring are finding all possibilities of see thru.

God Bless You (Akalmando)


Moorkh (I like that name)

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YoungSikh what are you saying?That the 5k's are not needed?'

''Khalsa was made with the things (5K's) according to the necessities or requirement of that time.'''

Ok could you explain why its necessary (NOW , TODAY, IN 2009).

And your signature written as "never forget 1984..." The person who is responsible for that 1984 thing was also a man wth 5K's (yours own Sant JSB)

I need explaination of need of 5K's... If you have really knowleage or any one else who is reading this will reply me.


A Moorakh (I really like this name)

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