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Khalistan Is Unjust


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"I am one of them people who visits india every year i spend a hell of a lot of time there and i have not seen any of this, dont believe it, its nonsense. Most of the people i have spoken too and i make a poiunt of speaking to [people about this issue say the same thing bhindranwale was bad and not good."

^ Read this then fella. Support for Bhindrawale and/or a Sikh homeland is so strong now in the Sikh heartlands of rural Punjab that even one of your official Indian mouthpieces couldn't ignore it any longer....(although its given the story a bit of an Indian spin to it)


As for the initial discussion ; Ashoka ? Gupta ? How far back are we going here? Why don't we just go back to the time of the scythians and declare that we are part of Iran.rolleyes.gif

Fact is.........Before the British, after the second Anglo-Sikh war, incorporated us into British India, we (Punjab) were a totally seperate independant Sikh kingdom with nothing to do with hindustan.

p.s With Manni007's constant posts about big bad evil muslims/pakistanis and now his declared love for India....who else here believes he is in fact a hindu pretending to be a sikh on this forum? wink.gif

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how can you say khalistan is unjust, when it hasn't even been created yet - and you don't know what it means or what exactly it will be like


Was the rule of maharaja ranjit singh unjust - that was khalsa raj, a united and inclusive raj.

also if you don't believe in it then you won't agree with it. But if khalistan is created, and if it is say deemed the land of the pure and free exclusively, how can you call it unjust. Where caste and creed would not exist, as it is only within the khalsa that such things are destroyed, if you're not an amritdhari sikh then you are seen as being part of a certain jaat or culture - not a discrimination, just a fact.

However, whatever your background, if you become amritdhari, it goes out the window and there is equality.

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Singh n ting, u obviuosly haven't been followin my posts. Yes wen I first came to this forum I was anti muslim but over da last 6 weeks after pming wiv good peeps on da site and at gurdwara, I realised not all muslims are bad and my attitude 2 everything has changed. My posts ova da last few weeks hav been mainly bout anger, ego, hate, pride and attachement ruining lives and spiritual betterment. I am tryin to walk in the path of our gurus, and if my post in this thread offends u, bhul chuk maafe. Read my threads and post in the inspiratio section, it mite help u 2

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Also when i said respect before 1984 i meant the common man had respect for anyone in a turban but after it all changed they were seen as terrorists and evil doers and guess whos fault 1984 was. I know indian government etc.

Well, what a surprise! When Sikhs got sick of living under Hindu domination and decided that they were no longer content to let the Hindu elite in Hindustan treat them as political nobodies, to let the Hindu elite tell them that religiously they did not exist except as a a sect of Hinduism, suddenly the common man (who was most likely to be Hindu) begins to feel uncomfortable that these uppity Sikhs no longer consent to being treated like slaves.

My Hindu friend, you still have the cowardice of your Hindu race bred into you over the generations you were raped, pillaged and tortured by the Muslim invaders so much so that you have to disguise yourself as a "moderate" Sikh on this forum to continue your nindiya of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale. It is a pity that the light of the Sikh Gurus has not freed you mentally from this slavery as Dasmesh Pita Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji freed India and the Punjab from the Mughal oppressors. Don't worry though, you will be free to worship your stones when Khalistan comes. ;-)

Ah yeah, and where is this speech of Bhindrawale in which he allegedly orders the murder of 32 Hindus you were going to share with us?



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how can you say khalistan is unjust, when it hasn't even been created yet - and you don't know what it means or what exactly it will be like


Was the rule of maharaja ranjit singh unjust - that was khalsa raj, a united and inclusive raj.

also if you don't believe in it then you won't agree with it. But if khalistan is created, and if it is say deemed the land of the pure and free exclusively, how can you call it unjust. Where caste and creed would not exist, as it is only within the khalsa that such things are destroyed, if you're not an amritdhari sikh then you are seen as being part of a certain jaat or culture - not a discrimination, just a fact.

However, whatever your background, if you become amritdhari, it goes out the window and there is equality.

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p.s With Manni007's constant posts about big bad evil muslims/pakistanis and now his declared love for India....who else here believes he is in fact a hindu pretending to be a sikh on this forum? wink.gif


No, I believe that he is just a young Sikh.

However, I have noticed an increased presence on the web of anti-Sikh and anti-Bhindrawale material posted by people using Sikh names and identities (see youtube in particular).

I believe this is a concerted effort by RSS Hindus taking advantage of the recent events in Punjab ,and in particular by using Ravidasi Hindus upset that their leader was killed allegedly by Sikhs. You will see more of them on this forum and others.



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