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Shaheed Bhai Harminder Singh Sandhu Zindabad


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thats the same thing they said about sodhi and all the other top singhs that were killed.......it was the agents that got them killed because they knew how dangerous they were!!

harminder singh sandhu was a true shaheed

you clearly don't know what your talking about.

from what i know harminder singh sandhu was very close with sant jarnail singh and bhai amrik singh and was openily known to demand khalistan when he was leader of aissf, he also spent time in jail....my thinking is......if he was a traitor they why would indian gov put him behind bars!!

regardless of where we get our info from.....the truth is that niether of us will ever know the truth and be able the entangle everything about 1984 and after....who was an agent and who wasnt.....we wernt there and we'll only hear info from others....and never anything with any solid foundation....because there was never any untiy for the cause then and there isnt now...thats why theres so many conflicting stories!!

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Bhai Sodhi, Bhai Amrik singh, Sandhu, Sant Bhinderanwale were in present in mostly all of meetings and it was sandhu who was leaking out mostly everything. For example, in one meeting : sant ji, amrik singh and sandhu was told of a plan to send some singhs to particular place at particular time to do some job and before the singhs reached the spot.. police were waiting for them to come (trap) and singhs were killed. That event made sant jee and other sure who was the snitch but was too late to do anything as govt' attacked darbar sahib.

what a load of rubbish! sandhu was always wiv sant ji. if sant ji knew sandhu had committed treason, he would have had him dealt with starightaway.

what you have posted is something that youhave just made up yourself. particluar this, particular that, sounds like bull$hit !

you should know better!

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what S1ngh has said is tru, the plan was to sen a jeep of singhs from Harmandhir sahib to mehta, the only people who knew about this were Shaheed Baba Jarnails singh, Shaheed Bhai Amrik singh, and Harminder Singh Sandhu. en route to mehta the jeep was ambushed and Bhai Swaran Singh Rode, who was in the jeep became shaheed and the other singhs were badly injured. some singhs said, lets finish sandhu of but baba jarnail singh ji said no, as this would cause friction amongs the kharkoo's as many singhs had 100% faith in harminder singh sandhu. its not jus made up, like i said in the other thread, theres many ex-kharkoos u can ask.

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what a load of rubbish!

killing bhatia and trying to kill gurcharan singh of the akali dal would mean there was open war between Sant Ji and Akali Dal but did Sant ji say "dont say anything to these 2 becos it will cause friction?"

If this Swarn Singh is the same one who was the relative of Sant Ji and the one who killed lala, then he became shaheed in operation bluestar not in this particluar incident.

sounds like these ex-kharkoos still have a lot of jealousy if they still peddling this rubbish.

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my bad i meant Hardev singh rode, not Swaran Singh, sorry about that. bhatia and gurcharan singh had no kharkoo following, sandhu had alot. and this would have caused a divide in the federation and the movement as a whole, if Baba Jarnail singh ji orderded him to be killed. the murder of DIG atwall, which is blamed on Baba Jarnail SIngh ji, was done by harminder singh sandhu, atwal used to get info from sandhu, but when sandhu feared he would get found out he had atwal killed outside Harmandhir Sahib. this is not all, sandhu also revealed the details of 45 pending cases agains General Labh singh to the cops. it was General Labh singhs order to kill him once he became public. Labh Singh said "if he comes out in public whilt im alive, he wont lasy a week" sandhu did not come out in public untill after General Labh Singh became shaheed. Sandhu's dream was to be CM of punjab, in anyway possible. Rajinder singh mehta's was to be jathedar of Akaal Takhat or head of SGPC, and Amarjit singh chawala's was to be cabinet minister, which he has achived now. and mehta is an executive member of SGPC now.

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Sandhu's dream was to be CM of punjab, in anyway possible.

lol. and the way to go about being that was to support a complete seperation from India? come off it geezer!

the atwal incident hapened in april 83, a whole 14 months before bluestar. if Sant Ji wanted to deal with sandhu he could have. EASILY!

the fact is that up to the end Sant Ji never said anything about him. that tells me more than any jealousy-minded people can. no matter what their conttribution to the panth. If waht General Labh Singh said was correct, why did Bittu, who was very close to Labh Singh, say that the murder was wrong?

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KH4L1$T4N1 you got your info mixed up in parts, it wasnt Sandhu that General Labh Singh was referring to, it was a police tout, who was in their own organization.

However, its widely accepted with Jujharoo's circles that Sandhu was an agent, whether its true or not is for sangat to research and decide. Keep in mind that Sandhus wife was Shaheed in bluestar, family protection is a priority for traitors, why wasn't this the case here? There was a large element of doubt placed on Sandhu, which is why they had him killed. Gurjit Singh Kaka (SSF) & many other Singh's where also suspected of being agents. The govt played us well.

PS: Bhai Gurmukh Singh Nagoke (KCF) completed the hit on Sandhu.

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He was a tout, everyone excepts it apart from bssf - is this another publicity stunt? if so its not going as well as the gold medal support of babbu mann.

Wasnt it agreed by sarbat khalsa and 5 member panthic commitee that he was a tout to do not have any affiliations with him?

There was problems between him and general labh singh - one of the older singhs confirmed it.

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He was a tout, everyone excepts it apart from bssf - is this another publicity stunt? if so its not going as well as the gold medal support of babbu mann.

Wasnt it agreed by sarbat khalsa and 5 member panthic commitee that he was a tout to do not have any affiliations with him?

There was problems between him and general labh singh - one of the older singhs confirmed it.

Thats not the first time I seen you take a shot at BSSF....wisen up bro. There where a lot of Singh's who had problems with other Singh's and Jathebandis in movement, now you wouldn't like it if we talked about how Taksal called Baba Manochahal a sarkari agent would you?

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