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Sikh Youth Killed In Fake Encounter

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bhai shaminder singh shera

he was the only amritdhari from his village, bhai sahib use to help everyone who needed help...

Written by GlobalSikhNews on 19. Jan, 2011

The Punjab and Haryana High Court today slapped a penalty of Rs 1 lakh on the state of Punjab for illegally detaining a youth for a month and allegedly subjecting him to third-degree torture.

A division bench headed by Chief Justice Mukul Mudgal today slapped the penalty after the abducted youth Shaminder Singh alias Shera was produced by the Punjab Police.

Shaminder burst into tears when the Court inquired about the incident.

Amicus curiae in the case, Advocate Anil Malhotra, stated that Shera’s silence manifested the atrocities he has been subjected to.

Taking a strong view of this, the High Court directed the state to award an ad hoc compensation of Rs 1 lakh to kin of the victim.

Talking to media persons outside the court, Shera alleged that the Punjab Police had planned to eliminate him and project his death as a police encounter.

Sensing that he will be eliminated, Shera ran away from police custody. Shera alleged that Punjab Police wanted to implicate him in a case of waging war against the state and indulging in terrorist activities.

Shera alleged that he was given third-degree torture and mercilessly thrashed for several days. “When I refused to admit involvement in any kind of terrorism activities, I heard the Punjab Police officers planning to eliminate me. I then decided to escape and I managed to do so,” Shera said.

He added that Punjab Police wanted to associate him with a terrorist group Babbar Khalsa International (BKI).

The development took place during the resumed hearing of a suo motu notice taken by Chief Justice Mukul Mudgal on a news item appearing in an English daily.

The news item had highlighted the condition of the youth’s family. The police had taken the defence that Shera was an accused in three criminal cases and was an absconder.

However, he was produced by Punjab Police and released from custody.

Written by GlobalSikhNews on 30. Jan, 2011

The Punjab government today ordered a probe into the circumstances leading to the death of a youth, Shera, who was detained by the police illegally, tortured in custody, and later attacked by goons who left him mortally wounded.

The government ordered shifting of Balachaur SHO Gurdeep Singh to police lines and constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the death of Shaminder Singh alias Shera of Babbowal village. Police sources said Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal ordered the probe.

Shera was kept in illegal detention and allegedly tortured for 18 days about three months back by Balachaur police. Though Punjab and Haryana High Court directed the state government to take care Shera, on January 18 he was attacked by a group of 9-10 persons in Makhupur village with sharp edged weapons. Shera was admitted in PGI where he died recently.

Shaheed bhai shaminder singh shera you will never be forgotten our beloved brother!!...FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!...THE KHALSA WILL NOT REST TILL THE EVIL DOERS ARE PUNISHED!

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yeah we wont forget blah blah blah.

we have forgotten! The sacrifices for Khalistan have been forgotten by majority of panth within 25 years.

how many people bother to turn out to 84 remembrance day?

how many gurdwaras educate the sangat about what happened?

only last week the stage secretary at our gurdwara refused to use the word KHALISTAN on stage.

He rebuked me for using the word Khalistan on stage last August and have refused to let me speak on stage again.

Lets face it, we who remember are probably 5% of the uk sangat. No-one cares about the sacrifice of the sikhs in the last 30 years. Go to the houses of the shaheeds in panjab, and look at the conditions some of them live in. Yet we carry on giving money to gurdwaras in uk who quite frankly dont need it, but never think about giving money to shaheed families.

How many of us the last time we went to india, actually sought out a shaheed parivar, to see if we could help them?

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Chatanga Jee, what you said is so true ... What's the point in saying we'll remember them when we don't even make the effort to investigate such situations that are happening in our pinds in Panjaab ... We don't even go and help them or do any charitable deeds that they will benefit from ... We say we're Khalsay this that the other, but when it comes to our brothers and sisters to rely on us for help then we run a mile and leave them with empty promises ... It's sad times but at least there's afew clued up people here that want to see change and are willing to go to the lengths in doing so ...

I'll be honest, I haven't visited Panjaab in over 6 years ... I'd be hoping to go soon later this year and would really want to visit Shaheed families and help in any way possible ... I've seen that film 'Widows Colony' and have got some addresses from the families in there ... But if there's some others anyone knows about then please do share ...

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