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Its Time To Let 1984 Go


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All those I have named have enjoyed promotions since committing their actions which is just adding salt to the open wounds of the sikh community. Furthermore these actions haven't been limited to the past. This year alone their have been several murders of Sikh by the Punjab Police. They only way anyone can even contemplate moving on will be when justice is achieved

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its funny how when you start a thread like this you always get teh fundamentlists saying this was started by a muslim or hindu or christian ..khalistani gunman - would you ever call your mothera baandri ???? as for ex prince - who are the killers ? who instigated all this ?? just think what you are saying .. .. some of the posts on here are soo racist and one sided - some people need to get a life and stop living in the past ...

if my mother told me to forget about the genocide of 1984 then i would call her a baandri..i dont care who you are..if you try to deny us justice then your evil

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That footage has no bearing on what happened in 1984, 1978 or beyond. Just in case you wondered, its irrevelant references such as that which make forum users doubt your credentials. May be worth making another fake ID


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Ok KALLY, help me understand your view. So what you're saying is that if somebody brutally raped your mum in front of you and your dad and then the other 20 friends of that guy joined in, and then beat and burnt your dad alive (god forbid!), and then 30 years later the people who ordered those guys to do that to your family were never ever punished and were walking around and treated like kings, you would honestly just forgive them and forget them?

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Ok KALLY, help me understand your view. So what you're saying is that if somebody brutally raped your mum in front of you and your dad and then the other 20 friends of that guy joined in, and then beat and burnt your dad alive (god forbid!), and then 30 years later the people who ordered those guys to do that to your family were never ever punished and were walking around and treated like kings, you would honestly just forgive them and forget them?

Its very bad indeed , and wouldent want to wish that on anyone apart from muslims (joke) anyway like i was saying readung the facts about 1984 its difficult to explain without getting ones backs up - Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale people called him a saint but commeted many murders but charges were dropped against him .. he was advised to surrender but decided to hide in the place where we all worship but he had no discrection to what his actions would lead too , its because of this man teh masacare took place .. (if you throw a small stone into a pond it will make big ripples ) , The other point that most forget is that thick secuirty gaurds that killed indira ghandi (not that i like the ghandis - i dislike them very much) did the gaurds not think what would happen? obviously not ,, If someone shot and arab leader in arab and i was a minority im sure the same thing would happen - it would happen in country its just a shame it happend in india ....AND WE KEEP TALKING ABOUT JUTSICE AND " IF IT WAS YOUR FAMILY WOULD YOU SAY THAT "? PROBABLY YES I WOULD - THERE IS SO MUCH HATRED IN THE WORLD AND TRYING TO GET REVENGE IT MAKES US AS BAD AS THOSE THAT COMMITED THOSE AWFUL AWFUL CRIMES .....

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As expected the typical knee <banned word filter activated> reaction to Kally's suggestion from most members on this site .....and no, I am not an atheist, RSS informer, GoI agent!

Kally - what you suggest has some validity.

The Sikh community needs to move on but it must continue to press the relevant authorities to bring people who committed crimes at that time to justice.

People mention the Jews - they have good relations with Germany but they continue to search out Nazis who committed war crimes.

The Japanese are American allies - irrespective of the fact that America nuked Japan in 1945.

In Northern Ireland, convicted terrorists have been freed as part of the peace process.

Most Sikhs have moved on - it is a tiny minority - most of who were not even born in 1984 - who support Khalistan and think there is some State conspiracy against Sikhs. Most Sikhs know better than that.

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As expected the typical knee <banned word filter activated> reaction to Kally's suggestion from most members on this site .....and no, I am not an atheist, RSS informer, GoI agent!

Kally - what you suggest has some validity.

The Sikh community needs to move on but it must continue to press the relevant authorities to bring people who committed crimes at that time to justice.

People mention the Jews - they have good relations with Germany but they continue to search out Nazis who committed war crimes.

The Japanese are American allies - irrespective of the fact that America nuked Japan in 1945.

In Northern Ireland, convicted terrorists have been freed as part of the peace process.

Most Sikhs have moved on - it is a tiny minority - most of who were not even born in 1984 - who support Khalistan and think there is some State conspiracy against Sikhs. Most Sikhs know better than that.

thankyou paaji - at last there is someone on this forum with a brain !!

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thankyou paaji - at last there is someone on this forum with a brain !!

So if someone agrees with you they have a brain, and if not, they are stupid? What makes you such an intellectual?

This thread is pointless, if 'Kally' wants to forget what happened in 1984 then let him, those who want to commemorate it and strive for justice will continue to do so irrespective of the views of so called intellectuals like 'Kally'.

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So if someone agrees with you they have a brain, and if not, they are stupid? What makes you such an intellectual?

This thread is pointless, if 'Kally' wants to forget what happened in 1984 then let him, those who want to commemorate it and strive for justice will continue to do so irrespective of the views of so called intellectuals like 'Kally'.

If its pointless dont make any comments on it .. and dont try and twsit my words ..

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