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Its Time To Let 1984 Go


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Things can not always be black and white. There is not always the blue pill and the red pill. What I am trying to say is, why choose one or the other. You are saying let 1984 go, I am saying remember it more so that it doesn't get repeated again. Remembrance is not the same as hatred. Practically all my friends are Hindus, so should I blame them for 1984?

People who say forget 1984 have vested interest. It is usually a politician sucking up to non-Sikhs. Every Sikh adult and child should know about 1984 and all Sikh sacrifices. Majority of us have not done anything for 1984 victims and their families and probably wont ever do anything either. Therefore the decision to forget can never be ours.

But do we really need to let our children - youngsters live the memorie so it eventually turns to hatred , now im not saying that all will do this but keep reminding of this instead why dont we focus on what is going on now with tehe musla but our energies into that .. thats all im saying .. we will all die one day but do we have to tell the innocent everything? i think not ....

os - i wish i was a politician - could do with the cash ....x

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1978, 1984 and everything after aside, Sikhs to this day are not recognised as a religion under the Indian constitution. Since partion, despite constituting around 2 percent of the Indian population, Sikhs are subject of at least 60% of Indian films and serials where they are largely ridiculed and vilified. Furthermore, as recent events show, there is a seperate law for Sikhs as opposed to the majority community. Hundreds of those responsible for the Sikh genocide are alive and kicking therfore the only way to cure the problem or prevent a repeat is to teach our youth and future generations of all aspects of their history including present times.

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'they think the golden temple action is over but this is the start... Of the real struggle' Giani Amolak Singh Speaking outside Sri Guru Singh Sabha Havelock Road Southall June 1984

Our history has always been a struggle. Our future will be a struggle. That is what we are. That is who we are.

We learn slow. We learn well.

Kally, go and wind some other website up.

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1978, 1984 and everything after aside, Sikhs to this day are not recognised as a religion under the Indian constitution. Since partion, despite constituting around 2 percent of the Indian population, Sikhs are subject of at least 60% of Indian films and serials where they are largely ridiculed and vilified. Furthermore, as recent events show, there is a seperate law for Sikhs as opposed to the majority community. Hundreds of those responsible for the Sikh genocide are alive and kicking therfore the only way to cure the problem or prevent a repeat is to teach our youth and future generations of all aspects of their history including present times.

I totally disagree with what you have said .. its the wrong path to lead and will only create resentment in the long run .. :monkeyjuggle:

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The people that commited those awaful crimes are probably long gone now - would you feel better if we to take revenge on their 2nd maybe even 3rd generation that have no wrong doing and are totally innocent - im sure they would feel the same as we do??

No alot of them are still alive and kicking, the same indian laws that apply to sikhs in India do not appear to apply to them..

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We sing about the recent and previous genocide of Sikhs in Gurudwaras across the world every day. We do ardas twice a day where we remember our martyrs along with references to the methods in which they were killed 'band band kitiae, kopria lehian'. You may not agree, but this is the faith. We give thanks to their scarifice without which we wouldn't be here.

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The people that commited those awaful crimes are probably long gone now - would you feel better if we to take revenge on their 2nd maybe even 3rd generation that have no wrong doing and are totally innocent - im sure they would feel the same as we do??

No they are not long gone, the instigators are in fact being given top political posts with luxurious pay and high security (tytler, sajjan kumar), while others have been given captaincy of the indian hockey team (kp gill). Since when is justice, i.e. asking the law to do its job and prosecute the guilty, the same as revenge? This "2nd and third generation" you talk about is the generation that falsley kept Balbir Singh Bains in prison for five years, are the cause for the torture and death sentence of davinderpal singh bhullar, and the ones that keep the thousands of innocent sikh men picked up in the 80s in jail to this day without trial.

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Tell the Bosnian muslims to forget 1995. Tell the Rwandans to forget 1994. Tell the Jews to forget WWII (I appreciate our disaster was nowhere near those levels but one dead person is one dead person too much).

Give it a rest, mate. Wind-up merchant.....

I do hope admin ban her. She's posting on here with her 'keep it real' black persons talk. She has no concept of what Sikhi is, it's all very clear in her posts.

I agree with what you've said. It's part of our history, cretins like her can't fathom beyond the world of rapping in the ghettos and binge drinking.

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In the Hindu festival of Duserha (I think) all across India the Hindus remember Raavan and how he abducted Sita Mata and burned half the land killing untold people, and then they burn a made up Ravan for his crimes.

Now, if the Hindus cannot let go of this and remember this event which took place tens of thousands of years ago then why are we told to 'forget and move on?' why cannot we remember all those killed just twenty five years ago ?

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