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Its Time To Let 1984 Go


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Sorry amdin brothers...she called shaheed bhai satwant singh and shaheed bhai beant singh 'thick' for bringing indira to justice..both shaheed singhs spilt their own blood for the kaum...i cannot take such insults ffrom someone like Kally against the beloved shaheed singhs...so i apologise to the admins for my name calling...but i dont apologise to Kally

My friend , I am not after an apoligy , if you feel the need to swaer then carry on its water of a backs ducks to me when people like you start to use bad laungage , moving forward regards to your reply , the two security gaurds thought they would give it the big one so the likes of you can say them sheeds were great bought indira to justice not considering what might have happend so it was very thick what they did .. If only they had shot her on the sly or assinated her without anyone knowing ie - someone else from the outside , I think it would have been better for the innocent .. that what im saying ..

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We keep going about this and i think we should let it be - it was bad what happend we all agree , but we sometimes sound like kal'e that keep going on about the slave days ..

Lets all move on it not nice to hold grudges .. love and peace people love and peace ........:feelingfree:

Kally you need to let it go and move on.

Let go of the cover up, let go of the denial, let go of the ignorance. Let go of celebrating criminality. Let go of supporting promotions to mass murderers and rapists.

You are stuck. Let go of your hatred, why do you hold a grudge? It’s not nice….love and peace….love and peace.

The fact that this forum and these people are willing to entertain debate with what is in essence your entrenched support of getting away with mass murder and rape is testimony to the fact that Sikhs are at peace. However for Sikhs being at peace does not equate to inaction. It equates to calmly seeking justice for the entire world, that requires self-respect and seeking justice for oneself as well.

You refuse to address what is brought to your attention. Your professed point of view is supporting mass murder and rape. You have the rare achievement of being so indecent that your view is disgusting and it qualifies as debate because others are tolerant of even you. But please carry on, try to weave your spells, so we can continue to educate young Sikhs and others using you as a textbook example of why we always need to educate society and help those like you let go of their disgusting hatred. When you are ready to let go and forgive yourself, we'll still be here for you. ....love and peace.

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Somebody needs to post that quote in gurbani that says "the stories of ones ancestors makes children good children."

Also to the topic starter, you need to research what apathy is. If we forget, then how can we learn from this? We need to learn from what has happened not forget it.

Forgiveness is one thing, but how can you forgive someone who is still corrupt? If somebody decides that they were in the wrong then you can forgive them, but if they are still doing corrupt practices then they need to be dealt with. And they are still doing corrupt practices!

Its not about holding grudges, we as sikh's know everything happens for a reason, and because of our karma, but the point is to get justice, learn from what has happened and change our ways.

No government can give us "justice", justice can only be served by becoming the best Sikh you can be. And part of being the best Sikh you can be, is to NOT be lazy and complacent, but to study history and learn from it. The reality is, it was not that long ago, and corruption is still taking place from it. That is the point, everything is not fine and dandy, there are alot of things still going on, that it seems you are not aware of. Like the victims, who are really our brothers and sisters, who barely have an income to survive, because their family was killed. There are thousands of cases like this and there is a ton of more injustices still going on. Its not like the Indian government came out and said "we are sorry, we are going to give you lots of money and repair your damages". They have not done that, they are pretentious and obnoxious about it. They need to be sorted. But things like stepping in Gurdwara's with shoes on, then destroying SGGS Saroops, we can't even imagine how stained their souls must be. This is the worst thing that could ever happen in the world. That they would disrespect Guruji like that, and you want us to forget that? Don't be a fool. Don't hide behind all that "peace and love crap". If you want to be positive, whats more positive then remembering what happened, then to take action. Forgetting is to just live in apathy. There is no love or peace in lazyness.

You make it sound like thousands of years have passed, and as if Sikh's go around killing any old random hindu's because of what happened as if we are full of hate. Its not about hate, the point is these corrupt people are still in power, and what makes you think they wouldn't do something like this again? If they got away with it the first time. Its not about revenge, Sikhs don't do "revenge", its just about getting justice served. A creature who is truly compassionate and about love, would not let evil people get their way. Which is what you are doing if you forget.

And justice will be served, because everyone reaps what they sow.

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We keep going about this and i think we should let it be - it was bad what happend we all agree , but we sometimes sound like kal'e that keep going on about the slave days ..

Lets all move on it not nice to hold grudges .. love and peace people love and peace ........:feelingfree:

ok, it seems like you have good intentions but you dont have a clue mate. i dont think we should ever....EVER! forget 1984. first of all justice has not been done, the organisers of the mass murders and rapes of innocents are still walking free. Every human right organisation would agree that until justice isnt done then we cannot move on, until laws dont change, until governments dont provide sikhs the rights, we cannot just forget. Regardles of that, go ask those who lived to see their families get murdered and their mums and sisters raped by groups 5, 10,15 animals and then left for dead!!!there brothers and fathers burnt alive for just being sikh. There was so many innocent people who died, and here you are telling us to forget it? you should ask Guru for forgiveness, we aren't hating or expecting singhs to go and be violent and hate hindus etc, but that doesnt mean we forget!

Never forget 84 ....................NEVER forget any of the Shaheeds. Sikhi is built on shaheedi, we will remember every single martyr forever. Our Gurus gave shaheedi, akal takht gave shaheedi, the Gurus sikhs, the sahibzade , we must always tell our youngsters of our history and our struggle so that they never ever forget. We must remember death, we must remember that situations can change at anytime, we must remember to be tyaar bar tyaar all the time.

Always remember the shaheeds of our panth......

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