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Its Time To Let 1984 Go


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People if you want to remember 1984 for ever inyour lives, then first arrest and kill those who were sikhs(traitors) and helped Indian Govt. on attacking Shri Harimandir Sahib. Simpally blaming Hindus for their acts, we should first think of ourselves why we were not able to defend our Shri Harimandir Sahib, That means we are mssing something in us. we didnot had unity between Us(whole Sikh Dharam), how do you expect we would be able to defend our religion. First we need to lookmat our Mistakes.

As Old Saying goes 'Bamboo Stick has to be strong from inside in order to withstand the attack from the Opponent, otherwise Stick would also break"

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I believe that the original poster has some valid points. I dont think that we should forget 1984, however I do believe that we should no longer let our agenda be dictated by 1984. The carnage of 1984 was the strategy of the Indian Govenment to derail the efforts of the Anandpur Sahib Resolution and Dharam Yudh Morcha whereby Sikhs were gaining power by campaigning for better rights and more autonomy. However, the instigation of violence by the Government gave birth to the Khalistan movement, the kharkoos and the on going cycle of violence in Punjab which did nothing to further the Sikh cause. In fact it probably set us back 20 years in reverse gear.

Currently, there is no threat of violence, so this is our opportunity to regroup and reevaluate where the panth should be heading and what the new agenda should be, given our current conditions, and not the conditions of 25 years ago. We seem to be like fish swimming around in circles in a goldfish bowl, giving the same speeches, talking about grand and great things like Khalistan, when we cant even protect basic tenets like allowing kids to go to school with a kirpan. How exactly do we propose to start a revolution in a country where most of the populace are more interested in emigrating to canada or their next fix of smack, let alone growing their hair, which is probably the last thing on the list.

Khalistan is a distant dream. We should not forget 84, but we need to shift gears, come back to reality and concentrate purely on the issues that affect us today. Too many Sikh youth of today fantasize about Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and about being a kharkoo. He was quite good for his time, but a hardline no nonsense approach would not work in todays day and age.

Conclusion: Never forget the past. But move on, live in the present and prepare for the future.

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I believe that the original poster has some valid points. I dont think that we should forget 1984, however I do believe that we should no longer let our agenda be dictated by 1984. The carnage of 1984 was the strategy of the Indian Govenment to derail the efforts of the Anandpur Sahib Resolution and Dharam Yudh Morcha whereby Sikhs were gaining power by campaigning for better rights and more autonomy. However, the instigation of violence by the Government gave birth to the Khalistan movement, the kharkoos and the on going cycle of violence in Punjab which did nothing to further the Sikh cause. In fact it probably set us back 20 years in reverse gear.

Currently, there is no threat of violence, so this is our opportunity to regroup and reevaluate where the panth should be heading and what the new agenda should be, given our current conditions, and not the conditions of 25 years ago. We seem to be like fish swimming around in circles in a goldfish bowl, giving the same speeches, talking about grand and great things like Khalistan, when we cant even protect basic tenets like allowing kids to go to school with a kirpan. How exactly do we propose to start a revolution in a country where most of the populace are more interested in emigrating to canada or their next fix of smack, let alone growing their hair, which is probably the last thing on the list.

Khalistan is a distant dream. We should not forget 84, but we need to shift gears, come back to reality and concentrate purely on the issues that affect us today. Too many Sikh youth of today fantasize about Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and about being a kharkoo. He was quite good for his time, but a hardline no nonsense approach would not work in todays day and age.

Conclusion: Never forget the past. But move on, live in the present and prepare for the future.

thankyou , some of the comments on here calling me names is quiet uncalled for .. Baandri one said- such respect for women .....:monkeyjuggle:

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thankyou , some of the comments on here calling me names is quiet uncalled for .. Baandri one said- such respect for women .....:monkeyjuggle:

to earn respect you need to gain it....dont expect us to grovel at your feet just because your a women....i think baandri wasnt hardcore enough....theres alot more worse names im willing to call you...what did you expect to get by telling sikhs to forget their genocides...jog on!....

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The people that commited those awaful crimes are probably long gone now - would you feel better if we to take revenge on their 2nd maybe even 3rd generation that have no wrong doing and are totally innocent - im sure they would feel the same as we do??

You CLEARLY don't know much about 1984... If those people who committed the 1984 crimes were dead right now then we wouldn't need to make such a massive issue about it, but guess what KALLY! THEY'RE STILL ALIVE!!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THAT????

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This thread was started by a Hindu. No self-respecting Sikh would tell us to move on and forget about '84. Hello Hindu ji, if I raped your sister and mother, and then killed your father and brother, how long would it take you to move on and forget? I will let '84 go when the killers are brought to justice.

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its funny how when you start a thread like this you always get teh fundamentlists saying this was started by a muslim or hindu or christian ..khalistani gunman - would you ever call your mothera baandri ???? as for ex prince - who are the killers ? who instigated all this ?? just think what you are saying .. .. some of the posts on here are soo racist and one sided - some people need to get a life and stop living in the past ...

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'Kally' I don't think its fundamentalists. It's just that no self respecting Sikh would even contemplate forgetting the massacre of their co-religionists. India's own investigative commissions have named some of the key figures responsible for the genocide. Their are thousands across the nation who were responsible. Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar and Kamal Nath have been identified by several witnesses as directing and instigating mobs to kill Sikhs. KP Gill, Sumedh Saini, Izar Alam, Riberio, Gurmeet Pinky and Swaran Ghotna are a small fraction of officers responsible for killing Sikhs.

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'Kally' I don't think its fundamentalists. It's just that no self respecting Sikh would even contemplate forgetting the massacre of their co-religionists. India's own investigative commissions have named some of the key figures responsible for the genocide. Their are thousands across the nation who were responsible. Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar and Kamal Nath have been identified by several witnesses as directing and instigating mobs to kill Sikhs. KP Gill, Sumedh Saini, Izar Alam, Riberio, Gurmeet Pinky and Swaran Ghotna are a small fraction of officers responsible for killing Sikhs.

its footage like this i want to forget - not to forgive but to forgett ..

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