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Muslims Attacking Sikhi In Britain?


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For quite a bit of time, I've been researching articles and forums talking about Muslim guys converting Sikh and Hindu girls, Muslims attacking non-muslims, Muslims holding mass rallies calling for Sharia, Islamic state, etc... in the UK and Europe. I have read articles claiming that such claims are not true while others are saying it is. I do not live in the UK so I wouldn't know, but where I live, I have seen what I think are Muslims trying to take over (might be paranoia). What they are doing is they build massive mosques - meant for hundreds where there are only dozens of muslims - in areas which are heavily populated by Sikhs. What happens then is a stream of muslims move into the area and start taking over. I have even heard of muslim students holding prayers in school gyms (which does not make sense since other religions are not allowed to do this) and demanding that only halal be served (does this not infringe on the rights of others?). I am not sure if this is true, and would like sangat in the UK to post their opinions - since such things seem to have started there and spread. Furthermore, I have seen videos where muslims claim that Guru Nanak Dev Ji went to Mecca (not true because Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself said he was neither Hindu nor Muslim, but it is further proof of what I think is Islamization of Sikhi)

If this is true, then why are we not focusing on this issue? Why are we focusing all of our attention on Hindus? We must deal with Hindu AND Muslim fanatics, we must deal with the threats to our faith in both the homeland of our faith and our individual homelands.

I ask forgiveness if I have maken any mistakes

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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If Sikh parents had spent some time teaching their kids, we wouldn't have this problem to begin with. Agreed that we can't always blame all parents, but why not strike at the root of the issue? Either we have kids who are so bloody liberal that they don't give 2 cents worth about Sikhi, or we got those who are extra-hardcore to the point that they despise anything that even "smells" non-Sikh to them!

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:angrymonkey: This is a major problem , they breed like rats and think only their faith is the right one - 90% dont work and live of state benifits, they marry 1st cousins for cheaper option of wedding costs .. They dont embrass our country but only to exploit it I do feel sorry for teh gor'e in the uk as they feel like the minority .. so what are we going to do about it ??????:angrymonkey:

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Well it's all about education within families about Sikhism, probably 90% will not elope with Muslims in the first place due to education at home. 10% however will probably easily get converted due to the lack of educatin recieved at home but this is not always the case.

People nowdays do not go by logic or common sense. Now it's all about fitting into society I want to hang with that certain group of friends because they are popular, many friends does not bring happiness all it will do is make you hang around with the wrong crowd who do wrong things. This is when it starts going to wrong way where people will start having boyfriends oh and you will get that speech oh I love him so much pathetic!

Not all some girls need to grow up and realise that these people Muslim extremists will do anything to convert eyes need to be opened and realise people mean business. The overall strength to overcome this is our great ancestors who stood up and fought against this. Really it's individual choice if people don't realise then whats the point they should know better.

Even in the Quran is says to convert people into islam an plus is said non belivers of Islam are dogs. They are calling us dogs already. I got nothing against any religion but when it's ataacking Sikhism or our people what do they expect a shake in the hand? The method of violence is knowledge and raise the sword when all means fail.

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Well it's all about education within families about Sikhism, probably 90% will not elope with Muslims in the first place due to education at home. 10% however will probably easily get converted due to the lack of educatin recieved at home but this is not always the case.

People nowdays do not go by logic or common sense. Now it's all about fitting into society I want to hang with that certain group of friends because they are popular, many friends does not bring happiness all it will do is make you hang around with the wrong crowd who do wrong things. This is when it starts going to wrong way where people will start having boyfriends oh and you will get that speech oh I love him so much pathetic!

Not all some girls need to grow up and realise that these people Muslim extremists will do anything to convert eyes need to be opened and realise people mean business. The overall strength to overcome this is our great ancestors who stood up and fought against this. Really it's individual choice if people don't realise then whats the point they should know better.

Even in the Quran is says to convert people into islam an plus is said non belivers of Islam are dogs. They are calling us dogs already. I got nothing against any religion but when it's ataacking Sikhism or our people what do they expect a shake in the hand? The method of violence is knowledge and raise the sword when all means fail.


its true what you say m but even girls that are well educated at home seem to be targeted by the enemie ...and its not just sikh girls that are targeted they target white girls - hindu girls but i think theres more in ours then others .. I have respect for all faiths but islam hates all so why should i as an individual respect that ..

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its true what you say m but even girls that are well educated at home seem to be targeted by the enemie ...and its not just sikh girls that are targeted they target white girls - hindu girls but i think theres more in ours then others .. I have respect for all faiths but islam hates all so why should i as an individual respect that ..

That's actually one of the reasons I'm confused and surprised as to why our Gurus weren't harsher on Islam. I'm aware our Gurus had unlimited compassion and they also had much affection for Muslim bhagats such as Bhagat Kabir and Bhagat Farid, etc, but surely they must have known the history of Islam and some of the truly horrendous things it endorses and encourages.

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But that's what I said above not in all cases educated at home or not. Sikhism doesn't teach us to hate any religion but to respect all if we don't then really we are just going to spread hatred ourselves and the cycle will continue.

people should know better if relationships before marriage are banned then why don't girls realise this? It's common sense not rocket science.

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That's actually one of the reasons I'm confused and surprised as to why our Gurus weren't harsher on Islam. I'm aware our Gurus had unlimited compassion and they also had much affection for Muslim bhagats such as Bhagat Kabir and Bhagat Farid, etc, but surely they must have known the history of Islam and some of the truly horrendous things it endorses and encourages.

yeah maybe they should have but i guess they were fooled by the slyness of the islams .. i mean even the edl are awre of the threat they are casuing teh world .. just be very weary of these buggers .. never trust these gutter dogs ....

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But that's what I said above not in all cases educated at home or not. Sikhism doesn't teach us to hate any religion but to respect all if we don't then really we are just going to spread hatred ourselves and the cycle will continue.

people should know better if relationships before marriage are banned then why don't girls realise this? It's common sense not rocket science.

I guess its that classic case of the more something is taboo, the more the human mind desires to attain whatever it is that has been forbidden.

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