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Whats The Deal When You Die?


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Please keep in mind im a non sikh (you can probably tell by my stripes)

What would happen to someone like me when i die? im a vegetarian, i believe there is one god for every living being, i try to respect nature, i recycle. In terms of religion, i have not made a commitment to any faith, but i do talk to god in my thoughts and i do believe there are a few people from osome faiths who were touched by god...

so with all this.... what am i looking at? heaven? hell? reincarnation?

Google me in the evening!!

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Sikhs believe we keep going through the cycle of birth and death until we realize we have to merge back into Waheguru. Sikhs believe we've been given this life as a chance to finally merge back into Waheguru.

Check out this lecture, it's in English and explains a lot on Sikhi, especially how a Sikh should live:

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Sikhs believe we keep going through the cycle of birth and death until we realize we have to merge back into Waheguru. Sikhs believe we've been given this life as a chance to finally merge back into Waheguru.

Check out this lecture, it's in English and explains a lot on Sikhi, especially how a Sikh should live:

Singhji ive also heard the five kands are actual physical places where the soul can remain temporarily ..with the the exception of sachkhand which is permanent....also multiple naraks are also a reality where manmukhs are sent to be punished....we need more discussion on this.this issue has never really been highlighted on this forum..:)

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Singhji ive also heard the five kands are actual physical places where the soul can remain temporarily ..with the the exception of sachkhand which is permanent....also multiple naraks are also a reality where manmukhs are sent to be punished....we need more discussion on this.this issue has never really been highlighted on this forum..:)

I see, i'm not sure. Hopefully someone can explain it more.

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heaven and hell are not permimnant places. sukhmani sahib says, >narak surag fir fir avtaar<. meaning you will get into the cycle of heaven n hell. we are not to look towards hell (the left) and not heaven either (the right) we are to go through heaven, and >through< sach khand to marge back into god. this is what it means to merge with god himself.

this is what it means to join our 'kar' >doe kar jor<. all duality should finish. this is also y guru ji says >paap pun doe ek samana< , >paap pun bhi saar na jaanai< , >kanchan loh samaan< , >kacha meetha eko jaan<.

if we do good, we go haven to get rewarded, then get back into the chaurasi the life cycle, as it is with doing bad, then going to hel, then back into the cycle. to get rid of all bad and good karam alike, is our true destiny, to be seriene. content.

yes,there are 5 khands. but each is split into an infinite number of more levels. it does not end. until we merge into the light. there are those that see, then those that harber, then those that make this jort pargat. these can be taken to be the 3 levels of bhagat, sant, then jun.


khu nwnk dieAwl suAwmI sMqu Bgqu jnu soeI ]2]5]36]

kahu naanak dhaeiaal suaamee santh bhagath jan soee |2|5|36|


from these 3 main ctagories, the pauri (ladder) of 21, is therein. >chareeyae hoe ikees<. to be 21, is to be puran. there are those that wil not accept that to mearge with god, you must become the vessel. then onward to carry gur-jot, then watch that gur jort manifest and evolve into har- jort --> keep in mind that >gur parmeswar eko jaan<. (if u dont get this bit, then it dont matter).

but this is how low we really are. and how much we dont understand.

so this is our purpose and pathway.

to the origional poster, good on u. god is not restricted to any faith. there is many pathways to god. as.., there are many ways to walk the path towards god.

sikhism says, realise your mool. your escence. accept what you know to be true in your heart.

as a generality, dharam khand is reception for ppl. this is where dharamraaj has his minions and that big book (that takes 2 massive sevaks to turn).

if we have no karam, we skip the judgement of dhramraaj, (the guy who weighs good n bad). we skip it as this dharam raaj has no buisness with ppl who have no good or bad deeds. to be free from choice, is to be free from duality. (please note! this does not mean that we are not do act in goodness. all goodness that we do, is not what we are doing. to think of the bhala of everyone is the way.). if n wen we give all to guru ji, all good and bad, then, only then, we will have no karam. i wish to stress this point.

this is our goal. this is the goal of humanity.

i commend you for realising what yo have realised brother. lets move forward with the one brotherhood of humanity as our gru taught, and as it should be.


as a side note, it makes u think which wide we wud take if we suddenly saw aliens :p

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Guru ka pyare here is the Hukamnama for Sri Darbar Sahib of today. It really makes you think deep of what is permanent and what comes and goes.

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (885-12)

raamkalee mehlaa 5.

Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

pvnY mih pvnu smwieAw ] (885-12, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

pavnai meh pavan samaa-i-aa.

The wind merges into the wind.

joqI mih joiq ril jwieAw ] (885-12, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

jotee meh jot ral jaa-i-aa.

The light blends into the light.

mwtI mwtI hoeI eyk ] (885-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

maatee maatee ho-ee ayk.

The dust becomes one with the dust.

rovnhwry kI kvn tyk ]1] (885-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

rovanhaaray kee kavan tayk. ||1||

What support is there for the one who is lamenting? ||1||

kaunu mUAw ry kaunu mUAw ] (885-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

ka-un moo-aa ray ka-un moo-aa.

Who has died? O, who has died?

bRhm igAwnI imil krhu bIcwrw iehu qau clqu BieAw ]1] rhwau ] (885-14, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

barahm gi-aanee mil karahu beechaaraa ih ta-o chalat bha-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

O God-realized beings, meet together and consider this. What a wondrous thing has happened! ||1||Pause||

AglI ikCu Kbir n pweI ] (885-14, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

aglee kichh khabar na paa-ee.

No one knows what happens after death.

rovnhwru iB aUiT isDweI ] (885-15, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

rovanhaar bhe ooth siDhaa-ee.

The one who is lamenting will also arise and depart.

Brm moh ky bWDy bMD ] (885-15, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

bharam moh kay baaNDhay banDh.

Mortal beings are bound by the bonds of doubt and attachment.

supnu BieAw BKlwey AMD ]2] (885-15, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

supan bha-i-aa bhakhlaa-ay anDh. ||2||

When life becomes a dream, the blind man babbles and grieves in vain. ||2||

iehu qau rcnu ricAw krqwir ] (885-15, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

ih ta-o rachan rachi-aa kartaar.

The Creator Lord created this creation.

Awvq jwvq hukim Apwir ] (885-16, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

aavat jaavat hukam apaar.

It comes and goes, subject to the Will of the Infinite Lord.

nh ko mUAw n mrxY jogu ] (885-16, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

nah ko moo-aa na marnai jog.

No one dies; no one is capable of dying.

nh ibnsY AibnwsI hogu ]3] (885-16, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

nah binsai abhinaasee hog. ||3||

The soul does not perish; it is imperishable. ||3||

jo iehu jwxhu so iehu nwih ] (885-17, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

jo ih jaanhu so ih naahi.

That which is known, does not exist.

jwnxhwry kau bil jwau ] (885-17, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

jaananhaaray ka-o bal jaa-o.

I am a sacrifice to the one who knows this.

khu nwnk guir Brmu cukwieAw ] (885-17, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

kaho naanak gur bharam chukaa-i-aa.

Says Nanak, the Guru has dispelled my doubt.

nw koeI mrY n AwvY jwieAw ]4]10] (885-18, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

naa ko-ee marai na aavai jaa-i-aa. ||4||10||

No one dies; no one comes or goes. ||4||10||

This Hukamnama has me really puzzled. I have read it probably more than 5 times today and everytime the meaning changes for me. So far what i think Satguru is saying to us is that we need to separate what is permanent and what is temporary. We say this life is a dream, but in our hearts we don't follow this truth. We all have something that is worldly that makes us feel better about ourselves and we thrive on this subconsciously to keep us going throughout life. Say for a second that one thing or couple of things are taken away from you? How would you feel, what would you go through and would you be able to get up the next morning with a smile on your face as if you still have it? This one thing can be family, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, fiance, an organization, a person's work life, anything that your attached too. We humans use these attachments as our support. In the above Hukamnama, Satguru ask's what support does a person have who is griefing? This question wouldn't be directed at Gurmukhs because their support is Satguru. A person who has Satguru as their support, then for what reason are they going to have regrets, or have any sorrow in their lives? Some use their spouse as support, but that spouse will pass away one day and then what rope will you hold on too? This spouse wasn't permanent in the first place. As for why Satguru is asking in the Hukamnama, who has died, O who has died? Family, spouse, work, friends, social circles, events are all temporary as Satguru did not make them permanent. All these things came into existance as the world was created. But like the world they will depart. We are attached to a dream here.

The cycle of birth and death, heaven and hell, are all subject to the same type of temporary existance as family, spouse, friends, etc. To what we say has died, the question arises. What was in existance in the first place? In reality (not speaking about the subjective reality, but how Satguru describes it) nothing died and nothing came and went. So if we attach ourselves to these temporary things then we are going to disappeare just like them. As the begining of the Shabad says:

pvnY mih pvnu smwieAw ] (885-12, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

pavnai meh pavan samaa-i-aa.

The wind merges into the wind.

joqI mih joiq ril jwieAw ] (885-12, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

jotee meh jot ral jaa-i-aa.

The light blends into the light.

mwtI mwtI hoeI eyk ] (885-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

maatee maatee ho-ee ayk.

The dust becomes one with the dust.

So it comes down to what are we going to use as our support throughout life for everything in life. Will it be Satguru or temporary things as to where they fit best?

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