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Jesus Christ Of Nazareth


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I cannot provide sources as I don't remember exactly where they are from, but I do believe they are true (. If someone from the sangat can point out the book or sources to verify what i'm saying, i'd very much appreciate it.

Without a doubt Jesus Christ was a very holy individual, some can say he was a bhagat and did a lot of good. What remains a mystery is the first thirty years of Jesus' life, to date no real tangible evidence points out to where Jesus went or stayed during his first thirty years and the fact that the Bible was written 100 or so years after the departing of Jesus doesn't help either. What some historians claim is that Jesus actually lived with Buddhist monks and served as the Dalai Lama in India. A historian was looking through the scrolls kept at a Buddhist temple and found the Dalai Lama's name at the time was similar to Jesus' name. It's recorded that a light skinned individual came (most likely an aryan brahman) and kicked him out of the country due to the threat of his teachings to the brahman caste system that ensured a power hold on the people.

Two main points that intrigue me:

1) How long hinduism (brahmans) have been trying to absorb and kill off any heterogeneous mix and homogenize the entire population. Now a days it can be seen through television serials that mothers like to watch a lot. They cunningly show a Sikh family as being people with the outward look of a Sikh, but do stuff like speak hindi and perform hindu rituals. Mothers have a large part in maintaining Sikhi in the family, if the mother sways from the path, slowly the family will as well. Bollywood is another tool that directly targets the youth into alcohol abuse, drug abuse, losing self respect, distancing self from Sikhi/Punjabi subiachaar and pursuing time wasting things such as aashqi. Of course government intervention (such as the indian military smuggling drugs into Punjab) makes a difference as well.

2) The message of Jesus was very simple, his message was originally for the betterment of humanity. I do believe the overall message and goal of Jesus has tremendously changed into a sort of a club (at least for the most part) with benefits.

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Sadly we Sikhs don't have very knowledge of Abrahmic faiths specially Christanity and Jiddaism .

Son of virgin Marry lol

Son of God ? Then who we are ?

Died for our Sins ?

Means sacrifice himself strange, Sacrificing to please God is pakhand .

Therefore Jesus cant be even Bhagat .

There is no such thing called Hinduism as we all know meaning of this word Hindu .

This so called Hinduism is a grooup of many relegions like

1) Tribal Religion

2) Vaishnava

3) Shivaites

4) Tantra and etc

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Sadly we Sikhs don't have very knowledge of Abrahmic faiths specially Christanity and Jiddaism .

Son of virgin Marry lol

Son of God ? Then who we are ?

Died for our Sins ?

Means sacrifice himself strange, Sacrificing to please God is pakhand .

Therefore Jesus cant be even Bhagat .

There is no such thing called Hinduism as we all know meaning of this word Hindu .

This so called Hinduism is a grooup of many relegions like

1) Tribal Religion

2) Vaishnava

3) Shivaites

4) Tantra and etc

Yes, hindusim evolved from brahmanism. They focused on a select few Gods and in return carried on the caste system. Okay well he isn't a bhagat, but he was a saintly figure. I will edit that out.

Hindu means thief in Persian. Anyways, don't want to go off topic.


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Sadly we Sikhs don't have very knowledge of Abrahmic faiths specially Christanity and Jiddaism .

Son of virgin Marry lol

Son of God ? Then who we are ?

Died for our Sins ?

Means sacrifice himself strange, Sacrificing to please God is pakhand .

Therefore Jesus cant be even Bhagat .

There is no such thing called Hinduism as we all know meaning of this word Hindu .

This so called Hinduism is a grooup of many relegions like

1) Tribal Religion

2) Vaishnava

3) Shivaites

4) Tantra and etc

It is followers of Jesus Christ who made him out to have sacrificed himself for our sins (in my opinion), not Jesus Christ himself. He was very holy and a Bhagat and a Saint. A lot of if not the majority of what Christianity believes in has been made up by men (not Jesus Christ)after the departure of Jesus Christ. Same goes with Islam I think.

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It is followers of Jesus Christ who made him out to have sacrificed himself for our sins (in my opinion), not Jesus Christ himself. He was very holy and a Bhagat and a Saint. A lot of if not the majority of what Christianity believes in has been made up by men (not Jesus Christ)after the departure of Jesus Christ. Same goes with Islam I think.

He was a Brahmgyani and taught the world Fearless Love(Nirboah and Nirvair) through acceptance of matyrdom which is the gyan of god, accepting God's will(hukam) ('thy Will be done') no matter what(an Act of True unconditional love) ie. remaining psychologically at peace and in acceptance in any given situation, recognising god to be pervading everywhere in every action.

He taught seva, taught us to love our neighbour(the whole world) regardless of their sins and to see the holy spirit (naam/truth) in all (nirvair)- he asked god to forgive the sinners(the fools) for they 'know not what they do'- for they haven't considered the consequences of their actions.

He taught divine love and respect for the all pervading holy spirit (naam/Truth). He taught us to tell the truth, to love truth in action and to serve the truth.

Yes even the white skinned folk have been taught puran sat.

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Sadly we Sikhs don't have very knowledge of Abrahmic faiths specially Christanity and Jiddaism .

Died for our Sins ?

Means sacrifice himself strange, Sacrificing to please God is pakhand .

sacrificing to appease god is a pakhand lol may be sacrifice like mayans and others did yes, but wouldnt his sacrifice be like the sacrifice of guru tegh bahadur and guru arjan dev be the same, wasnt he also just giving his body back to God... wernt all shaheeds sacrificing themselves, their manmat their ego back to God appeasing to God, doesnt god want us to sacrifice ourselves back to him, and merge with him doesnt he want us to give up our egoes and manmats....becoming a sacrifice even once for god you get tremendous amounts of sukh in after life.. have you not read what guru gobind singh ji says about shaheed singhs....just because you doint think jesus was a bhagat that dont mean sacrifice to god is pakhand...that is the highest sacrifice

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Indeed jesus did set mankind a very good example to follow however the bible is corrupt there are many versions of it. The teachings contradict the message of Christianity, Jesus was basically a Sikh in all but name, a disciple of God. Being sacrificed for all our sins is nonsense, if that is the case i can go out sinning right now and he /God will forgive me time after time its a silly concept. Waheguru via Karma is the best judge either forgiving or punishing of our wrong past, present and future actions. The inherent human nature is to sin and learn from his experiences to know the difference what is right from wrong. This is where Sikhi is beautiful it teaches one to perfect their character, this false forgiveness of sins is a red herring because what is sin now wasnt sin back then and what is sin then isnt sin now in present times as society evolves.

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Jesus never went to India, etc. He was crucified and died. IMHO he was a phenomenal man who took a very practical look at religion and God. He was like Guru Nanak in that he addressed the absurdities of the religion that he was born into (especially ritualism). The religion built on Jesus has little resemblance to what he taught... as is the case with many religions. Divinity seems to be attributed to religious leaders after they die, and practical religions tend to get distorted and made complicated.... I think you can see this beginning to happen with the sikh religion as well.

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Jesus never went to India, etc. He was crucified and died. IMHO he was a phenomenal man who took a very practical look at religion and God. He was like Guru Nanak in that he addressed the absurdities of the religion that he was born into (especially ritualism). The religion built on Jesus has little resemblance to what he taught... as is the case with many religions. Divinity seems to be attributed to religious leaders after they die, and practical religions tend to get distorted and made complicated.... I think you can see this beginning to happen with the sikh religion as well.


I do believe he went to India as I am positive Jesus traveled a lot before he reached his state of realization and started his mission of Truth (hence why his first 30 years are missing). One thing is for certain, a lot of Jesus' teachings of love your enemy are very similar to Buddha's teachings (they are Universal). This is a concept that isn't found in Judaism and the philosophies/religions of the area around the Roman empire/Israel.

I do agree, in Punjab a lot of changes are happening in an attempt to turn Sikhi into an outward show religion but in the end I think the west will save it. To be fair there is an organized effort to wipe out the saroop (appearance) and lifestyle in Punjab. We're very lucky to be blessed with freedom in the west (UK , USA, Canada ect.)

Each one of us has a big duty ahead of us.

Have a look at the few videos I posted, they're interesting food for thought. They aren't set in stone of course, but they do set more questions and present very plausible things that could have happened in terms of Jesus' calcification and travels to India.

I will find out the name of the book, but supposedly someone researching at a Buddhist temple found a scroll that recorded a white individual (probably a brahman/aryan) kicking out the Dalai Lama around the time when Jesus would have been 30ish for his teachings and his name was also something very similar to Jesus Christ.

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