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Sangat Tv Jealousy


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pyara, the meeting was held in order to try to resolve the situation and agree a method going forward to avoid this type of situation happening again as the channels need to co-exist with each other as well as with gurdwaras and jathebandees for the betterment of the sikh community - it is a shame that bal walked away from it as even dr sadhu singh was in agreement

aksantali, i’m not quite sure what’s “dodgy” about what i have written as you claim? did you watch the panth time broadcast and do you deny it was edited? you questioned how i could possibly know the broadcast was edited? the answer is two reasons – one i watched it and saw there were at least two blatant cuts mid-flow in the discussions and two i was told by a person who participated in the discussion that the show was edited and did not contain everything that was said on the day. your post suggests that you just want to have a dig but don’t have knowledge of the facts, did you even watch the show?

osingh and sikhwordtv, perhaps i should have clarified my earlier posts by also saying all the good things the sikh channel has done like you have mentioned as i don’t think there are many who would dispute that the sikh channel in the greater scheme of things has been a force for good overall – being the first exclusively sikh channel in the world and covering stories non sikh channels don’t or didn’t means it will always have its place in sikh hearts but that does not give it the authority to ride rough-shod over other organisations such as with this protest on the dastaar when those same organisations working on the ground and in discussions with the government are saying its misconceived at this point in time

regarding sangat tv being pro-badal i think that’s a bit of a wild accusation if all you're basing it on is the show out-put – sangat tv as with the sikh channel have all sorts of presenters and guests who align themselves to different political groups in punjab. for example councillor atwal regularly appears on sangat and is openly a supporter of akali dal amritsar-maan and was asking everyone in india to vote for maan in the sgpc elections this past weekend – does that mean sangat tv is also pro-maan?

as far as the visit of the jathedar, sangat tv should have tried to get an interview to show and ask searching questions when he came but i am told he only does interviews for broadcast where the questions are vetted first. sangat tv did however facilitate meetings between the jathedar and singhs wanting answers from the jathedar on various issues including the parbandik committee of the gurdwara on the day of the akhand path which if you were there would know that there was not much left to ask after the meeting such was the grilling the jathedar got from the singhs who were in the meeting

regarding funding of sangat tv i don’t know anything other than what has been reported which is that it is through donations with the rest being made up by the trustees and gurdwaras eg. nishkam sevak jatha which support the channel. they do always say they are prepared to allow anyone to inspect their accounts so if you have doubts ask them for a copy of their financial accounts. last week’s punjab times uk paper provided a breakdown of their latest set of accounts for income and expenditure.

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Sangat TV is getting more jealous now a days .

They want to shut down Sikh Channel because Sikh Channel is Panthic Channel .

Chaps I think Sangat is Indian Govt Channel , Thats why they want to stop SIkh Channel .

Rana on Sangat is a disaster , I have seen evidences that he is getting salary from Indian Govt.

Please answer my all questions .

What Jathebandis have done in 25 years ?

Sangat gave them millions of pounds and where they spent ?

Why shaheed families are still without roofs in India ?

What is there achievements ?

Reply me guys ?

Wake Up now .

You decide we should go to DASTAAR DAY or not ?

Please Vote .

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We should definatly go, Sikh Channel is the first Sikh Tv Channel, when there once was nothing, the Sikhs we given Sikh channel, now, no matter how many fake Sangat tv stations may open there will only be ONE SIKH CHANNEL!

Shame to see what sangat tv was doing today, its all shambles, the management, the presenters, the whole lot of you, you want sikh channel to shut down i hope Sangat TV shuts down OR the managements goes into the right hands again and Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji (GNNSJ) takes over.

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