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What Places Should One Visit While Reaching India Having Some Vardhan Given By Guruji


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I wanted to know that which are the places one should visit when someone come from abroad where Guru Shaib have given any sort of

Bachan or vardhan or baksh. For e,g

    • 1. Doing 84 Japuji sahib paath at Goindwal sahib
    • 2. Also Going to Gurudwara San sahib 3 times removes 84lakh junis
    • 3. Writing Gurmikhi at Gurudwara Damdma Sahib sahib , makes child intelligent

These were the things told to me by some of my friends to do. There may be many more which i don't know. Can anyone mention here some more of these which i can do while in India.

Although we can visit as many Gurudwaras like % Takht , Hemkunt Sahib and many more but i was more concerened where Guru Shaib has said that if you do something here , you will get this thing.

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Hello Veer/Bhen,

Why 84 japujis? Why not 83 or 85? How did you arrive at this number?

Why go to gurdwara 3 times? Again same question.

Is 84 lakh junis referring to yonis or jugnis (spiritual essence, past lives)? How do you know how many past lives you have had and why does it matter?

If writing in gurmukhi at damdama sahib makes a child intelligent, then how much gurmukhi would one need to write in order to become a genius?

Gurmukho, I don't think Guru Sahib told us to do any of these things.

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The 84 is from the bachan of Sri Guru Amar Das Ji

The gurdwara mantioned is Likhansar Gurdwara

These are points and bachans given by the Guru to the Sikhs, how typical with a user name of Singhsabha you question anything historical to do with Sikhi. Modern day nastacks

Provide the bachan, so the sangat can see. Why would Guru ji pick such arbitrary numbers and endorse these superstitious beliefs?

If you want to talk about history, then look up the Singh Sabha Movement. Then you will know what I'm all about.

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There's a Gurdwara, I forget which one, I'll ask my parents later, but at that Gurdwara, I believe Sri Guru Ram Das Sahib Ji Maharaj was addressing the sangat when an army of elephants of the king passed. The sangat all started looking at the ellephants, and GUru Ji then said a bachan, something about the elephants swaying back and forth as the sangat was turned away. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but there, at the Gurdwara, there is an arch built near the sarovor. Theres a stair to get to the top of it and people can sit there. we did, and then we did Ardass. as soon as Ardass was finished, the whole arch, the cement arch with the firm foundation, swayed back and forth like an elephant.

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found it!! last Gurdwara on the page : http://www.istahotels.com/istaamritsar/amritsar-destination-guide.aspx

SinghSabha, if you were going to say theres no proof of swaying back and forth until I provided the link( not saying you were gonna ), but if you were going to, and this bachan which you thought was false is true, then the others can be true as well...

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Brother, just because one bachan is true, doesn't mean all bachans you hear about are true as well. Some of these are made up or exaggerated. Especially the ones involving Guru ji performing some kind of miracle. If you say you saw the arch sway back and forth, then I believe you. However in my experience, buildings only move during an earthquake.

Say that I claim Guru ji blessed a lake, and I build a gurdwara next to it. Then I state that anyone who takes blessings from this Gurdwara and bathes in that lake will be cured of all illnesses. Do you know how many innocent/foolish/ignorant people I could get to come to that gurdwara? Do you know how much money I could make from the golak? If I opened a lot of these types of gurdwaras, then I could arrange a gurdwara tour service and build hotels to lodge all of these people. I would be rich. That is exactly what is going on. SGPC makes loads of cash off of yatrees who come from far and wide to do matha tekh at the site where Guru Ji Maharaj once told a story, or made water come out of thin air, etc...

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I don't think it's true as it goes against Guru Sahib's teachings (which in effect goes against Gurmat).

I've been to Damdama Sahib and wrote oora aara there as a child. What I was told is it helps you remember if you write it even once.

As Sant Singh Maskeen Ji said in one of his katha is a lot of people go to Mandir, Gurudwara and Mosque but reaching Waheguru is not the same thing as simply going to Gurudwara (even though going to Gurudwara is a must). I think it was in Dasam Dwar Katha.

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Gurdwara choolan mehl..I think the name is. We went there few years back...we were told that guru ji was addressing the sangat when they got distracted by the elephants swaying as they walked past....and guru ji said one day the Walls of this gurdwara will sway too. Like you said we also went to and sat on the wall there was about 10 people sitting there and my brother in law was standing at the bottom, he didn't come up with us. The giani ji did ardas and then the walls swayed quite significantly...not something you just imagined or felt a slight shake etc. One guy asked the giani ji to do it again and he refused and said it's not a magic trick. No one moved or pushed the wall...make of it what you will...but best to go and experience it yourself.

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