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Living In The World And Being Sikh


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Am I the only one who finds it difficult to get an equal balance between ones Sikhi and other daily demands?

I'm at university, and I'm just not motivated. I just keep thinking, what's the point? I've spent 20 years in education, and will continue for another 3 years, until I manage to get some boring job. All this is for money. None of this will go with me in the end.

I keep wondering what I will have gained in my life, if I were to die tomorrow.

Nothing in my daily life gives me satisfaction. I want to spend my life doing seva, not doing essays and exams. (I know, I can fit in some seva here and there, but it's not the same when you spend every day in lectures and are made to think that education is your entire life).

I'm taking amrit soon. I just wish I could dedicate my whole life to Sikhi/ seva, rather than having to go back to a life where all I do is worry about passing exams. I can't concentrate on that shizzle because I'm always thinking about, not only Sikhi related things, but things like death.

In conclusion: the world is an illusion, and I'm entertaining it by continuing miserably in education in order to get a job. I find myself concentrating on what will go with me after death, rather than all this, which will not. But money is necessary, unfortunately. So there's really no way out. :(

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Sikhism means to face any challenge in life bravely and emerge victorious. Stop being miserable about your education, concentrate on your studies and excel in your field. Kirat Karna is one of the foremost duties of a Sikh.

The world is not an illusion. It is an opportunity to remember and praise Waheguru (Naam Japna) and attain perpetual Bliss.

So stop thinking and start living a life of a true Sikh.

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Am I the only one who finds it difficult to get an equal balance between ones Sikhi and other daily demands?

I'm at university, and I'm just not motivated. I just keep thinking, what's the point? I've spent 20 years in education, and will continue for another 3 years, until I manage to get some boring job. All this is for money. None of this will go with me in the end.

I keep wondering what I will have gained in my life, if I were to die tomorrow.

Nothing in my daily life gives me satisfaction. I want to spend my life doing seva, not doing essays and exams. (I know, I can fit in some seva here and there, but it's not the same when you spend every day in lectures and are made to think that education is your entire life).

I'm taking amrit soon. I just wish I could dedicate my whole life to Sikhi/ seva, rather than having to go back to a life where all I do is worry about passing exams. I can't concentrate on that shizzle because I'm always thinking about, not only Sikhi related things, but things like death.

In conclusion: the world is an illusion, and I'm entertaining it by continuing miserably in education in order to get a job. I find myself concentrating on what will go with me after death, rather than all this, which will not. But money is necessary, unfortunately. So there's really no way out. :(

Yes the world is an illusion, all that really actually exists is nothing- God is of no image, no colour etc,

'Na roop na rang na rekh'= Nothing

Do naam simran, attuning yourself to thsi truth, remember this gyan day and night and you are remembering Him.

I used to sit in lectures attuning myself to his name(truth/Him) and everytime I stopped, even when writing notes etc, I felt I'd fallen, Truth/God was a nasha(still is).

Now I sit at work doing it, stand doing it, walk doing it, go to sleep doing it, it's no chore, it's a privilege. If we are able to attune ourselves to Him, to the truth that is Him throughout everything and every situation and apply the gyan of gurbani to the same, remembering gurbani's truths- letting them take on the false of maya, we have passed His greatest tests- no matter what we see, hear and feel, we remember its all just him and we remain calm and in truth- how can the theives conquer us when we have this gyan?

Get past the imagery, dont be fooled by it, people may slander and spit on you while your living in truth, attuning yourself to him/his frequency but remeber, theyre just him teaching you a fault still exists so work on it-

With this gyan, you just keep going on the path, nothing can stop you, you're just flowing through his love, fearlessly accepting that it is all Him no matter how good or bad your eyes delude you into thinking it is.

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Am I the only one who finds it difficult to get an equal balance between ones Sikhi and other daily demands?

I'm at university, and I'm just not motivated. I just keep thinking, what's the point? I've spent 20 years in education, and will continue for another 3 years, until I manage to get some boring job. All this is for money. None of this will go with me in the end.

I keep wondering what I will have gained in my life, if I were to die tomorrow.

Nothing in my daily life gives me satisfaction. I want to spend my life doing seva, not doing essays and exams. (I know, I can fit in some seva here and there, but it's not the same when you spend every day in lectures and are made to think that education is your entire life).

I'm taking amrit soon. I just wish I could dedicate my whole life to Sikhi/ seva, rather than having to go back to a life where all I do is worry about passing exams. I can't concentrate on that shizzle because I'm always thinking about, not only Sikhi related things, but things like death.

In conclusion: the world is an illusion, and I'm entertaining it by continuing miserably in education in order to get a job. I find myself concentrating on what will go with me after death, rather than all this, which will not. But money is necessary, unfortunately. So there's really no way out. :(

Education is very important. It is because of education we,Sikhs can further the Khalsa Panth in the world and make the ultimate sacrifice of devotion to Sri Waheguru ji Maharaj. Education for the purpose of making a living as Satguru taught is a must for every Sikh who has the opportunity to do so. With more education equals better positions, which can be utilized to further the Khalsa Panth. Also with better positions, we can earn more money for the Khalsa Panth. Let's face it, much of the problem the Khalsa Panth is facing today is because the lack of funds in the right person's hands. Making donations to the Khalsa Panth in large amounts to further the Khalsa Panth is very important today and this can be a great sacrifice by a Sikh, if he/she does it with Gurmat in mind. Without education a person can't make this kind of contribution because its hard enough to make a living for just the immediate family.

With education, we can make a difference in the world. Always keep Maharaj in mind and all the works, whether be writing exams, listening to lectures, writing papers, etc will be a sacrifice to Maharaj. When i say keep Maharaj in mind, its to do the duty for the Khalsa Panth and helping the world with Gurmat. Some go to school for themselves, some go for status, some go purely for more education, etc. The Sikh abandons all such selfish behaviour and does it all for Maharaj and his creation. Education can help the sick, the weak, the poor, the oppressed, if in the hands the Khalsa Panth. That same education can be used for wrong acts, if there is no one to counter the wrong act.

Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj enacted the saint and soldier side from day one and none of the Gurus ever dropped it. Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj taught us to do bhagti from day one and contribute to the world, by making it a better place to live. Bhagti is the base to making this world a better place to live, but bhagti does not stand alone for the Sikh. The soldier side is there and can't be ignored. Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj took up the social evils at the time and defeated them. His Sikh has to do the same an this requires education in this day and age.

Sikhi is also about living in the moment as Satguru put everyone in certain positions and we as Sikhs need to utilize the bhagti we did and will do to make things better in our immediate surroundings. Keep rehat of Satguru always in your mind, when out in the world, completing worldly task. That same worldly task can be intrepreted as a sacrifice to Maharaj, if rehat is kept in mind and is being engraved on the soul. It is all about how you see it in your mind; is it for Maharaj or for selfish reasons? If for selfish reasons, then this means the act of studying is not selfish, but the though process is selfish. Change your thought process to...for Maharaj and the act of studying becomes virtuous. Many make the judgement that so and so are doing langar di seva for selfish reasons, but only the person who is doing the seva knows why deep down he or she is doing it, plus Maharaj knows as well. Same goes for doing simran, completing education, or working at a certain job.

Take Amrit become Satguru's pyare and continue your studies.

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