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What'S Wrong With Badal?


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Everyone always blames Sikhi related things on the Badal family. In fact people make sweeping claims delegating most of punjabs problems on Badal family.

In this thread I would like to ask Sikh Sangat what exactly has the CM or his family done that is against sikji/punjab with proof and a timeline if possible. Are people just jealous of him and so make stuff up?

Can people stick to facts with proof of any claims and not statements without any support. The reason for this thread is if a westerner asks why should badal not receive such and such an award, what reply should be given (since evidence will be demanded for each accusation).

Please note this is purely a historical/education thread. I am in no way asserting any political allegences.

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and I will add that if people don't like him so much why do they keep voting him in????????Are the people of Punjab stupid or am I missing something here?

If this were true, we're hardly likely to admit to this because it would deflate our ego. Our people live in denial about many things in my opinion.

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Sikhs in the west mainly judge badal purely by Sikhi standards, his practice of Sikhi and how if at all he has the helped the Sikh community or Sikh cause. People in Punjab judge him by economic, monetary, legislative standards, in the same way that we judge the government of the country that we live in.

Badal is corrupt and is a sneaky politican through and through. However, politics in India is a dirty and corrupt game, and anyone that plays it is gonna have to get dirty. Punjab is a country where you have to buy loyalty, so Badal buys it left, right and centre.

The main problem I have with Badal is that he is trying to monopolize Sikhi and monpolize the Akal Takhat and the SGPC. However, I do not believe that any individual, whether Sikh or non-Sikh should have that much power. The fate of these important panthic institutes should lie only in the hands of the Sangat itself

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The main problem I have with Badal is that he is trying to monopolize Sikhi and monpolize the Akal Takhat and the SGPC. However, I do not believe that any individual, whether Sikh or non-Sikh should have that much power. The fate of these important panthic institutes should lie only in the hands of the Sangat itself

Yeah that's my biggest issue with him as well. If he wants to play the "game" then all power to him. But he should keep his paws off the panthic institutions and let them be. Although I suppose he's afraid of another figure like Sant Jarnail Singh emerging who could potentially threaten his alliances with the various dereh babeh and their followers whose votes Badal relies on.

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Sikhs in the west mainly judge badal purely by Sikhi standards, his practice of Sikhi and how if at all he has the helped the Sikh community or Sikh cause. People in Punjab judge him by economic, monetary, legislative standards, in the same way that we judge the government of the country that we live in.

Badal is corrupt and is a sneaky politican through and through. However, politics in India is a dirty and corrupt game, and anyone that plays it is gonna have to get dirty. Punjab is a country where you have to buy loyalty, so Badal buys it left, right and centre.

The main problem I have with Badal is that he is trying to monopolize Sikhi and monpolize the Akal Takhat and the SGPC. However, I do not believe that any individual, whether Sikh or non-Sikh should have that much power. The fate of these important panthic institutes should lie only in the hands of the Sangat itself

Thing is, when people try and broach the issue of the Akal Takhat being pretty much an instrument in dirty politicians hands rather than some majestic Sikh authority, you get the usual simple minded crowd gasping, clutching their handbags to their chest in apparent shock. It's like 'are you guys really that big a bunch of lulloos that you can't see outright corruption when it stares you in the bootha?'

Then they can't handle the idea of the Akal Takhat being anything but some imaginary beacon of pure Sikhi and attack anyone who has the balls to speak the truth about the situation.

Now we are a global community we could actually really do with circumspect, wise, centralised, light touch counsel to help foster a sense of unity between a diverse, global community. Instead we get nothing better than petty, small minded ruralcentric politics. Then it is no wonder we are afflicted by so many problems as a community. If our central institutes are corrupt extensions of dirty politics, what else would happen in any case?

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Punjab is a country where you have to buy loyalty, so Badal buys it left, right and centre.

I have nothing against your comment and it is similar to countless others on this forum. The point of this thread was to substantiate any claims, such as you claim of bribary with any evidence? Since otherwise anyone can make up anything against someone else.

Badal is that he is trying to monopolize Sikhi and monpolize the Akal Takhat and the SGPC.

Pedrorizzo makes some good points (although not referenced). Again does anyone have any specific examples please. We as a nation look uneducated when making unsubstantiated comments.

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I have nothing against your comment and it is similar to countless others on this forum. The point of this thread was to substantiate any claims, such as you claim of bribary with any evidence? Since otherwise anyone can make up anything against someone else.

My uncle who was SDM (revenue department) had to give monthly payments to minister in order to keep posted in a particular city. He also used to go Badal house to give them lump sum annual payments. Badal's wife is always receiver in chandigarh and never touched the money but instead tell them to go upstairs and leave bag in front of guru sahib's Prakash. Before my uncle left their home, she said next time bring gold biscuit.

Same stuff my uncle did during his tehsildar posting and at that time it was cm beant Singh (his son tej Prakash? used to collect money).

Capt. Amarinder came and they caught my uncle's middleman 'Ravi inder Singh'. This guy acted as a middleman for many ministers. They got ahold of small dairy which includes names and payments given or pending to all officials. My uncle ran away from India and settled in Canada and became gursikh recently (which we never thought that would be the day to see).

I have other relatives whose cases are very similar. All government officials pay in order to keep their posting; from primary teachers to patwari, from sipahi to dc. They have to pay otherwise they will get posted in third world areas of Punjab; away from home and money.

Above may not be a good method of called it as a strong fact but a personal story.

Very nice thread with mature replies.

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