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If All Else Fails, Bhai Rajoana Must Be Made Jathedar & Sikhs Should Be Prepared For Sangharsh: Sant Dhadrianwale

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News: 24th March 2012

Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale have stated that in the same method as Panthic Jathedar Bhai Ranjit Singh and Bhai Jasbir Singh were saved in the past, the Jathedar of Akal Takht (or of any of the other Takhts) should put Bhai Balwant Singh Ji Rajoana in their place and announce Bhai Sahib as Jathedar. Then which authority will send the Jathedar to the gallows? The current Jathedar of Akal Takht (or any other) would then become an ‘acting-Jathedar’ in Bhai Balwant Singh Ji’s absence until they are released from jail. Who will hang a Jathedar of the Panth?

After the large scale Gurmat Samagam held in the Malwa region of Punjab, this was said during a Samagam organised by the Jatha for Bhai Rajoana in the Doaba region, further to the same requests made by Sant Dhadrianwale (as well as other Panthic Jathebandhia) prior to and during the 23rd March 2012 Akal Takht meeting. This was the demand of the people.

Sant Dhadrianwale once again spoke at length about the Jeevan of Bhai Rajoana and told the Doaba Sangat of the happenings during the Akal Takht meeting held earlier in the day. The decision to give Shaheed Bhai Dilawar Singh the title of “Quami Shaheed” by the Akal Takht was most welcomed by the Sangat, as was the title given to Bhai Balwant Singh of “Jinda Shaheed”.

Sant Dhadrianwale explained the decision of the supreme authority of Akal Takht, but said in the event Bhai Rajoana did not agree or the Government did not take action upon the advice of the Jathedars, then their plan-of-action which was originally proposed prior to the meeting and generally accepted by the Khalsa Panth should be implemented without delay - Bhai Rajoana should be made Jathedar.

Sant Dhadrianwale, in their fearless but factual approach to Sikhi Parchaar, questioned if the killers of Rajiv Gandhi can be saved from the gallows, why not our Singh?

Sant Dhadrianwale re-iterated the likes of Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tyltler are walking alive in India, free. They said if such people had not got a ‘clean chit’ in the 1984 Delhi Massacre cases and had been hanged, then the Sikhs could understand that such is the system of the country for all. However, in the absence of such evidence we have to think, “Why is this only happening to Sikhs?”

They said it would a beautiful day when a lion of the nation like Bhai Rajoana would be released from jail and sitting among us and Sangat could do ‘darshan’ of such a warrior who would be sitting on stages. Further support for Bhai Rajoana was shown by the Sangat during the Diwaan and there were ‘Jakaareh’ against his hanging.

Sant Dhadrianwale advised the Sikhs of Punjab that should the authorities not act upon the orders of Akal Takht and Bhai Rajoana’s proposed hanging is to go ahead as scheduled, then there will be no option but to make Bhai Rajoana Jathedar if he is to be saved from India’s death sentence. Sant Dhadrianwale said the Panth should prepare for Sangharsh if the need arises but stated unity and peace within the Khalsa Panth must be maintained at all costs.

- ENDS -

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Badal is not a wild lone man running all show without any support. Most of the rural punjab jats support badal and whole majority of SGPC (political party on sikh matters) members belong to Akali Dal for more than 100 years. One can't just go and put/name any jathedar position without the support of SGPC (which is wildly under control by badal caputured "Akali Dal").

Read and spend time learning the structure of sikh politics of punjab rather than easily blaming one guy for everything and rest of us following like sheeps. Badal is corrupt and bad.. yes we get it but what about thunderous support base he gets from? Target SGPC members, keep track on them and then take those seats away from them and then only you will be able to change things otherwise media will continue to label you/us as fanatics or radicals.

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Badal is not a wild lone man running all show without any support. Most of the rural punjab jats support badal and whole majority of SGPC (political party on sikh matters) members belong to Akali Dal for more than 100 years. One can't just go and put/name any jathedar position without the support of SGPC (which is wildly under control by badal caputured "Akali Dal").

Read and spend time learning the structure of sikh politics of punjab rather than easily blaming one guy for everything and rest of us following like sheeps. Badal is corrupt and bad.. yes we get it but what about thunderous support base he gets from? Target SGPC members, keep track on them and then take those seats away from them and then only you will be able to change things otherwise media will continue to label you/us as fanatics or radicals.

One of the reasons he was voted into office (again) this year by the people of Panjab was by offering the elderly over a certain age either an increase in their pensions or - although don't quote me on this - that he'd continue paying them (I can't remember which). These are Sikhs living in poverty and aren't sure where their next meal is coming from, so all concerns for panthic issues are out of the window when it comes to some of these families with ineffectual sons who are hooked on drugs and don't want to - or cannot - work - etc. If such families are relying on surviving from day to day on the monthly sum of 500 or so Rs. of pension of an elderly mother and father (or even grandparents) then they are bound to vote in Badal.

This is one small part of the overall issue; make large parts of the population (the poor) dependent on the state so when election time comes, have the distant threat of poverty and starvation hanging over the heads of those who already have nothing and promise them the "carrot" in order to win their vote.

The ironic thing is that the situations which led to people falling into destitution and having apathy towards work can be traced to policies enacted by the various adminstrations of Panjab and India, i.e. the widespread availabilty of drugs and alcohol across the state of Panjab as well as the almost futile pursuit of an education because nobody is willing to hire certain sections of the population in the name of equality!

It must be said that the fecklessness of the Panjab youth when it comes to a desire to work and earn is to blame in some instances, although when they see such hopelessness around them then I would think its difficult to accuse them of being the architects of their own downfall. Although I have seen the propensity of the youth to prefer the idle life / "maujaa" when their elders are breaking their backs in the fields doing the work the young should be doing! So they must also shoulder some of the responsibility for their fate.

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Kalyugi, this is true. He made A LOT of promises, most to elderly pension, payroll increases, job increases and technically is better for farmers.

Most are probably just him letting out some gas after drinking some Jack Daninels with Avtar Makkar and a chowing on some moolian.

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Kalyugi, this is true. He made A LOT of promises, most to elderly pension, payroll increases, job increases and technically is better for farmers.

Most are probably just him letting out some gas after drinking some Jack Daninels with Avtar Makkar and a chowing on some moolian.

Exactly. So he's putting Sikhs in an impossible position - well, one would think an impossible position - i.e. choose your livelihood and financial security for your family OR remain loyal to Sikhi and promote Panthic issues before your own survival and then starve to death if you vote in anyone other than Badal.

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