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Bheora's Letter Back - Some Shocking Things About Rajoana

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Guru Roop Saadh Sangat Jio,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

In a letter dated April 8, 2012, Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana has stated that Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara has a dubious character. Bhai Hawara was also labeled a supporter of the Congress who at one time had begged for his life’s mercy during the Beant “Singh” assassination case court hearings. In addition, Bhai Hawara was further ridiculed by Bhai Rajoana for defending Bhai Resham Singh Germany.

I have but strong words to denounce such accusations made against Bhai Hawara. I suggest Bhai Balwant Singh remain polite while making any future allegations. This is especially important when allegations cannot be proven.

I want to clarify that Bhai Hawara and I did not agree with Bhai Jagtar Singh Tara and Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana’s confession made during 1997 and 1998 regarding Beant’s assassination. This is because some Singhs were accused by the CBI on minor charges. The lives of these Singhs would be endangered had all charges been confessed in court. It was decided by Bhai Hawara, along with all freedom fighting Singhs that if a lower court sentences us to death, we would fight it until the Supreme Court–however we would never file a mercy petition to the President.

The confession by Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana was different from the one by Bhai Jagtar Singh Tara. Bhai Tara had said in a full courtroom that on behalf of Babbar Khalsa International, he accepts all responsibility for the assassination of Beant “Singh.” Bhai Tara had declared that Bhai Dilawar Singh “Jai Singhwala” had offered to become a human bomb, while the explosives used were prepared by the Babbars, who also provided all other resources to be used in a plot that was “team work.” The case presented by the CBI was similar to the confessions made by Bhai Tara. Despite the court having accepted the confessions of both Singhs, the CBI has spent around 12 years to prove the involvement of other Singhs. Having provided this brief information, I want to provide my clarification to the Khalsa regarding the accusations made against Bhai Hawara by Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana. I feel this is important because Guru Panth is our mother and father.

I want to share the few following points as I fully denounce the charges leveled against Bhai Hawara by Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana. Contrary to Bhai Rajoana’s claims, Bhai Hawara has never taken credit for masterminding the human bomb plot. Also, fighting a court case does not equate with begging. From 1978 onwards, only a few have fully confessed, while thousands have fought their cases in courts.

Who does not know that Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale was directly involved in the assassination of Lala Jagat Narian, who was an enemy of the Sikhs. Bhai Nacchatar Singh Rode and Bhai Sarvan Singh took guidance from Sant Ji to fulfill this task. Despite this, Sant Bhindrawale never accepted this in any interview, even though the Sikh Sangat knew of his role in the plot.

Does this mean that Sant Ji was scared to accept his involvement? No, this is not the case. This was based on his knowledge and understanding of politics and was a plan to trap the enemy in his own net.

There are cases of pro-Sikh army men, detained Singhs of Jodhpur, General Labh Singh, Bhai Daljit Singh Bittu, Prof. Davinderpal Singh Bhullar, Bhai Dya Singh Lahoriya, Bhai Harpal Singh Cheema, Bibi Baljeet Kaur, Bhai Lashwinder Singh Dallewal, S. Simranjit Singh Mann and thousands of Singhs who have fought their cases in the court and are continuing to do so today. There is nothing wrong with that.

Even today, Bhai Balbir Singh Bira, Baba Bakshish Singh, Bhai Harminder Singh Ludhiana and many others of the Nabha Jail are fighting their cases. Are all of them “begging for mercy”?

What crime did Prof. Davinderpal Singh Bhullar commit by filing a mercy petition with the President upon his elderly mother’s request, whose husband was severely tortured by the police? Bhai Balwant Singh Ji, even we are not in favor of mercy petitions, but Prof. Bhullar made no mistake. But Bhai Rajoana, out of ego, whatever charges you leveled against Prof. Bhullar were not very sensible. You must have caused much despair to his mother with your statements. Today, Sikh Sangat is holding protest marches because they do not want any Sikh to be hanged until death.

I have forever aimed for unity and have always attempted that we stay united in jail. But didn’t your anti-Sikh activities cause hurdles in the path of unity? I want to ask if there is any anti-Gurmat blunder that you did not commit. For Jathebandis to have a difference is one thing, but will you care to share the anti-Gurmat acts you committed in jail? All the Singhs of Burail Jail, along with sentries, are witness to them. I did not want to get involved in any controversy, but for you to launch cheap attacks on Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara, despite him having used sensible and humble words to defend Bhai Resham Singh Babbar, was not very mature of you.

Bhai Balwant Singh Ji, it is not good to be so egotistical. I want to tell the Sangat that Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara is a Gursikh and a warrior who adheres to Sikh principles. Bhai Hawara has been attached to the Sikh struggle movement since the age of 16 or 17. He has not once committed any anti-Sikh activity, ever since being lodged in jail. In contrast, Bhai Rajoana has committed all prime sins, which are not capable of being tolerated.

I was always the first person to express happiness whenever Bhai Rajoana took steps towards practicing the Sikh way of life but whenever we associated with Bhai Balwant Singh, we felt disappointed.

I want to ask Bhai Balwant Singh regarding 1998, when he shaved his long beard, which Shaheeds was he paying his respect to when he sent it to us at the jail Gurdwara? In October 1995, within 15 to 20 minutes of doing ardas to Akal Takhat Sahib for keeping kesh, he shaved immediately.

Where was his manly stand of remaining steadfast back then? In 1999, during the 300th anniversary of the Khalsa Panth, he promised in front of the Punj Pyare from Keshgarh Sahib who had come for amrit sanchaar at Burail Jail, to keep uncut kesh and beard but within days, he again shaved his face and head. To which Shaheeds was he paying his respect by committing these acts?

It is a big mistake to brag about one’s own bravery while undermining others. Had you known anything about our plans to dig the tunnel in Burail Jail, you would have never let that happen. Our enemies know very well who is equipped with how much bravery.

In the end, I would appeal to Bhai Balwant Singh to remember a man is bound to make mistakes. For you to receive the blessing of Amrit, despite committing so many mistakes, is the mercy of Guru Nanak Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Guru Nanak Sahib is our father who bestows respect to the disregarded. It is now your duty to preserve the blessings bestowed on you by the Sikh Nation and Sri Akal Takhat. Let us never make the same mistakes again, otherwise people will say that our vessel was small, and it turned over due to there being more blessings than it could sustain.

Guru Roop Khalsa Ji, “cat” is a person who provides tips for the arrests of Singhs or leads to their martyrdom. I challenge Bhai Rajoana to prove any anti-Sikh activity by Bhai Resham Singh at the Akal Takhat Sahib on any day or time. If such happens, whatever punishment is declared from Akal Takhat Sahib, we will accept it. In regards to his anguish at any Singh–if there are any grievances or complaints, they should be finished at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib.

To call Bhai Hawara a “sell out” is utterly wrong. I bear witness for Bhai Hawara and pledge to the Sangat that if the Supreme Court upholds the death sentence for Bhai Hawara, he will never plead for mercy. If it happens otherwise, I will be the first to oppose him. I am giving this statement in response to Bhai Rajoana’s remarks on Bhai Hawara. I request Giani Gurbachan Singh to pass a resolution asking for a ban on such messages, as were hurled recently, against any Singh.

If my remarks cause pain to anyone, then I request their pardon.

Servant of the Guru Panth,

Paramjeet Singh Bheora

Jail# 2

High Risk Ward 5

Tihar Jail

New Delhi

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There is bound to be a reaction by the Indian authorities to the recent stand taken by the Sikh nation recently against tyranny. In the 80 and 90's they were quites successful at getting Sikhs to fight amongst themselves, usually using their agents planted in various organisations.

I think Sikhs should evaluate information first before jumping to conclusions. We have to be smarter this time.

I would like to see Bhai Rajoanas sister come out to clarify the situation.

Meanwhile it looks as if a more hardline approach is being taken against Sikhs, as in recent days Police involved in encounters against Sikhs have been let off and those involved in the 84 masscres have also been let off.

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shocking that they have again fallen for the oldest trick in the book to divide and rule.

to be fair rajoana started it by bad mouthing hawara etc. it was only a matter of time before hawara and bheora responded.

shocking that rajoana appears to have cut his hair many times having just taken amrit

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

can we please use the term Bhai for our beloved singhs, you would never write a name without Satkar for gursikhs. plus

can we take this topic of mods please, its doing no one any good with ppl playing their jatha badges like if they are school kids playing snap

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Bhai Rajoana has written his response to Resham germany and Bhai Parmjeet Singh bheora on www.sangharhdasach.com

I did reqeuest sikh24 to give the original to the translation of bhai paramjeet singh but they said they did not have it.

I think we need to consider why all this is happening and where it originated from. Benti to everyone to read all the letters and make the decision yourself. Instead of siding due to jathebandia. I have read both sides to the story.

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