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Sikhs in th City

khalsa mero roop

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Fateh Ji!

Well most of it was good!! Police guy/Fauja Singh etc but they spoilt by rubbin the fact that it is apparently acceptable to cut hair as long as your insides are pure..they went on about that a bit too much and was kinda the finishing point too..

Overall it did portray a good picture!

What do you guys think??


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well erm... it was quite good. I dont like Sonia Deol bit though. It made me realise suming... are our Sikh women not shining in society as much as the men? Not being sexist sorri, but i think if Sonia Deol was da best female Sikh role model the BBC could find... then where r we going wrong?

The guy doing the play n that... wot the hell was with the "oh i dont believe Turban was one of the 5 K's otherwise it would be 5 K's and a T."... i mean, sorry i missed the joke... totally didnt get it. Was he tryin to diss AKJ rehat maryadha but messed up the joke?!

Overall.. theek si.

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That singh at the end who did them jokes did put an bad impression on sikhs. Also they should'nt of let Sonia Deol say all that stuff that you can be what ever you are on the out side but inside you should be good, but in other word it meant you can have an hair cut but inside you should be truthful. Guru Gobind Singh clearly states Khalsa mero roop he kaas- The Khalsa in my image. Also upstair in Sonia's house was their an actual Guru Granth Sahib saroop in their?, also Sonia's mum was doing mutha tikh do the photoes that is wrong because that is showing Gora that sikhs worship photoes but we don't.

Overall I think that programme should of be more didicated to the 400th parkash of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

Phull chuck maaf karni

Vaheguru Jee Kaa Khalsa Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!!

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the program was made as a ‘human interest’ piece and was ok i guess

i just wish the bbc would be as enthusiastic about commissioning serious documentaries focusing on the issues as well as individual narrative… the prog was made to commemorate the 400th anniversary afterall... not quite sure where sonia deol and her choice of shoes and ringtones fit in there :wub:

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i agree with js.... i just don't see why sonia deol's choice of ringtone (which may i say was abit coincidental that it had to rhyme with the name of the program) was included in the documentary. why didn't they show more gatka?! maybe they could have got in touch with nidar singh to see how he was celebrating the 400th Parkash of Guru Maharaaj! :)

Fauja singh was brilliant! and that police man with his accent - 2 good! :)

but i think we have to realise that the program intended to show an overall picture about sikhs... obviously there are sikhs out there who have different lifestyles so it was a good general view of the different brummies roaming about the place....and sonia deol.(her shoes were wayyy nice though!) :wub:

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u can jus imagine now... all Sonia Deol fans find out the name of the Sant that her mum was bowing down to and suddenly, his followers double... then again if that happened, he wud probably have only four followers coz i think there cant be more than 2 Sonia Deol fans....! hehe

oh but then again, all Sonia Deol haters would go hunt him down...!

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