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Alarming rise in HIV among drug addicts--notably punjabi youths!


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I maybe completely off-target on the following but wasn't circumcision on par with a bujjar kureit as specified by Guru Gobind Singh Ji? I'm sure I read somewhere Guru Ji stated there's no coming back for a Sikh of his if he: a) gets the snip, and / or b) "lies down" with a Muslim female.

Sikhs indeed should not be circumcised. That is the reason why you will never hear the subject being mentioned by the actvist Sikhs born in America that otherwise seem to love nothing more writing 'sikh' related issues. The reason they are quiet on the issue is because most of them are circumcised. Whilst circumcision is extremely rare (other than for religious reasons) here in the UK and all the other European countries and places such as Australia and New Zealand, it is the norm in America.....and, to a smaller extent, fairly common in Canada. In America, it is the norm for doctors, surgeons and mid-wives to reccommend circumcision. Thus most males (whether Sikh, Christian, Hindu or Jew) are circumcised.

Most of the so called 'intellectual' and academic Sikh articles published these days emanate from America. There is a very good reason why the subject of circumcision never comes up.

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West London Singh is making a good point. However, there are other factors not being accounted for.

I know these are unlikely other factors since these are not very developed countries, but do they have some sort of needle program where clean needles are easily obtainable or a wide availability of condoms?

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Sikhs indeed should not be circumcised. That is the reason why you will never hear the subject being mentioned by the actvist Sikhs born in America that otherwise seem to love nothing more writing 'sikh' related issues. The reason they are quiet on the issue is because most of them are circumcised. Whilst circumcision is extremely rare (other than for religious reasons) here in the UK and all the other European countries and places such as Australia and New Zealand, it is the norm in America.....and, to a smaller extent, fairly common in Canada. In America, it is the norm for doctors, surgeons and mid-wives to reccommend circumcision. Thus most males (whether Sikh, Christian, Hindu or Jew) are circumcised.

Most of the so called 'intellectual' and academic Sikh articles published these days emanate from America. There is a very good reason why the subject of circumcision never comes up.

Flip me, is that true (rhetorical question of course, I'm not doubting what you're telling me)?!? Deary me.

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circumcision is extremely rare (other than for religious reasons) here in the UK and all the other European countries and places such as Australia and New Zealand, it is the norm in America.....and, to a smaller extent, fairly common in Canada. In America, it is the norm for doctors, surgeons and mid-wives to reccommend circumcision. Thus most males (whether Sikh, Christian, Hindu or Jew) are circumcised.

Hmm...not quite sure where you got this information. There is a large growing trend in America in which parents are moving away from circumcision and doctors don't do it unless asked. In fact, doctors don't even do religious circumcision, that's done by Rabbi's, etc. Please bak your arguments up
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Sikhs indeed should not be circumcised. That is the reason why you will never hear the subject being mentioned by the actvist Sikhs born in America that otherwise seem to love nothing more writing 'sikh' related issues. The reason they are quiet on the issue is because most of them are circumcised. Whilst circumcision is extremely rare (other than for religious reasons) here in the UK and all the other European countries and places such as Australia and New Zealand, it is the norm in America.....and, to a smaller extent, fairly common in Canada. In America, it is the norm for doctors, surgeons and mid-wives to reccommend circumcision. Thus most males (whether Sikh, Christian, Hindu or Jew) are circumcised.

Most of the so called 'intellectual' and academic Sikh articles published these days emanate from America. There is a very good reason why the subject of circumcision never comes up.

Maybe in the 50's !!!

This is certainly NOT the case now at all.

I really don't think there are any more cases here than anywhere else in the world in terms of sikh men !!

I certainly don't understand how you deduced this information and then applied it to the sikhs of today !

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All scientific journals indicate that circumcison amongst american men has substantially reduced in the past two decades. It has been traditionally pushed by the military on the grounds of "hygiene". However, it is no longer the case that all american men are circumcised. With regards to Sikh americans, I would be surprised if they were circumcised, but I have no information.

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Maybe in the 50's !!!

This is certainly NOT the case now at all.

I really don't think there are any more cases here than anywhere else in the world in terms of sikh men !!

I certainly don't understand how you deduced this information and then applied it to the sikhs of today !

Well obviously I haven't done a survey of Sikh men in America by hanging around public toilets and taking a peek. Regarding your message above, you see thing about Americans is that you should never take what they say about themselves too seriously. Because they tend to know so little about the rest of the world they are not too good at comparison. Comparison wise.....the American rate of circumcision today is at an unbelievably high level compared to the UK, Continemtal Europe and even Latin America. Like imprisoning its young and executing its citizens....it's practices in this area are more akin to sub-Saharan Africa.

So......if you're comparing your circumcision rate today with that of Pakistan then yes, I suppose you're right, your rate is not all that high.

But......if you're comparing America and Canada's circumcision rate with that of the rest of the western world than trust me.......your rate is unbelievably high.

But....if you're right and the circumcision stopped in the 1950's I strongly suggest you urgently contact every major book publisher and every medical researcher.....for they are still showing you to have high 3rd world levels.

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I'd love to see these statistics which show circumcision rates in America and Europe

Well seeing how you'd really 'love' to see these statistics, I feel it my duty to oblige. Here :


As you can see, it pretty much confirms what I said.....in that America and Canada have muslim country levels of circumcision compared to European and Latin American countries where circumcision is extremely rare other than for Jews and Muslims.

Canada = 44% circumcised

USA = 79% circumcised

Lithuania = 0.1% circumcised

Argentina = 2.4% circumcised

Spain = 2% circumcised

Holland - 5.9% circumcised

France (even with its huge Muslim and Jewish population included) = 14% circumcised

Norway = 1.1% circumcised

Cuba = 0.2% circumcised

Finland = 7.1& circumcised

Sweden = 2.2% circumcised

Ireland = 0.6% circumcised

Belgium = 3% circumcised

Portugal = 0.2% circumcised

Italy = 1.1% circumcised

Germany = 10.9% circumcised

UK = 15.8% circumcised

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