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is dhunda doing katha in delhi gurudwara anymore?


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this is the reason this duhnda is getting famous .............

no need to watch tv serials ( saas bahu ) .... coz dhunda cover all these stories in his katha.....

Delhi Gurudawara committee was under control of Congress thugs through their tout parmjit Sarna. He was doing what was said to

him to do.

He banned Dasam bani from Delhi gurudawaras.

He brought in Darshan Ragi to do propaganda against Dasam bani.

He made missionary Tarsem singh . a kala afghana and spokesman follower as head of Dharam parchar committee.

He brought all these unread missionaries dhunhda, ex policeman sabhra, old head Gurbachan panwan, jagtar jachak, shivteg etc etc. to spread venom from the stage of Gurudawaras for years on.

Previous to that kala afghana books were banned from Delhi gurudawara premises and surjit missionary was not allowed

to hold book stalls there to sell missionary literature. I think that time Avatar singh Hit was the man who banned them.

Sikh sangat taught Sarna and congress a lesson and gave them crushing defeat. Present President stated after election that ban of dasam bani in Delhi Gurudwaras was under a deep rooted conspiracy. he said that he used to read Dasam bani shabads himself in Gurudawras when he was a young boy. He seems to be a sensible man and will not allow cult of missionaries to carry out their nefarious anti sikh designs inside our Gurudwaras.

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i've tried listen his katha twice ( he have no rass or atmik shanti in his katha )

1st time wen i tried his katha ...he said eat meat ... even guru nanak never said no to meat ......BUS DIL SAAF RAKHO.....

2nd time ......he was telling how saas and bahu should behave and how kitchen should be run , how should they both live together and do shopping together and how they should make food ....and most important they should make husbands happy ......OMG

is this gurmat teaching?

thats why innocent people get trapped .....and dey belive DHUNDA SHAHIB is very awesome .....

and wen ppl are trapped ...they start brain washing process......

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P9 = we all expected him not doing katha anymore in delhi gurudwara ( i think bangla sahib)

P9 = so in he still doing katha?

UK = He is there less at the moment as a direct consequence of the political calculations by which Sant Samaj (who oppose him) have to be kept sweet by Badal camp. However, he and others like him will be back at Sri Bangla Sahib by public demand from local Sangat - of that I'm pretty sure.

In my opinion not. Delhi committee president had issued statement that no disrespect direct or indirect will be allowed in Delhi Gurudawaras towards bani of Dasam Granth sahib.Also katha will be gurmat based and not slander or criticism based.

In my opinion their days are over.They are not kathakars but were promoted by congress agent Sarna against sikh principles.

UK = Obviously Paji it was inevitable in the short term that only those agreeable to Sant Samaj would be permitted after the (positive)changeover at DSGMC. I personally oppose Sarna and am glad that the far better Manjit Singh GK has come to the fore, as Sarna's links with Congress and Ponty Chadha clearly disqualified from holding such a post. The disgraceful scenes at Bangla Sahib in recent months were clearly Sarna's doing so good riddance. However, if kathakars are given an opportunity (most likely as you suggest by Sarna to ruffle Badal's feathers) then anti-Congress kathakars like Dhunda Sahib and Panthpreet Singh Khalsa can't be blamed for that.

P9 = 1st time wen i tried his katha ...he said eat meat ... even guru nanak never said no to meat ......BUS DIL SAAF RAKHO.....

UK = P9 Paji yet again you're misrepresenting his position. I don't eat meat despite having his heard his katha a few times and nor do I intend to change from that. All that is being said is that the Khalsa Fauj is not restricted to vegetarian bhojan in the absence of non-meat food being available. So if the Khalsa Fauj only have access to meat during battle or tribes living in the jungle without convenient supermarkets nearby eat non-vegetarian food, we shouldn't judge them over that but analyse what Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj's position was about those that avoid meat but make other human beings lives a living hell.

UK = As for the clip, yet again I see nothing anti-Sikh or atheist about it and good on Dhunda Sahib for criticising the musical dogs that deliberately promote jaath-paath, alcohol, disrespect for women etc in their records (often famously for a Muslim Jatt record label from Birmingham in the UK)

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UK = P9 Paji yet again you're misrepresenting his position. I don't eat meat despite having his heard his katha a few times and nor do I intend to change from that.

VEERJI I DISAGREE ... with u on meat ...but i've seen sikh sangat stopped doing amritvela simran... which they were doing for many years ...... all they were in guru's bana ...and now they stopped wearing dummale ......after listening DHUNDA SAHIB in canada .....

kise nu vi guru to todoge .... narak vich sadoge

UK = As for the clip, yet again I see nothing anti-Sikh or atheist about it and good on Dhunda Sahib for criticising the musical dogs that deliberately promote jaath-paath, alcohol, disrespect for women etc in their records (often famously for a Muslim Jatt record label from Birmingham in the UK)

i'm not saying its anti-sikh .... but this is not Gurmat katha ...... gurudwara is for gurmat katha ......... not for saas bahu stories .........

U KNOW i've never seen him doing deep gurmat veechar ........ ( jisnu sunn'na vi aukha hai )

speaking of all these subject is not kaatha ...... and he is famous ....coz he is a story teller............and not gurmat

AND ONE THING MORE .... let me type his exact words in meat katha ........

" guru nanak ne kithe keha hai ...ke meat na khao .........gurupyareo je meat khanna hai ta khao .....bus dil saaf rakho........"

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P9 Paji you're my brother in the Panth so I won't argue with you on this subject but it may be that Dhunda Sahib did not use those exact words and may have instead been stressing that without keeping a saaf dhill, abstaining from meat becomes less meaningful (as Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj stated in Gurbani) and I might be a bigger Pappi than you if looked at it in that way.

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