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is dhunda doing katha in delhi gurudwara anymore?


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UK = Paji you know full well that only parts of Charitropakhiyan and the Kul-mentioning parts of Bachittar Natak which reference Ram Chander as a so-called ancestor of the Sodhi's are what many many GurSikhs dispute so there is no relavance to you quoting parts of Bani that I also have reverence for.

Only missionaries as they have not read Dasam Granth sahib. In bachitra natak Guru ji does not lay importance on his ancestry but compares offspring of king ram chander who fight for material possessions and are finished in the end to house of Guru Nanak which believes in Naam of God and still flourishes.It is all written there.Read it before indulging in false propaganda here.

Guru Granth says

Bhale amardas Gunn tere, Does it mean there is emphasis on kul. Guru Ramdass ji is mentioned as Sodhi in Guru Granth sahib. So stop forwarding false stories.

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That's fine Paji if you have proof that you wish to present that allows you to state with unwavering confidence that Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj had a previous life then bring it all to the table. Who knows you might even convert someone skeptical myself to your point of view. Bring your proof. It's worth mentioning that the only proof a Sikh should accept is Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj

I'm glad you clear up the misconception that certain folks who believe in Charitropakhiyan may have had regarding Guru Sahib's alleged age.

When I mentioned people like yourself I was referring to Waljinder Singh's mention on the thread:


At the age of 30 my belief is that Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj was busy defending Sri Anandpur Sahib and fighting for Sarbat da Bhala

... rather than writing the sexual tales you GPS Paji believe that he had the time to author at that point in time.

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That's fine Paji if you have proof that you wish to present that allows you to state with unwavering confidence that Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj had a previous life then bring it all to the table. Who knows you might even convert someone skeptical myself to your point of view. Bring your proof. It's worth mentioning that the only proof a Sikh should accept is Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj

I'm glad you clear up the misconception that certain folks who believe in Charitropakhiyan may have had regarding Guru Sahib's alleged age.

When I mentioned people like yourself I was referring to Waljinder Singh's mention on the thread:


At the age of 30 my belief is that Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj was busy defending Sri Anandpur Sahib and fighting for Sarbat da Bhala

... rather than writing the sexual tales you GPS Paji believe that he had the time to author at that point in time.

Do not see the proof? Proof is Dasam Granth sahib. he did not write he had previous life. He wrote he was meditating at hem kunt sahib. He does not write in what form he was meditating.These are domains of Godly acts and do not interpret per your limited understanding.

How old are you UKlondonsikh ji? I think we are having discussion with a child. Pl note that Khalsa was created in 1699 AD and battle of Anandpur occurred after that.Read some sikh history before you write blasphemy here and violate guidelines of the forum.

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UKLondonSikh, thanks for being respectful and not making personal attacks, however, this doesn't mean you can question legitimacy of Sikh scriptures on the forums. This is a formal warning that any posts questioning Dasam Granth Sahib will be deleted and action will be taken by admins.

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GPS = Do not see the proof? Proof is Dasam Granth sahib.

UK = The only proof acceptable to a Gursikh is Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj

GPS = He wrote he was meditating at hem kunt sahib. He does not write in what form he was meditating.

UK = I will reserve my faith for Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj rather than what you allege Paji

GPS = How old are you UKlondonsikh ji? I think we are having discussion with a child. Pl note that Khalsa was created in 1699 AD and battle of Anandpur occurred after that.

UK = That means Paji you are unaware of Dilawar Khan and his son's attack on Anandpur Sahib at the age you allege Guru Sahib wrote Charitropakhiyan

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Ok Mod Paji i will leave it at that for now and hopefully me and GPS Paji can find something where we agree like the Manjinder Singh Sirsa thread:


GPS Paji let's me and you draw a line from today on debating contentious issues from now on

... and focus on the issues where we are in overall agreement for the Panth's Chardi Kallah.


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UK = The only proof acceptable to a Gursikh is Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj

In guru Granth sahib is not written why a sikh should take baptism or Amrit. Is it written there how khalsa is created? Is it written there why you should have singh as last name.If so show us.

Sikhi comprises our scripures, history and tradition. Only sahib Guru Granth is not sikhi.Like that thousands of sindhis believe in SGGS ji but do not believe in institution of khalsa.They cut hair and smoke. Will you call them sikhs? This is what missionaries want us to take.

UK = That means Paji you are unaware of Dilawar Khan's attack on Ananpur Sahib at the age you allege Guru Sahib wrote Charitropakhiyan

GPS :Please do not talk in riddles.Tell us what you want to say.Are you saying that battle of Anandpur started before 1699?

This is what you wrote earlier

At the age of 30 my belief is that Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj was busy defending Sri Anandpur Sahib and fighting for Sarbat da Bhala


He completed krishna avtar just when battle of Bhangani was to be fought. Guru is capable of doing anything and everything.

Ok Mod Paji i will leave it at that for now and hopefully me and GPS Paji can find something where we agree like the Manjinder Singh Sirsa thread:


GPS Paji let's me and you draw a line from today on debating contentious issues from now on

... and focus on the issues where we are in overall agreement for the Panth's Chardi Kallah.


Let me tell you one thing loud and clear. There is no panth without Dasam Granth sahib.It is Dasam Granth that makes panth.It is not panth it is called Guru Panth. We have two gurus Guru Granth and Guru panth.Read sikh rehat maryada first.

You greet here waheguru ji ki fateh so proudly.Remember that originates from Dasam Granth sahib only. People like you even do not know that every composition of Dasam granth starts with.

Ik onkar sri waheguru ji ki fateh.

That decimates all detractors of dasam bani.Your argument is he said so i said.

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GPS = In guru Granth sahib is not written why a sikh should take baptism or Amrit. Is it written there how khalsa is created? Is it written there why you should have singh as last name.If so show us.

UK = However, there is no controversy within the Panth as to Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj creating the Khalsa Panth

GPS = sahib Guru Granth is not sikhi. Like that thousands of sindhis believe in SGGS ji but do not believe in institution of khalsa.They cut hair and smoke. Will you call them sikhs? This is what missionaries want us to take.

UK = Paji i 100% believe that all non-Muslim Sindhi's are indeed Sikhs. They might be Sehajdhari but I wholly accept them as Sikhs within a larger and united Panth

UK = That means Paji you are unaware of Dilawar Khan's attack on Ananpur Sahib at the age you allege Guru Sahib wrote Charitropakhiyan

GPS :Please do not talk in riddles.Tell us what you want to say.Are you saying that battle of Anandpur started before 1699?

UK = Paji you should know that Anandpur Sahib was attacked more than once - just like Sri Harmandir Sahib.

This is what you wrote earlier

UK = At the age of 30 my belief is that Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj was busy defending Sri Anandpur Sahib and fighting for Sarbat da Bhala


GPS = Let me tell you one thing loud and clear. There is no panth without Dasam Granth sahib.It is Dasam Granth that makes panth.

UK = I believe that that the Sikh Panth is unstoppable, fundamentally undefeateable (if we have ekta) and can never be threatened by obliteration by any human force on this planet. I believe it is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj that makes the Panth. Not a single Sikh on the planet disagrees with:


UK = So on that note, I will try to refrain from adding to the contentious part of this thread but feel free on pm GPS Paji as Unity must come first and you know that I respect you as a fellow brother in the Panth.

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