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Adultery In Sikhism: What Should Be The Consequences In Sikh Maryada?

Guest Gareebfakira@gmail

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Guest S Kaur
On 2/28/2017 at 3:12 PM, jkvlondon said:

bro Panj tell us when we have amrit not to have the jhoot/sang of a patit or nonsikh  as they have not rejected the worldy divisions of jaat patt sexism etc to accept Guru Sahiban as their Guru ji . I think if Guru Pita ji said having 'knowledge' of a person of mohammedan faith make one muslim from the heart then same would apply with patitpan , but it is better to approach Panj than guess that one is OK given the serious nature of the transgression of the guilty party. 
It is not about being guilty of another's sin it's about reaffirming our commitment to Guru Maharaj ji , in your scenario the realiser would have to avoid their unrepentant partner if they have amrit again unilaterally however if they are able to both commit to amrit heart and mind then there is no obstacles going forward.

If the unrepentant one refuses then there are two choices - have amrit and live as sister and brother

                                                                                               wait in hukham and keep your own rehit as best you can, maybe Guru ji will do kirpa and change the heart of the other .

Do we as sikh belive in pap and pun? 

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Guest London jwaan
On 20/06/2016 at 12:44 AM, jkvlondon said:

but guys she was not a sikh before as she had extramarital affair and got pregnant then in her Bujjar kurahet mode busted his Amritdhari status as he associated initimately with a non-sikh within the marriage . I would state it straightforwardly that she had a depraved mentality and used the Veer as ticket to USA .

For God's sake, don't start this nonsense again about arrogantly deciding who is and is not sikh.

And it seems you dismissed maharajah ranjit Singh as non sikh, and just about anybody else who doesn't agree with your nonsense.

This is such a stupid way to swerve a difficult debate, that your silence would be preferable.

From the sounds of things, in your mind the only "true" Sikhs are the 10 gurus, your mum, you, your Brazilian romeo, and your kids.

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2 hours ago, Guest London jwaan said:

For God's sake, don't start this nonsense again about arrogantly deciding who is and is not sikh.

And it seems you dismissed maharajah ranjit Singh as non sikh, and just about anybody else who doesn't agree with your nonsense.

This is such a stupid way to swerve a difficult debate, that your silence would be preferable.

From the sounds of things, in your mind the only "true" Sikhs are the 10 gurus, your mum, you, your Brazilian romeo, and your kids.

Psst Veer Ji...Bhen Ji got quoted from over a year ago...it was a guest who dug it up. 

The bit you quoted is almost two years old. 

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On 4/20/2017 at 9:28 AM, Guest Depressed said:

I feel sad that this Sikh woman who drinks alcohol and parties often has made my husband a "puppy dog ".

If this is true, it's bad, and certainly not endorsed by Sikhism.

On 4/20/2017 at 9:28 AM, Guest Depressed said:

This woman also has the audacity to tweet and tell the world that she is blessed by WAHEGURUJI..and that she is happy. I don't understand how Guruji can bless her when she is causing so much pain and agony to my family. I would like to know what the Sikh law tells on this woman's behaviour .

Why would a Catholic refer to Guru Sahib as "Guruji"? It's like if a Sikh was talking about Jesus, and then says ", Our Lord and Savior". My point is, is this another fake post?

On 4/20/2017 at 9:28 AM, Guest Depressed said:

She is a regular temple goer. Is there anyone in the temple organization whom I can seek advice from ?  

Quite unlikely. Theoretically, Sikhs are supposed to be responsible before the congregation, but we have too many wishy-washy Sikhs who will cry like a baby about the "Panthic Police".

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Guest guest
On 22/04/2017 at 11:08 AM, Guest Jacfsing2 said:

If I were you, I'd divorce your husband, otherwise you'd be treated as a female version of a cuckold. Best advice for you is either counseling or divorce, tell your husband it's either you or her cause you won't stand for it anymore, (though I don't think you are strong enough to do that).

divorce is not allowed in Catholicism

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Guest guest
On 21/03/2018 at 1:23 PM, BhForce said:


Why would a Catholic refer to Guru Sahib as "Guruji"? It's like if a Sikh was talking about Jesus, and then says ", Our Lord and Savior". My point is, is this another fake post?

Quite unlikely. Theoretically, Sikhs are supposed to be responsible before the congregation, but we have too many wishy-washy Sikhs who will cry like a baby about the "Panthic Police".

She is doing it out of respect, i.e. since she is familiar with this site she knows the language sikhs use and using it when conversing with us out of respect.

sikhs are not supposed to be 'responsible before the congregation', that is none-sense.  where did you get that idea?

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Guest guest
On 20/04/2017 at 4:58 AM, Guest Depressed said:

Dear Sikh friends, my husband is a Catholic. He is having an affair with a twice divorced Sikh woman. My husband and I have been married for 20 yrs. and he is still committed to me . I love him very much and so do our children. But this Sikh woman seduced my husband when he went to work in Sabah. She claims she loves him and wants to share my husband with me. My family is devastated and my children are in a state of depression. My husband cohabits with her and seldom comes home. I feel sad that this Sikh woman who drinks alcohol and parties often has made my husband a "puppy dog ". This woman also has the audacity to tweet and tell the world that she is blessed by WAHEGURUJI..and that she is happy. I don't understand how Guruji can bless her when she is causing so much pain and agony to my family. I would like to know what the Sikh law tells on this woman's behaviour . She is a regular temple goer. Is there anyone in the temple organization whom I can seek advice from ?  


sorry to hear.  as you know God and Jesus (and so any church) would not turn away anyone who comes to them.  so it is the same with Guruji and the Gurdwara.   However infidelity is considered a serious sin. 

You can go to talk to the temple (Gurdwara) committee (if they speak English) if you would find it helpful.  there may be an office in the Gurdwara you can talk to them in.  people usually have to cover their hair before entering (with a scarf for example).  but i don't think there is much they can do except sympathise with you.

p.s. is your husband really a helpless 'puppy' in this situation?  

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13 hours ago, Guest guest said:
On 3/21/2018 at 6:53 PM, BhForce said:


Why would a Catholic refer to Guru Sahib as "Guruji"? It's like if a Sikh was talking about Jesus, and then says ", Our Lord and Savior". My point is, is this another fake post?

Quite unlikely. Theoretically, Sikhs are supposed to be responsible before the congregation, but we have too many wishy-washy Sikhs who will cry like a baby about the "Panthic Police".

She is doing it out of respect, i.e. since she is familiar with this site she knows the language sikhs use and using it when conversing with us out of respect.

What proof whatsoever do you have about that statement? There are non-Sikhs who are regulars on this site, and post from time to time with their accounts, but she is not one of them, because she posted as a guest. And so are you.

I posed question, because there has been a spate of fake posts on this site, and it's a legitimate question.

On the other hand, you are making wild leap.

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On 3/22/2018 at 4:08 PM, Guest guest said:

My husband and I have been married for 20 yrs. and he is still committed to me .

Unfortunately he is the definition of not commited to you sister. 

Nor is that woman at all exemplary of Sikhi. 

Unfortunately neither is living according to faith and you're turning a blind eye to your husbands betrayal of your marriage and blaming the person, albeit one acting in poor form, who made no covenant with you. It's your husbands fault plain and simple. 

I'd go to both your priest and the Gurudwara for help, but wake up and smell the betrayal and place blame where it belongs. 

Much love. 

Ps. None of her Sikh friends on facebook will support her in this. If she still has any Sikh friends, they are telling her she's making a horrible mistake. 


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