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How Many Hindus Really Killed?


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It's no lie that a few thugs did kill Hindus, but the realistic numbers seem to be in the range of 500-1000 or so whereas a total of 50-100k Sikhs have disappeared during this period.

Since 1947 Sikhs have never targeted a community. Anyone have any sources for accurate Hindu deaths in the period?

I ask because congress and Indian lap dogs are making up bs about crazy numbers of Hindus being killed.

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Pehlvan Jee wrote this on the following link:


We need to put to bed these lies that attempt to defame Sikhs and justify the subsequent genocide against us. Below is a quote from 'Amritsar:Mrs Gandhi's Last Battle by Mark Tully and Satish Jacob (page 147)'. Now, we all know that this book is pro Indian government and anti-Sikh. It uses derogatory language against our martyrs and tries to make out like the whole thing was the fault of the Sikhs. But if there was, as is claimed, thousands of Hindus being killed, wouldn't the Indian government try to claim it ????? Even they admit that more Sikhs were killed than Hindus........so where is this phantom genocide that was being carried out against Hindus ???

"According to the government's figures, Bhindranwale's terrorists had already killed 165 Hindus and Nirankaris in the twenty-two months since the launching of the Akali Morcha. They had also killed 39 Sikhs because they had opposed Bhindranwale. The total number of deaths in violent incidents, including so-called 'encounters' between the police and Sikhs, riots, and the accident at the level crossing in which 34 supporters of the Morcha were killed, was 410. The injured numbered 1,180. "

Amritsar:Mrs Gandhi's Last Battle by Mark Tully and Satish Jacob (page 147)

The quote above clearly shows that even the Indian government claims that only 165 Hindus were killed in the two years of the morcha. Sikhs have always denied any involvement in these killings and we believe it was the Indian government carrying out these crimes and trying to discredit Sikhs. They was a well known incident where six Hindus were killed on a bus. Shaheed Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale and all the Sikh leaders strongly condemned this, but the right-wing Hindu press never reported this. Even Sant Longowal said on video "We have said to the government many times that they should set-up a committee to investigate these killings and we will prove that the government is behind these."

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my mom told me many stories about how much the indian media would demonize sikhs back in these days. The most ridiculous of these lies were tht sikhs would board buses and take out any passenger who even slightly resembled a hindu n even non amritdhari sikhs and shoot them outside. The media did a great job in ruining our reputation back in those days as my mom would find out the hard way when she attended studies in the city the amount of verbal abuse she took from hindus was appalling but it only made her stronger connected to her sikh identity

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Let me add here, the Kashmiri Pandits have suffered mass exodus from Kashmir 7 times in the past 600 years.

Excerpts pasted from: "Hindus and Hinduism in Kashmir: A saga of conversion, death and exile" by Dr Satish Ganjoo, a Kashmiri Pandit who is Professor & Head, Post Graduate Dept of History at Ramgarhia Post Graduate College [Guru Nanak Dev University] in Phagwara, Punjab. He was recommended for the Soviet Land Nehru Award (1991) and received recognition from prestigious NGOs --- Rashtriya Gaurav Award (2004), Best Citizen of India Award (2005), Vijay Shree Award (2005).


First exodus: between 1389-1413 as a result of oppression at the hands of Sikandar Butshikan. Suha Bhatt embraced Islam and became Saif-ud-Din and also the leader of the fresh converts. The Aryan Saraswat Brahmans of Kashmir were given three choices-death, conversion or exile. “Many fled, many were converted and many were killed, and it is said that this thorough monarch (Sikandar) burnt seven maunds of sacred threads of the murdered Brahmans”. As for the statements of Hassan and Lawrence, six maunds of sacred threads of converts and seven maunds of murdered Pandits were burnt. The number of people, to whom these thirteen maunds of sacred threads belonged, might have been tremendously colossal.

Second exodus: between 1413-1430 as a result of oppression at the hands of Sikandar's son Ali Shah. His reign included homicides, conversions, tyranny and enforced jazia. Suha Bhatta continued his earlier crimes and atrocities against the Kashmiri Pandits. He levied fine, jazia, on the Pandits and forbade ceremonies and processions on the new moon. He became envious that the Brahmans who had become fearless would keep up their caste by going over to foreign countries, and so ordered posting of squads on the roads, not to allow passage to any one without a passport. The legendary Brahmans burnt themselves in the flaming fire through fear of conversion. Some Brahmans killed themselves by taking poison, some by the rope and others by drowning themselves. Others again by falling from a precipice. A multitude of celebrated Brahmans, who prided in their caste, fled from the country through by-roads as the main roads were closed. The difficult countries through which they passed, the scanty food, painful illness and the torments of hell during life time removed from the minds of the Kashmiri Pandits the fears of hell. Oppressed by various calamities such as encounter with the enemy, fear of snakes, fierce heat and scanty food; many Brahmans perished on the way.

Third exodus: between 1477-1496 at the hands of Mir Shams-ud-Din Iraqi who visited the Saffron Valley twice in AD 1477 and 1496, was the founder of Nurbakhshiya order (Shia sect) in Kashmir. His mission was the vigorous propagation of his faith. So, not contented with peaceful preachings, violent methods were employed. In this adventure , Iraqi was helped by the homicidal creature and most dreaded tyrant- Malik Musa Raina, a convertee, whose original name was Soma Chandra. Not only the poor vulnerable Brahmans, but the Sunni Muslims were also violently converted to Shia sect by murderous techniques. This dogmatic fanaticism even crippled the Sunni ruler of Kashmir, Fateh Shah (AD 1510-1517). A khanqah was built at Zadibal (Srinagar) by Iraqi, which became the nucleus of Shia concentration. Kashmiri Pandits suffered ferociously under the instructions of Shams-ud-Din Iraqi and Musa Raina. About 24,000 of them were forcibly converted to Shia sect of Islam. Iraqi had even issued orders that everyday about 1500 to 2000 Brahmans be brought to his doorsteps, remove their sacred threads, administer Kalima to them, circumcise them and make them eat beef. These decrees were ferociously and brutally carried out. The Hindu religious scriptures from 7th century AD onwards and about 18 magnificent temples were destroyed, property confiscated and ladies abused. Thousands of Brahmans killed themselves to evade this horrific barbarism and thousands migrated to other places.

Fourth exodus: between 1658-1708 under Aurangzeb's bigoted fanatic and dogmatic approach, the Kashmiri Pandits were once again made vulnerable. Iftkar Khan, the Mughal governor of Kashmir during the reign of Aurangzeb, brutally tyrannized over the Brahmans to such an extent that they approached Shaib Sri Guru Teg Bhahadur ji, the ninth Sikh Guru, at Anandpur in Punjab in 1675 and solicited his personal intervention with the Emperor. This ultimately led to Guru Sahib's martyrdom. Muzaffer Khan, Nassar Khan and Ibrahim Khan were other governors of Aurangzeb who ferociously terrorized the Kashmiri Pandits. These celebrated scapegoats were once again forced to migrate from the land of their origin.

Fifth exodus: During the rule of later Mughals, Kashmir witnessed the outbreak of the worst kind of religious intolerance. In AD 1720, Mullah Abdul Nabi, also called Muhat Khan, a non-resident Kashmiri Muslim, was appointed as Shaikhul Islam . In order to assert his religious authority, he asked the Deputy Governor, Mir Ahmed Khan , to start a campaign of persecution of the Kafirs (infidels) - as the Kashmiri Pandits were called. In order to satisfy his satanic ego, the Mulla issued six commandments:

1. No Hindu should ride a horse, nor should a Hindu wear a shoe;
2. That they should not wear Jama (Mughal costume);
3. That they should move bare arms;
4. That they should not visit any garden;
5. That they should not have tilak mark on their foreheads;
6. That their children should not receive any education.

But Ahmed Khan refused to execute the mischievous decree. The Mullah then excited his followers against the Kashmiri Pandits. He established his seat in a mosque, assumed the duties of the administrator under the title of Dindar Khan and let loose the reign of terror. The Hindus were wickedly tormented, their houses burnt and property looted. Hundreds of Brahmans were killed, prostrated, maimed and humiliated. They began to run away in large numbers and hide themselves in mountainous terrain.

Sixth exodus: The Afghan rule in Kashmir (AD 1753-1819) was a period of cruelty, homicide and anarchy. The barbarous Afghans employed every wild, inhuman, primitive, ferocious, cruel and brutal method to suppress the Kashmiri Brahmans. A pitcher filled with ordure was placed on the head of a Pandit and stones were pelt on it, till it broke and the unfortunate Brahman become wet with filth. Their brutality and atrocity crossed the extreme limits when Hindus were tied up in grass sacks, two and two, and drowned in the Dal Lake. The victimized Hindu were forced to flee the country or were killed or converted to Islam.

During the Sikh rule in Kashmir, AD 1819-1846, the celebrated Pandits reclaimed their past glory and magnificence. They claimed back the prominent places of trust and honour. Cow slaughter was banned, temples renovated and the earlier wrongs rectified. The legendary Kashmiri Pandits received a healing touch after centuries of barbarity, ferocity and tyranny. But by the time, the Sikhs conquered Kashmir in AD 1819, about nine-tenths of the population had become the followers of Islam. Out of the 10% Hindu population, a large number had migrated to the Punjab and other provinces.

Seventh exodus: After independence and accession of Jammu & Kashmir state to India, Kashmiri Pandits were pushed back to the barbarous Afghan era. They were given the sugarcoated dozes of poisonous toxics. Article 370 of Indian constitution just reduced them to cipher and liquidated their population. Under the pretext of economic reforms, their jagirs were confiscated and distributed among the Muslim peasants. The administration of Shaikh Abdullah adopted malicious and pernicious approach towards the Saraswat Brahmans of Kashmir. They were taunted on one excuse or the other. Hindu temples were desecrated, looted and plundered. Minor girls of the community were forced to embrace Islam and marry the Muslim youth. From 1947-1986 about four lac Kashmiri Pandits silently migrated from Kashmir. Hypocritical atrocities and criminal ignorances of political leaders were responsible for these development. Pakistan, to avenge the defeat of Bangladesh, blatantly sponsored the violence and terrorism in the Valley, resulting in the turmoil of 1989-90.

“Aay Zalimu, Aay Kafiroo,
Kashmir Hamara Choudh Dou”

“Bharat Kay Aiwanu Ko
Aag Lagado, Aag Lagado”

The final assault on the Kashmiri Pandits started with these slogans. Barbarous terrorists from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Sudan and even Saudi Arabia penetrated into the Saffron Valley. Brutal, wild and barbarous techniques were employed to hound and kill the Aryan Saraswat Brahmans of Kashmir. Even the helpless ladies were not spared. This was the final knock down of ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Kashmiri Pandits (started from Jan 19 1990).

Other slogans raised by Islamic fundamentalists:

'Kashmir mei agar rehna hai, Allah-O-Akbar kehna hai' (If you want to stay in Kashmir, you have to say Allah is great);

'Yahan kya chalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa' (What do we want here? Rule of Shariah);

'Asi gachchi Pakistan, Batao roas te Batanev san' (We want Pakistan along with Hindu (Kashmiri Pandit) women but without their men).

Guess what, Hindus in Punjab did suffer (at the hands of CATS), but it was not even 1% of what Hindus in Kashmir had to go through. In fact, Sikh rule in Kashmir was a golden period for the Pandits of Kashmir as stated by this writer who is a Kashmiri Pandit himself.

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I don't have exact numbers on either side as i haven't done research on it but in my opnion if you want to look at this topic, one must rise up as guru maharaj -baaz eagle and look at things with one impartial eye with one vision of humanity so that you get full 360* view of this world.
Generally speaking, all foot soldiers be it hindus, sikhs, muslims, buddhist, christians, secular atheist etc are affected by panj chors- kaam, krodh, lob, moh, ahankar without proper ethical guidance from overall sidhant of dharam and general.
We have concept of bir ras if not properly understood or controlled by shant ras-sant (sat, santokh, dya, advait, nirbhaou nirvair) can easily be confused with anger/krodh and easily fall in traps of being affected by panj chor krodh/jealously/dvaish/revenge aspect.
After post 1984, we lost an bhramgyani general - sant jarnail singh bhindranwale and among senior akj taksal nihang gurmukhs and because of that our foot soldiers of various different groups due to lack of guidance or gurmat were also affected by krodh/jealously/dvaish/revenge aspect.
At the end, killings were done by both sides. Not sure what the numbers are. Numbers does not matter if we look at the grand scheme of things, this is nothing to do proud of as human life regardless of label (religious, tribal label) was lost.
Also, does hindus killed in collateral damage count in this thread?.
We must acknowledge some of short comings of human tendancy affected by panj chors super imposing itself on religious group regardless of labels and learn from it and move on.
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Above all, always remember this one thing Singho & Bibiyo. Those who killed innocent Hindus, the entire republic of India calls them terrorists and tags the name of their religion with is, be it Muslim or supposedly Sikh. But those who killed Sikhs, whether they were politicians or cops or soldiers, they were all promoted to higher ranks with superior designations. THAT is the difference.

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