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Takht No To ‘Patit’ Sikhs In Gurdwara Panels Abroad


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Chatanga and jinuzuki

Respectfully bhaji's i must say that the semantic gymnastics being played are quite plain to see.

As I read the letter signed by four Singh Sahibans I understood it for what it was. Any member must be Amritdhari......end of.

As the hukumnama has come out, it will be interestring to see what happens.

I dont know anything about semantics, i can only tell you what i have witnessed and endured for the last 9 or 10 years working with the committee of my local gurdwara. semantics or not, i can safely say that being amritdhari is not the basis that committee members should selected. It can be a part of it, but should not be an absolute.

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Not much thought process goes into your post and it really shows. Before you continue with anything further find out what Amritdhari and Sehajdhari mean. Then come back to tell everyone what you have learned.

I dont need to exhaust any thought process jaspreet, I have the benefit of working closely with amritdhari members of gurdwara committees, with some i would never like to see in any gurdwara committee again.

stop acting like a clown, with your snide remarks. if you find it hard try doing an ardas.

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Missionaries nastiks already have control over many gurdwaras in the past system of complete freedom. How is uncontrolled system better?

it isnt better, but the rules to make it better arent the way that Sri Akal Takht Sahib has instructed.

you could exclude people who have done sterling sewa in gurdwara, for the panth etc, buyt they would be overlooked by people like dhunda or panthpreet.

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I dont need to exhaust any thought process jaspreet, I have the benefit of working closely with amritdhari members of gurdwara committees, with some i would never like to see in any gurdwara committee again.

stop acting like a clown, with your snide remarks. if you find it hard try doing an ardas.

Obviously you are not here to learn and just want to push your views on others. Again for the nth time your past experiences do not dictate what Amritdhar and Sehajdhari mean. You have a very hard time grasping what is written.

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Jaspreet bhaiji

Some points for your clarification:

1 you did not ask him if he is a mona...... You said "i think you are, if not.......

That in the English language is known and referred to as an assumption. That assumption in the English language is considered as being the mother of.........i'll leave the rest for your ample imagination.

2 your entire "example" is without merit for the following reason, the Hukkam of the Akal Takht is global, so the legal status of YOUR country is actually irrelevant. Prove me wrong by boarding a plane wearing your Sri Sahib.......

3 the humiliation I shall say was warranted and accept as Guru's bhana, as I assumed to be in conversation with a Satkar Yog GurSikh, who addressed me as Jivan........moreover you decided for yourself that my understanding of the English language is inadequate.

4 to suggest that I have messed with the "wrong" person leads me to believe that your ego is indeed beyond your conscious control and for that as a brother I beg of you to address this through Naam and Gurbani.

5 you're absolutely correct my brother, Waheguru is watching and I am always conscious of this but alas I am but a mere human being.........I can but only aspire to be as intelligent and gifted as your goodself.

Bhul chuk maaf kardeyo ji

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it isnt better, but the rules to make it better arent the way that Sri Akal Takht Sahib has instructed.

you could exclude people who have done sterling sewa in gurdwara, for the panth etc, buyt they would be overlooked by people like dhunda or panthpreet.

Then why pose a question as if missionaries nastiks have not taken over Gurdwaras and the new Hukamnama will make it that missionaries nastiks will be the new kingpins of Gurdwara take overs?

How would it exclude them? I say it will make people who have done sterling sewa to take the next step of taking Amrit and following the Hukam of Guru Gobind SIngh Sahib ji. It will bring positive change to the Khalsa Panth.

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Jaspreet bhaiji...

5 you're absolutely correct my brother, Waheguru is watching and I am always conscious of this but alas I am but a mere human being.........I can but only aspire to be as intelligent and gifted as your goodself.

Please tell us you're joking jivan.

Obviously you are not here to learn and just want to push your views on others. Again for the nth time your past experiences do not dictate what Amritdhar and Sehajdhari mean. You have a very hard time grasping what is written.

like you dont want to push your views on others? you still pushing the sehajdahri thing, there is no sehajdhari group of note in the western world.

experiencies count a lot.

Then why pose a question as if missionaries nastiks have not taken over Gurdwaras and the new Hukamnama will make it that missionaries nastiks will be the new kingpins of Gurdwara take overs?

because it is a question/situation that will arise. no loss in being prepared.

How would it exclude them? I say it will make people who have done sterling sewa to take the next step of taking Amrit and following the Hukam of Guru Gobind SIngh Sahib ji. It will bring positive change to the Khalsa Panth.

this is the first decent thing that you have posted.

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Jaspreet bhaiji

Some points for your clarification:

1 you did not ask him if he is a mona...... You said "i think you are, if not.......

That in the English language is known and referred to as an assumption. That assumption in the English language is considered as being the mother of.........i'll leave the rest for your ample imagination.

2 your entire "example" is without merit for the following reason, the Hukkam of the Akal Takht is global, so the legal status of YOUR country is actually irrelevant. Prove me wrong by boarding a plane wearing your Sri Sahib.......

3 the humiliation I shall say was warranted and accept as Guru's bhana, as I assumed to be in conversation with a Satkar Yog GurSikh, who addressed me as Jivan........moreover you decided for yourself that my understanding of the English language is inadequate.

4 to suggest that I have messed with the "wrong" person leads me to believe that your ego is indeed beyond your conscious control and for that as a brother I beg of you to address this through Naam and Gurbani.

5 you're absolutely correct my brother, Waheguru is watching and I am always conscious of this but alas I am but a mere human being.........I can but only aspire to be as intelligent and gifted as your goodself.

Bhul chuk maaf kardeyo ji

1. I can't bang by head against a brick wall anymore. You figure it out yourself.

2. Here is another person without a legal back ground. Kirpan is not allowed on airplanes because of security related risks. But tell me what is the security risk with complete Amritdhari committee? We walk into Parliament with Kirpans on. Learn how to compare legal examples against each other. Also read carefully, i was speaking about common law countries. Sikhs never get scared of a challenge, if in other countries it is harder to explain through their thick heads then take it on. Sikhs stay in Chardikala demonstrate it brother.

3. no need to comment

4. You can make whatever assumptions, but i said it so you understand that I won't take it lying down. My Guru taught me fight to the ability he has given me and where you cannot, accept Akal Purakhs Hukam.

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