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Takht No To ‘Patit’ Sikhs In Gurdwara Panels Abroad


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Though i can see two sides of it, ultimately what has come to pass will!

I do not see the decision in a bad light but rather persons in charge should ideally be amritdhari. Thats not to say somebody whos mona qualified manager businessmen of whatever is any less, its just that sangats would rather have a Management who represents those ideals with which a Gurghar is about.

Ive seen some great sevedars who are monai involved in various fields ie Interfaith programmes.

The Decision going forward can be seen in the negative that folk are being judged but thats just one way of seeing it.

Steps need to be taken for Youth to actively take part in their heritage with love no matter if its shoes dishes charu maar or sitting in office.

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This is a sensible decision from the Akal Takht. It sets a basic minimum of what a Gurudwara administrator should be. You only hope their deeds and actions mirror their outward appearance.

I hope this doesnt deter non Amritdahris to not get involved in the running of the Gurudwara, sewa comes in many forms and ultimately we all aspire to one day become an amritdahri sikh.

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At least people have cleared up the patit definition it is a fallen Sikh, one who has taken amrit and done one of the 4 kurtahits, personally think a decision like this can push people away, we should be inclusive not exclusive. It would have been better to say those wishing to do seva should be amritdahri etc, and also instructing gwara committees no more elections etc, (too much money wasted on that), simple concepts of parrchees etc.

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Good decision and needs to be pushed and implemented somehow.

When Kesdharis/ Amritdharis are not being represented at management level at Gurdwaras you know things aren't good. In our cities main Gurdwara, out of a 15 member committee, only 3 people are Kesdhari/Amritdhari.

This is not through lack of trying, the problem here is votes rule and so:

1 - More popular your surname, more chance of getting in

2 - As Amritdhari/ Kesdhari are minority (means massive opportunity for parchar), the majority through propoganda see Amritdhari/Kesdhari as fundamentalists, militants. Committe members have said, Gurdwaras are for din saud (celebrations/ occasions/ social), parchar there is minimal. The last election where Amritdhari Singhs stood about 7 years ago, rumour was going about they were sending money to Singhs in India to buy tanks?!

2 - Social circle of drinkers/eaters is bigger = more votes

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I have one question.. when it comes to follow the principles of sikhi like keeping hair and wearing turban etc etc...why do people start judging the character of amritdharis as bad and monas as good...

I do wonder because when we already know every community is a combination of both nice and bad people then why we point out bad amritdhari people?? and we don't point out good amritdhari people??

I think its a case of identity of sikhism (bana) and those who don't follow( maybe for whatever the reason) should know who were sikhs actually and talking about the character seems to be stupidity over here...

try to point out good amritdhari so that our life can be bloomed more and more.......

The people who do this character judgement have no character themselves. They are just like empty vessels who make most noise.

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Good decision and needs to be pushed and implemented somehow.

When Kesdharis/ Amritdharis are not being represented at management level at Gurdwaras you know things aren't good. In our cities main Gurdwara, out of a 15 member committee, only 3 people are Kesdhari/Amritdhari.

This is not through lack of trying, the problem here is votes rule and so:

1 - More popular your surname, more chance of getting in

2 - As Amritdhari/ Kesdhari are minority (means massive opportunity for parchar), the majority through propoganda see Amritdhari/Kesdhari as fundamentalists, militants. Committe members have said, Gurdwaras are for din saud (celebrations/ occasions/ social), parchar there is minimal. The last election where Amritdhari Singhs stood about 7 years ago, rumour was going about they were sending money to Singhs in India to buy tanks?!

2 - Social circle of drinkers/eaters is bigger = more votes

So what plans have the Sangat at your Gurdwara have to throw these non Keshadhari/ Amritdhari committee members out of the management in light of this decision by Akal Takht Sahib?

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Fair decision but don't agree with how its presented they need to add more and clarify further. They had a ample opportunity to reiterate gursikhi both outer and internal rehit principles ( sat, santokh, dya, dharam, gyan, advait) address gurdwara committee/ management issues and replace committee structure with panj pyares.

The way rule of sabat sorat sikhs is presented in hakumnama, its coming across as - merit of being in gurdwara committee is automatically given to someone who has sabat surat only. Not only its (this automatic merit given to sabut surat/keshadhari sikh) is dangerous slipperly slope but also very short sighted not compatible with broader gursikhi teaching at all.

It's actually not that hard to be keshadhari at all, this partial hakumnama inadvertently give more chances for criminal type of people and sheerly affected by panj chors simply grow kesh and be keshadharis to be in gurdwara committee- exploit the loophole in order to be in power and control the masses.

This rule (only requirement to be in the gurdwara committe is keshadhari) cannot even stand on its own feet, its just a matter of time someone brings up - demonic rakshash dusht kps gill, nang demonic rakshash dusht phoola, demonic rakshash dusht beant, dogra's, reyat, keshadharis abroad with criminal record backgrounds in gurdwara committee, sarna, badal, rss (Rashtriya Sikh Sangh), some of bedi clans with twisted beliefs are all sabat sorat/keshadharis? whats their point?

What a mess.!!

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All gurdwara committee members, president, camp heads abroad should get their criminal records, credit records checked simply because you are simply in a high authority position, influencing position - dealing with large sum amount of money, innocent sangat, vulnerable person - kids, elderly as there are way too many cases of misconduct- abuse of powers. We would rather be safe than sorry . They should not be offended its simple process to be in function in high authority position and highly privileged position. Most jobs abroad have requirement to get criminal record checked, i don't see why gurdwara committee jobs should be any different.

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