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Girls Views On Guys With Turbans


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California sardar actually raises some very valid points. Go and check UK Gurdwara matrimonial lists. You'll find e overwhelming majority of girls on those lists are looking for hair cut/clean shaven partners.

The fact is you might have the best personality in the world but it doesn't matter because you wear a dastaar they won't even be willing to move past that point.

Unless you happen to be super good looking Sardar or meet someone yourself through work / education your in for a uphill struggle ! Harsh but true, hey its these sort of "Punjabi" bimbos that are one of Sikhis biggest internal enemies.

Even more funny when you see Punjabi bimbos who's father's and brothers wear dastaars but they are still unwilling to consider marrying a sardar themselves.

hahaha last two lines you just nailed it....super awesome...b

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if I would talk about my journey of being sardar from monaah guy I think the list will not come to end in case of girls...but as someone mentioned above being cleanshaven you can only get bimbo girls..who degrade themselves and sikhi....

what's the benefit of being sardar? you have always a company of nice people both girls and guys

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Let me tell you a little secret about Sikhi. People crack jokes on us that we are not smart. Fact is, unless you don't tell your mind to shut up, you can't be a Sikh. As long as you listen to your mind "man I won't get girls", "man how will I get a job!", you will continue to complain. The day you thrash your mind to shut up, and tell it "look, enough now! just shut up because I am not listening to you any more, I am going to be on the outside what I am on the inside", that is the day you will make it. Trust me, you have to be crazily in love with Dasmesh Pita to even contemplate keeping kesh, let alone keeping Sikhi saroop. The keyword here is "crazy". So ask yourself, "are you crazy enough yet?"

The path of true love is far from easy. One poet calls it as a river of fire in which one has to drown in order to swim across. And what is even more terrifying is that you go into it all alone. The only consolation you have is that the one you truly love is with you at any cost. Other than that, you may very well expect the entire world to turn against you. That is the real test of true love. There is just one road in one direction without any tracks. You give, you surrender, you give up, you offer, you submit, you lay down, and you do all this without expecting anything in return! You dont see your own loss or gain, but just do whatever it takes for the one you love.

A tigress' milk cannot be stored in any random vessel, but only in one made of pure gold. Gold cannot be made pure unless it has passed through fire.

The secret is craziness, the challenge is "how crazy are you?", or rather "how crazily in love are you with Dasmesh Pita that you are desperate to keep His saroop and hold it high with dignity?"

Vah, vah. That is rather beautiful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This has sparked quite an interesting debate - I find it sad if cases where a Singh decides to cut his Kes and remove his Dastar just to get married and fit the 'ideal' of what girls are looking for. I personally do not have an issue with a Dastar and untrimmed beard but that's because I've been brought up in Sikhi and understand the importance of maintaining such things. I think in some cases where girls wish for a clean-shaven look is when they perhaps haven't been brought up around Sikhi and therefore don't have it as a preference in terms of looking for a partner. Equally I'm not passing judgements (each to their own) but I've seen cases where Amritdhari Singhs or Singh's with uncut Kes and beard are married to girls who cut their hair and don't particularly follow Sikhi so I definitely think it happens both ways. I am saddened that the whole Hollywood / Bollywood falling in love has taken over the idea of what marriage is as opposed to finding a spiritual partner to help you become at one with God.

I guess where to look is to for you to consider what you really want from marriage and what you're looking for if it's just for dating maybe it's more harder to find someone but if it's for the long run and it is a life partner you want maybe as suggested use Gursikhi matrimonial sites or approach any Gurudwara that might have matrimonial services. But I don't think you should compromise your faith we're lucky to be born into Sikhi so it's a shame if people want to forget that for the sake of marriage.

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So I see the problem isn't improving is it? I actually started a thread in the Beadbi section to discuss how gurdwaras are actually helping to increase these problems.

I am uploading what a list looks like in this thread here: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/62606-disrespect-to-turban-at-gurdwara-matrimonials-from-sikh-females/

The list shows the state of things in 2011, I have no idea if things are worse or better now, it should appear on my latest post once the moderators approve it.

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