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Brutality Of Isis Is The Copy Of What Mughals Did With Sikhs Of Punjab


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You do not need to look far that ISIS style mass burning alive of Sikhs , torture took place recently in India. Torture , false imprisonment of Sikhs is still going on. Sikhs like the Taksal and Nihangs , now just turn a blind eye to this today when in the past they would have taken action.

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The history of Sikhs has been written in blood of holy martyrs. And it is also that blood which has always rejuvenated the Sikh Panth. These Shaheeds had prayers and simran on their lips during their last moments. There is no history in the world quite like this.

Dunno Christians being fed to the lions whilst they said their prayers in the early days of Christianity seems quite similar.

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I just want to add this and I am not looking for any Islam bashing.

There seems to be a huge cover up going on in the UK about the brutality embedded within Islam.

So many community leaders and so called experts saying that Isis is not Islamic and has nothing to do with Islam.

It's what the public want to hear because they fear that the same thing could happen in this country.

Islamic denial is a major industry over here but my own opinion is that unfortunately Isis are doing exactly what is sanctioned within the Quran and Hadiths.

It's uncomfortable but it's true, not all Muslims are like this in fact a very small minority are but what these people are doing is totally justified within their religious texts.

Islam is not a religion of peace it is a religion of subjugation.

Well in my humble opinion anyway.

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it is known to be a political ideology disguised as a religion.

Thanks for that.

I am aware of this now but it has taken me a long time to realise this however you will be surprised at the amount of people from my own community who still believe this has nothing to do with Islam.

It does not surprise me that members of your own community fully understand what Isis are really about I mean after all just look at your history but many people I know still cling to the notion that this is not the real Islam it must be some sort of perversion of the true religion of peace.

Then come all the conspiracy theories of Isis are Israeli/ CIA/MI5 creation to make Muslims look bad etc. etc.

So many people trying to convince us Isis are a western intelligence agency creation.

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