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Question For Gusikhs/gurmukhs


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Guest Jacfsing2


Prepare for this thread to be locked, then moved, then printed out and burned, then deleted, and finally all traces of it removed from the internet and the universe.

I personally think this guptsingh is the same guy responsible for asking those anti-Akj questions. (The Akj are the ONLY reason there is ANY conflict in the Panth today.) They bring people out of Sikhi with their whole close-mindedness, they totally ignore ALL of the Satguru, and spread the idea of that the only Amrit Sanchar that's legit is their own.
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What are you trying to say in the first paragraph?

What I'm trying to get at in the first paragraph is that people add and cut stuff like how the gur gaddi ceremony was cut in Sri gur partap Suraj Granth but it was found in puratan granths of it and then stuff like the Raag Mala thing and how guru Ji did opium and wore earrings were added in.
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Well its simple one of the groups has to be right, but the way our culture works we do not openly disagree with people we believe to be esteemed gursikhs, also imagine if we come to a agreement that Raag Mala is Bani, the whole Akj movement would slowly fall apart, as if Bhai Randeer was wrong on this what else could be wrong about.

The best way to go about this is to follow Gurmukhs who have reached Nijghar these are true Gurmukhs, by the definition of Gurbani. Not so easy to find, gurbani says there are 1 in a million but the way to know a fake from a true Gurmukh is told with gurbani.

The reverse could be said too and applied to other groups/people....

Sorry to say baji but your own argument has flaws in it, it wasnt these so called youngsters who started any controversy or were challenging what is and is not gurbani it was Bhai Randeer singh jee.

Im in no way bashing any group, akj or other, just when looking at facts and statement there is a right and wrong answer, There is no dualism in Gurbani

Keep doing ninda and creating lies and fake propaganda and misleading Sangat....you will recieve the 'rewards' for it.

A minor difference??? There can be no bigger difference! We are talking about the validity of our guru! Ram Rai changed one word. Only one word and guru Ji banished him and when people disregard one full ang of gurbani and you think that this is a minor difference? You tell me what is a bigger difference than this.

I bet the mods will remove this. Also I have not said anything bad about any jathabandi be it akj or taksal.

'Changing' can apply both ways...whether adding or removing....

And you think that writing cannot be manipulated? Did you know that in Sri gur partap Suraj Granth there is no mention of giving Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji getting the gur gaddi. Go ahead and try to find it but you won't. There is a Sri gur partap Suraj Granth in I think it's Nepal or someplace like that sant hari Singh randhawa vale knows where. In that Granth there is writings about giving gaadi to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Did you know that kavi Ji had 4 writers helping him with Sri gur partap Suraj Granth. They were supplied by the raja of I think was it nabha or patiala and those writers were corrupted by the British. In Sri gur partap Suraj Granth there are writings that write guru Ji had earings and did opium etc. These type of things were written by the 4 writers who were helping kavi Ji. So was the Raag Mala thing. I have gotten this info from true mahapurkhs who I met who have seen visions.

Another thing that proves that kavi Ji does believe in Raag Mala. Kavi Ji was a student of head granthi of harimander sahib and jathedar of Damdami Taksal Gyani Sant Singh Ji. Now you tell me would gyani sant Singh teach kavi Ji Raag Mala is not gurbani and then teach his successor that it is gurbani?

Regarding bhai randhir Singh I respect him cause in taksali books and I think it was in sant gyani mohan Singh Ji bhindranvale's book that said bhai sahib later on did start believing in Raag Mala like how bhai bit Singh later on started believing in Raag Mala. I know no akj will believe me but I trust the taksal and Sants who did write it.

I bet you won't believe anything I write here I'm just writing what I have learnt, read, and heard in my life.

Keep spreading lies, fake propaganda and misleading Sangat....you will get your 'rewards'.

You're no different than Neo, GPS, Savinderpal Singh, Chatanga, etc....you're their chela basically...how old are you again? 16, 17, 18? And you're acting like an expert and scholarly representative on the issue?

I've been on this forum long enough to see many anti-Sikh personalities on here....and you are definitely one of them with such a closed and narrow mind.

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The reverse could be said too and applied to other groups/people....

Keep doing ninda and creating lies and fake propaganda and misleading Sangat....you will recieve the 'rewards' for it.

'Changing' can apply both ways...whether adding or removing....

Keep spreading lies, fake propaganda and misleading Sangat....you will get your 'rewards'.

You're no different than Neo, GPS, Savinderpal Singh, Chatanga, etc....you're their chela basically...how old are you again? 16, 17, 18? And you're acting like an expert and scholarly representative on the issue?

I've been on this forum long enough to see many anti-Sikh personalities on here....and you are definitely one of them with such a closed and narrow mind.

Bro I'm just going by the stuff I have read like this


I'm not here to argue. So chillax bro.

Tell you the truth I like living in a narrow minded view of the world. With the gurus Kirpa I have had my sikhi grow with it.

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Lol, you literally joined today

It is entirely possible we are witnessing yet another alias. Be easier if everyone kept fixed usernames, what can one possibly hide on this forum ... :blink2:. ok this is not aimed at this new username but any person trying to confuse, stir or spread misinformation on a 'Sikh' forum will for sure reap the rewards of negative karama.

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Lol, you literally joined today

It is entirely possible we are witnessing yet another alias. Be easier if everyone kept fixed usernames, what can one possibly hide on this forum ... :blink2:. ok this is not aimed at this new username but any person trying to confuse, stir or spread misinformation on a 'Sikh' forum will for sure reap the rewards of negative karama.

I have been on this forum for quite some time now. For those who know me, my original name was DasamSarblohGranth.

Not to be egotistic, but here are the facts:

  • I stood up for Dasam Granth, Guru Gobind Singh Jee's Bani
  • I was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, voices against the lies spread by missionaries
  • I kept it real and had the best # of posts to like ratios on this forum, Sangat loved me

What happened was:

  • I stood up to lies posted by Neo, Mr. Johal, etc. Most of the fake ppl teamed up against me.
  • Admin/Mods have a link with Neo, so unjustly I was restricted
  • Neo broke the rules set by Admin regarding us not communicating with eachother (directly or indirectly), and I stood up against that, and Admin banned me.
  • Admin changed my name to ridicule me. Then they changed it again to DSGji.
  • Admin did not even let me post ever again.
  • I came back on with DSG2 or something like that to counter Neo again against his lies.
  • Again Admin would defend Neo. Just like before, they would cover up for him by deleting certain posts and threads to remove all the evidence.
  • I don't have access to that account anymore, so I created this one now
  • What's funny is that I exposed one person for having multiple accounts and that person was against me, but admin did do anything because they all have this web/nexus/connection to one another.
  • Admin claimed that they would let me post (to make themselves look good to everyone. That's one of their main tactics, they say one thing infront of everyone, but do something else behind the scenes). And they never lifted the ban. They just tried to silence the truth.
  • Before making this account today, I logged in to my original account, but I still can't post or do anything on it.

This is a really long story. Those who have been here the past couple of years will know what I went through and how many lies were spread by others. Even Mehtaab Singh had no guts to stand up to Admin, and instead he teamed up with them. Administrators, Moderators and others on this website said and did a lot of wrong and bad things. And that's on their Karma, Satguru knows everything.

Sorry for the rant, but when you guys are going to accuse me of being fake....I'm going to respond. It's you guys who have really opened a can of worms by saying stuff like that.

There were only a few people on this forum who tried to stand up for me and kept it real. The rest were fake and are chelas of admin/mods/Neo/Mr. Johal/GPS, etc.

But anyways, that's history. Now to focus on the present.

Now I'm here to counter the (not so new) lies spread by Singh123456777 and others.

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