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Is Being Anti Islam Racist?


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Nope not at all. However the liberals of society will call you out on it and label you a racist (even though Islam goes against a lot of there stuff too). By the time these left wing loonies figure out they made a mistake it'll be too late. We as sikhs should just sit back and watch it all play out, keep your ties strong in punjab as when everything does hit the fan we can always move back. This is what the Jews are doing in countries like France

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Dont listen to the far left they will label anything as racist.

Bottom line is you cant be race-ist against a religion. Religion is a religion its ideology its belief and can be changed, people can convert.

Race is a race something you cant change, your born into it you have no choice to change your skin colour or racial ethnic group.

So no being anti-islam is not racist it can be called religionist or bigoted. And Islam teaches its followers to be religionist against non-muslims they are 1.6 billion in number they are majority in many area's they have no right to shout racist or religionist against anyone because they are the oppressor they are the abuser in a position of power against other religious minorities.

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Guest Jacfsing2

Islam is a religion not a race

Many bad ideas in islam as well like muhammad marrying aisha when she was 9

if people attack bad ideas in islam how would that make them a racist

Islam isn't a race. Being Anti-Islamic is just you not wanting Sharia Law which any sane person would want.
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Further more I would say its unjust to attack muslims just for being muslims.

The biggest victims of Islam are muslims themselves. The countless dead muslims in recent wars are from the hands of other criminal muslim jihadi's who have judged those who oppose them to have become aspostes and religiously justified to be killed.

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Muslims and multiculturalism don't work, they have two worlds the world of the believer and world of non believer, for multiculturalism to work you have to exclude them.

Yup it seems that way from all the muslim countries we can see in the world today very few or none that embrace multiculturalism or multi-religious setup where the other religions are given equality. Islamic authorities assert themselves very arrogantly and clearly that islam is the dominant religion and to try and convert muslims to other faiths wont be tolerated however non-muslims are fair game for abuse, haraessment, attacks, murders, rapes, discrimination or conversions.

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If Islam was just a religion in terms of praying and believing in the oneness of the creator no one has an issue.

However Islam is a political ideology guised as a religion and that it is where the issue lies.

The type of political ideology that it is espouses is expansionist and totalitarian. I think that is the problem.

Who wants live under Sharia law. Why does any muslim want to live under Sharia law let alone a Kafir.

It has a political system that has a "them" and "us" attitude where you have Dar-Ul-Harb and Dar-Ul-Islam.

It's premise begins aggressively to people that are not muslim. When they run out of non-Muslims, the proponents of this political system turns on itself.

People do not want to live under that system, people run from it. Except that some of the people who ran from the system want to replicate that system in their new host societies (why do you want to do that?)

This system is parasitic because it infects the host society where people run from it only to spread to the next place.

People instinctively understand this.

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If Islam was just a religion in terms of praying and believing in the oneness of the creator no one has an issue.

However Islam is a political ideology guised as a religion and that it is where the issue lies.

The type of political ideology that it is espouses is expansionist and totalitarian. I think that is the problem.

Who wants live under Sharia law. Why does any muslim want to live under Sharia law let alone a Kafir.

It has a political system that has a "them" and "us" attitude where you have Dar-Ul-Harb and Dar-Ul-Islam.

It's premise begins aggressively to people that are not muslim. When they run out of non-Muslims, the proponents of this political system turns on itself.

People do not want to live under that system, people run from it. Except that some of the people who ran from the system want to replicate that system in their new host societies (why do you want to do that?)

This system is parasitic because it infects the host society where people run from it only to spread to the next place.

People instinctively understand this.

Thats a really good analysis, If only more people in power analysed the true nature of islam's political setup and fought tooth and nail against it just as much they fought against the nazi's ideology.

Islam is a trojan horse first it came into the lands as something strange but peaceful, then it started to groom the weak (ie vulnerable loveless girls and low iQ men and stockholm syndrome women). Then once its population had grown enough they started to demand undeserved special privileges and rights. Once they were granted and they had almost 40% population over a nation their mentally insane criminal members started to violently attack the peaceful unsuspecting non-muslim host community. The host community fought back but were held back by the liberalists and far left trying to aid the islamists unwittingly. The islamists used extreme violence and destroy the government and install their own fascist totalitarian islamist leaders and spread out their black shirt troops in every town and city in the land enforcing their sharia mullahbad dictates. And hey presto the once playful peaceful joyful progressive non-muslim nation has been transformed to a despotic islamic hellhole with limited rights for women and non-muslim communities.

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