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Is Sikhi Dying?

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I hate that most of the time whenever i question how Aarti Aarta Sahib is performed , there are some Sikhs who always call me a missionary and don't even try to answer my questions. I don't hate Sikhi, but I think if you can give a good explanation then I will agree. I mean can't we just only just sit/stand and sing the gurbani? I don't understand why we need to have incense , candles and all that. I understand some say we need to worship the Guru physically first, but can't that be done in other ways? Why do we have to do it like how the Hindus have been doing it?

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Problem was when we were distinct in rehni behni then these questions never came up, but the closer we get to the pakhands of Brahminism the questions will increase and then finally someone will say 'you know what I can't see any difference so I guess we must be a form of hinduism' . Such a slippery slope , sure stand and sing aarti aarta , respect Guru ji , but sing in correct Raag , dress like and be upstanding gursikhs then no problems , remove your own photo from Guru ji's hazoori , refuse people bowing to you direct them to bow only in front of Guru ji then we are talking Sikhi else it is all a slippery slope into the pit of hindu oppression

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I think more than to blame hindus or hinduism, it is more our fault by unconscioussly trying to imbibe their practices though on a subtle level.

But all that happens, because we are a failure by ourselves in Sikhee.

Guru jee tells us in simple and plain words the essence of spirituality, which is Ik Oankar Satgur Parsad jap.

As simple as that much needed, to become with our objective none other than Wahiguru.

But no, that is not enough...we too, must do or have something as particularly ours, so that we have a dharam within those parameters, though differentiated, just as hinduism, islam, christianism and so on...

As Guru Jee says in the Bani, the highest religion, is the repetition of His Name

We think, as long as we are here, we too must have an independent religious identity...and as we enter deeper and deeper in the mayavee creation, we naturally go farther and farther from the basic teachings of our beloved Guru Sahibans.

Sikhee is perfect by itself, there is no doubt in it, it is only people like to play the role of Guru Jee, when the fact is they neither have the cspacity nor that purity...so naturally agyanta is the result., and morover, we give it a spicy touch of politics

Nobody is interested in the pearls, diamonds, and gems in the depth of Gurmat.

They are mostly just satisfied with the outer aspects of Sikhee, thus waste the precious human life after mere shadows, rather than to pay attention to the Amrit Bani.

Giving importance to the external aspects, we are bound as prisoners here, while doing the Bhakti alone of Wahiguru as instructed by our Guru Sahibans...Bhagat janas, we attain Wahiguru, as Wahiguru alone should the sole objective of us, as Sikhs, as human beings...

But as long Wahiguru wishes, and keeps sending us moorakhs, His, Gurmukh janas, to awaken us in the reality of Gurmat, Sikhee can never die .......

Because otherwise we shall loose all hope of mukti.... and definetely, that is not Wahiguru,s wish... so cheer up, there is a ray of hope for us always. It is for us to hold on the anchor of His Naam, or, keep rolling in the unendable cycle of births and deaths.

Sat Sree Akal.

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Brother, Sikhi will never die!

Mir Mannu, Zakriya, Indra, Badal, etc. have all tried to eliminate Sikhism. It will never happen brother.

These actions in these videos are deplorable but they are happening under Waheguru's will. These people are not Sikhs.

no! these are shots being fired across our bow , to see if we will run or stand and fight for our distinct identity...sad to say most sikhs are standing on the deck of the ship admiring the sails rather than paying attention to the shots fired . I am so tired of seeing no good pakhandi brahmins trying to link their ungrateful, cowardly two-faced behaviour to Guru ji's sacrifices and shiksha ... My Guru did not give his sees for them BUT FOR US to remind us that death is nothing and Akal Purakh's di sikhi everything ....the whole Sodhi lineage from Guru Arjan Dev ji gave their all for us their descendants ....but we are nalaik and fail to remember our illustrious Bazurg ...every single pleasure, every drop of blood, every fibre of their bodies they renounced in their love for us and us? we cannot even kept the nitnem rehit as it is too heavy a burden . Think of those mothers whose small children were shredded and made into garlands , even with their clothes dripping with their dead childrens' blood they never cried, or said why me but turned their hearts upwards and thanked their creator that they saw that day and lived it in His Hukham. When I think of those two small children being bricked alive in the wall for the qazi's pleasure asking that their kneecaps be cut away so they could hasten to Akal Purakh's lap How could we be so ungrateful to let this beadbhi pass unmentioned , unstopped?

Our problems stem from lack of memory, we have amnesia about where are roots lie and how strong they are , the foundations are 500 years deep , fed by millions of shaheeds blood but we have allowed the interruptions by firangis and Brahmins to make us detached from our true nature ... we are meant to lead the world . where did we pick up the self-doubting nature of the brahmins, the atheism of the firangis and fr God's sake WHY?

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Read the above Fateh - it will not die.

Sikhi has been declared almost extinct many times, and it continues to grow.

It is going through a phase, where it must rediscover its glory and begin its adherents must begin to live up to the faith rather than revel in its glorious past while doing nothing to refresh that glory. How long that takes and how much further the adherents sink is up to the Almighty. But it will arise anew and become a driving force in the coming generations to lead humanity.

As an example, the first video posted is of the Neeldharis, who were a fork of Naamdharis. They have rejoined the Sikh panth by embracing Amrit and Gursikhi.

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Sikhee can never die.


Because it is the Science of the soul, gifted by Wahiguru Akal Purukh Himself, to us jeevas.

Sikhee is a perfect science as said before, for the soul, which if put into practice lovingly,diligently and faithfully, the result is, we get merged into Wahiguru, and become one with Him.

Sikhee is not a fashion, or something like politics or any other man made subject, created by manmat, which will pass away....


Man has no reach by Himself to Wahiguru, on the contrary, we can say, Sikhee is a precious treasure beyond measure, as valuable as Wahiguru Himself, thus it can never die... and it is through Sikhee, that one can meet eye to eye with our beloved Wahiguru.

If some ignorant fools, turn away their faces from the Sun, and prefer darkness, that does not mean, the Sun and the sunshine are being faded away.

If we question Sikhee, it only shows, how ignorant we are.

Such a pity, being born into sikhee and still we do not profit ourselves

Sat Sree Akal.

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