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London Sikhs Who Will You Vote For Mayor? Sadiq Khan Or Zac Goldsmith?


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I think you make a strong case for voting for labour there. If only they hadn't chosen a muslim candidate, its a huge problem for non-muslims to vote for him and thats why the tories know its better to pick on khan's islamic credentials so that they will get the votes. Khan has had some very dodgy islamo-fascist scumbags campaign for him judging by their social media feeds.

As for banning Modi I couldnt care either way. Sikhs should not be campaigning to ban Modi because thats the job of Indian muslims, let them get off their lazy greedy islamo-fascist backsides to protest against modi. Not half a brain dozen pro-pakistan Sikhs with village mentally jumping up and down sucking off their muslim oppressors at any given opportunity.

Sikhs should always either stay neutral and only fight for whats bests in the interests of our deen and kaum.

Solid post. With the way some Sikhs act you'd think it was Sikhs who were victims in 2002 and not the Muslims. Lets get off of our high horses, you cannot expect any govt to shun Modi during a visit because of Sikhs. Most illogical thinking ever. Modi is not the second coming of Zakirya Khan, but nor is he a much of a friend to us, well we dont have many friends in India as it is.
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    • how does he starch it? and how long does it work b4 he needs to tie it again
    • ik i'm late by 5 years lol but u need starch. That'll keep the larrs thick and u won't even have to tie it each time (you still can if u want to bro, but it'll keep the fold shut which is good). They look crisper aswell
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