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If Khalistan Was Given Next Week Would It Last

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The right time to ask for a separate state for the Sikhs was in 1947!

Agreed. We should have welcome Dr Ambedkar into Sikhi . He was the leader of 60 million Dalits. Also Columbia and Oxford graduate Lawyer, economist and an intelligent political leader. Maharaja Bhupinder Singh even offered him to marry his sister to show his sincerity. Bhupinder Singh represented India at the League of Nations in 1925, and was chancellor of the Indian Chamber of Princes for 10 years between 1926 and 1938, also being a representative at the Round Table Conference. He had considerable influence with the British. In the first round table conference in London Dr Ambedkar was able to convince them separate electorate for the so-called Untouchables. The Muslims already had a separate electorate which later helped them get Pakistan. Too bad Sikhs got duped by Bania Gandhi and Bhaman Nehru.

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Agreed. We should have welcome Dr Ambedkar into Sikhi . He was the leader of 60 million Dalits. Also Columbia and Oxford graduate Lawyer, economist and an intelligent political leader. Maharaja Bhupinder Singh even offered him to marry his sister to show his sincerity. Bhupinder Singh represented India at the League of Nations in 1925, and was chancellor of the Indian Chamber of Princes for 10 years between 1926 and 1938, also being a representative at the Round Table Conference. He had considerable influence with the British. In the first round table conference in London Dr Ambedkar was able to convince them separate electorate for the so-called Untouchables. The Muslims already had a separate electorate which later helped them get Pakistan. Too bad Sikhs got duped by Bania Gandhi and Bhaman Nehru.

I would have done so had I been there in 1947. I have nothing against highly respected Dr Ambekar. He was a well liked highly educated man with plenty of wisdom. He was a visionary.

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while we r having the is ambedkar love-in, wasnt he the guy, who wrote the current indian constitution, where he wrote sikhs r a part of the hindu "dharam"?

Dr Ambedkar himself converted to Buddhism but doesn't distinguish it as a separate religion per constitution. I don't know. The Sikh conversion talks were 1935-36. Akalis-Gandhi discouraged him to join Sikhism. Akalis were downright verbally abusive to him saying if they did they would be classified as Majabi Sikhs and much more. So he was put off and may be he was holding a grudge . Maybe you can suggest a better way to achieve Khalistan now? Anyway Sikhi is about empowering all people we had a good opportunity to do both(Khalistan+new Sikhs) but we blew it. Now logistically its downright impossible unless we have divine intervention.

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Dr Ambedkar himself converted to Buddhism but doesn't distinguish it as a separate religion per constitution. I don't know. The Sikh conversion talks were 1935-36. Akalis-Gandhi discouraged him to join Sikhism. Akalis were downright verbally abusive to him saying if they did they would be classified as Majabi Sikhs and much more. So he was put off and may be he was holding a grudge . Maybe you can suggest a better way to achieve Khalistan now? Anyway Sikhi is about empowering all people we had a good opportunity to do both(Khalistan+new Sikhs) but we blew it. Now logistically its downright impossible unless we have divine intervention.

Yea he deffo held a grudge against sikhi after that, sadly. H@rami akalis shud of been slapped up for this. Had sant ji been around at that time, we wudda been so much better off in present day, with a popualtion of well over 150-200m+.

Way to achieve khalistan, will deffo not come thru dumb protestin or hunger strikes, but thru parchar, to dumb sikhs and to non-sikhs, n spread our grievances/info thru social media. Social medias power cannot b underestimated. By doin mass parchar of it in panjab, it will cause an uprising like the 80/90s. Also the other way is the old fashioned way....war. Sadly freedom isnt handed on a plate. But these r all obv answers, but the panth is in such a state, lord knows wen the nxt revolution will start. We need anotha giani ditt singh/singh sabha lahore or sant jarnail singh.

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Yea he deffo held a grudge against sikhi after that, sadly. H@rami akalis shud of been slapped up for this. Had sant ji been around at that time, we wudda been so much better off in present day, with a popualtion of well over 150-200m+.

Way to achieve khalistan, will deffo not come thru dumb protestin or hunger strikes, but thru parchar, to dumb sikhs and to non-sikhs, n spread our grievances/info thru social media. Social medias power cannot b underestimated. By doin mass parchar of it in panjab, it will cause an uprising like the 80/90s. Also the other way is the old fashioned way....war. Sadly freedom isnt handed on a plate. But these r all obv answers, but the panth is in such a state, lord knows wen the nxt revolution will start. We need anotha giani ditt singh/singh sabha lahore or sant jarnail singh.

listing grievances is not going to make us look any more appealing but weak , how about actually start a real history campaign which tells the truth of sikhi and our ancestors and their kurbani from the time of Guru Sahiban to independance and up until now ? The positives really outweigh any negatives ...we would be countering the false history being promoted by agencies of both Muslim and Hindu persuasion claiming glory for themselves on the back of our elders, teaching our people just what a real sikh is and was and did , teach people how low caste peoples were uplifted to be great men/women within the panth, Let Indians know just what it was like to live under sikh admin and how the level of education, arts and literary excellence and prosperity for the ordinary man grew .

babanian kahanian put suput karen .... it worked for me as a kid...I was so in love of my mahan sikh bazurg from the history books I wanted to be like them and get Guru Sahiban's blessings too.PLUS we need to support those dalits who have made the step into Guru ji's Path e.g. the village in Bihar which is being converted into sikhs after one Brother took pahul and brought Guru ji there and started doing parchaar.

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listing grievances is not going to make us look any more appealing but weak

The definition of grievance on google says "a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment." That sums up how sikhs feel since 1849 in my eyes. Educating non sikhs on wat has gone on and is going on, is the key to worldwide knowledge n condemnation, its not a weakness at all. Protesting every yr in hyde park, eating samosas and shouting at nobody, is the definiton of weak. Even the police/security dont even turn up, coz they kno... "oh its these lot again".

On social media, we have made a lot of in roads to non sikhs n coconut sikhs in past 3-4yrs. U hashtag key words like genocide/holocaust etc and give links to graphic pics/vids of murdered sikhs, ppl start payin attention, its how it is! Muslims do it for gaza/palestine too.

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Many people are weak in Sikhi, which is a sad reality which we accept. However, a true Khalsa Raj wouldn't be controlled by politicians, but rather Punj Pyare, even the Sikh Kingdom of Banda Singh Bahadur was ruled by the Punj Pyare giving Banda Singh Bahadur orders, so the politicians are the least important thing to worry about. It is good to do prachar, but we would have to be able to be free from bad leaders and actually acknowledge who our leaders are, (stop the Manmat Kachi bani some people listen to, as these are the first corrupt group). Before we can change a society we should change how we think, and then can we win for everyone. (The political discourse is something after a Khalsa Raj is established somewhere, it took a long time for America to get their Constitution and it's first form of government is almost non-existent: Articles Of Confederation, in the same way the Sikhs can decide the political structure after independence).

What makes you think panj pyare cant be corrupted or bought off? How will they be elected?

Also a modern nation will not be able to run without some sort of bureaucracy, or without 0 politicians.

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Guest Jacfsing2

What makes you think panj pyare cant be corrupted or bought off? How will they be elected? Also a modern nation will not be able to run without some sort of bureaucracy, or without 0 politicians.

We choose the National Punj Pyare in the same way the Gurdwaras choose Punj Pyare, if you remember the Akal Takht opposed the SGPC Jathedars, so clearly they weren't servants of the Jathedars. Bureaucracy only leads to corruption, any nation will show you that, (what makes you think elected leaders of an independent Khalistan won't be corrupted?)
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