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Should KTV change name to Punjabi TV?

Guest Singh

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Guest Singh
Just wanted to share some thoughts on the new channel KTV.
Would anyone know if it is a deliberate policy of KTV to have presenters and guests with heads uncovered, and Sikh presenters not wearing karas? 
I also would like to know about Khalsa TV rationale of promoting folk music and non-Dharmik musical tours which contravene Sikhi values. Given that no other Sikh based channel does this (I think )? 
The controversial Gurdas Mann song on Bhagat Singh got heavily promoted during the early days of KTV and more recently his upcoming UK tour is being very actively promoted on KTV. Seems a contradiction of Sikh values not just because of the lyrics he sings, but the thousands of people who sway to his musical promotion of liquor and caste.  Even more concerning is his belief in a dera that inculcates intoxication of drugs to get 'masti' and the fact that this dera has grown significantly due to Gurdas Manns patronage.
i would paradoxically have expected KTV, Sikh Channel or all the channels to instead hold Gurdas Mann and other singers to account and campaign to get people to boycott his tour so it becomes such a flop he doesn't come back until he turns his back on said dera and changes terminology of his sexist, castist, anti-Sikhi songs.
This sought of Punjabi type of programming, first subtly introduced by Akaal Channel seems to be happening more and more on KTV and is likely to be picked up by other channels with  KTV actually having shows which exclusively play folk music now.
Given these policies on programming perhaps a name such as Punjabi TV would be more suited to the KTV channel if it isn't going to just promote Sikh values but also Punjab culture?
With a prominent Sikh organisation, Sikh Federation and also Sikh Network either funding or promoting and/ or being behind KTV,  I was hoping they would act on these issues rather than it be left to individuals to express concerns with the channel. 
It would be a shame if other channels used these examples as an excuse to lower the promotion of Sikh values, rather than KTV setting new benchmarks. For example when Sikh Channel first appeared presenters and guests always had heads covered; however when other channels didn't adhere to this, Sikh Channel also dropped this value from their programming values instead of sticking to it and by adhering to it, applying pressure on the newer channels to conform. 
Just wanted to share some concerns as a concerned Sikh on this sudden demise of Sikh values across the breadth of Sikh TV channels. 
I don't want this to be a hater discussion but a proper discussion on retaining and promoting Sikh values in our media. 
Guru Fateh sangat Ji 
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When they originally started doing test's they went under the Khalsa TV name but that was changed over to KTV when they started transmitting a full programme schedule, I don't think they ever claimed to be a religious Sikh only channel (but i may be wrong).

18 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

I also would like to know about Khalsa TV rationale of promoting folk music and non-Dharmik musical tours which contravene Sikhi values. Given that no other Sikh based channel does this (I think )? 

The guy behind Sikh Channel also owns Britasia TV, both channels don't really sit well together but business is business and as far as the Gurdas Mann song and tour promotions, i think it's just advertising revenue.

18 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

With a prominent Sikh organisation, Sikh Federation and also Sikh Network either funding or promoting and/ or being behind KTV,  I was hoping they would act on these issues rather than it be left to individuals to express concerns with the channel. 

As far as I know it's owned by a number of individuals and has no affiliation with any Sikh organisation.

At the end of the day, the little I've watched it, I've found their content to be a lot more professionally produced that the other channels, they certainly aren't a Sikh religious channel though, more a Punjabi cultural channel but like already mentioned, it's worth writing to them if you have concerns, maybe they'll clear things up.

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1 hour ago, kcmidlands said:


At the end of the day, the little I've watched it, I've found their content to be a lot more professionally produced that the other channels, they certainly aren't a Sikh religious channel though, more a Punjabi cultural channel but like already mentioned, it's worth writing to them if you have concerns, maybe they'll clear things up.

You are right they don't state themselves as a solely a Sikh religious channel, but as you said a cultural channel for the community. 

" We are the UK’s latest and most exciting new Television Channel bursting with a range of Cultural, Educational and entertaining Programmes for all types of Audiences, and pride ourselves in being independent, impartial and honest. We aim to deliver only the best in programming using the latest broadcast technology. Our aims and services include:

  • Diverse and Quality Programmes
  • Promote Heritage and Positive Lifestyles
  • Support all Community Events "



In an old post, Even the flyer on the launch states for the Punjabi community:


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Guest only One channel

Sikh Channel/Sangat/Akaal/KTV are currently sucking up £2million per annum of Sangat donations to keep themselves on air.

I strongly feel there should be one united station collectively owned by all Gurdwara's ... with consequent savings of £1.5million per year channelled into community projects such as Educate Punjab, tackling female infanticide, drugs, cancer etc.

It makes my blood boil that we are wasting coverage expenses and diluting quality in this way to somehow think we are emulating the Muslims with all their Saudi funded channels.

If the Christians, Hindu's and Muslims waste millions on TV propaganda and or grandiose places of worship we shouldn't feel the need to copy them "jeh assi ik vakhri Qaum ah" ...

It's up to Sangat to force the channels (and crucially Gurdwara's) to merge by denying them funding until they see the common sense Unity solution.

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