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Is it true that khalsa raaj will come to india after a foreign army attacks over india ?


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On 04/07/2017 at 6:20 AM, Big_Tera said:

And whats wrong with being a Hindu if I was one? 

Sikhs are taught to respect all faiths and beliefs. So stop behaving like a child. 

With your issues with Hindus. looks like another hindu hater 


I have many friends of all faiths and proud to say they are my friends. 

I never said there's anything wrong with being a hindu or even being friends with them , as long as they don't brainwash you into thinking all hindus are friendly without agenda.

Are you even aware of the kind of schemes these far-right hindus plot against us ?

because their agenda is of hindi-hindu-hindustan. Right now in india , the south is revolting against hindi language being imposed on them. All this is part of one grand agenda of "one language, one religion, one nationality". 

So , after coming for the christians and muslims, they're going to look at you lol .

And where do you fit in their worldview . You don't ! You stick out like a sore thumb with your pagg (assuming you wear one).

Then what to do with you ? assimilate ! 

I am not even making this up . Look at the proof. Now they're beginning to call harmandar sahib as a hindu temple 


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8 hours ago, shastarSingh said:

China is gaining influence in Nepal. Both Uttar pradesh(UP) and Jharkhand are close to border with Nepal.

UP has 7-8 crore muslim population and Jharkhand has the Maoist fighters fighting against the Indian state.

In the future, China is going to provide the muslims and maoists weapon training and high tech weapons to fight against the Indian state.

The Bhaiya Muslims of India alone are not capable of beating the Hindus. The real strength of Muslim fighters is from the North West area, especially the Pathan belt of Afghanistan and western Pakistan. It is they who will give the Hindus a beating after their eventual victory in Afghanistan and quite possibly Pakistan too. The Muslims of India will probably act as a 5th column in all of this as they did during the 3rd battle of Panipat.

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2 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

The Bhaiya Muslims of India alone are not capable of beating the Hindus. The real strength of Muslim fighters is from the North West area, especially the Pathan belt of Afghanistan and western Pakistan. It is they who will give the Hindus a beating after their eventual victory in Afghanistan and quite possibly Pakistan too. The Muslims of India will probably act as a 5th column in all of this as they did during the 3rd battle of Panipat.

I think you assume hindu or india today is same as that of 18th century afghan invasions ! 

Do you know china is making pakistan its economic colony in the name of CPEC. Pakistan has no economical worth. I am more than happy to see it being made a slave of chinese , considering this nation was found on the bloodshed of millions of sikhs in 1947 . 

Also India has way too many arms today and technology to bust any technology-starved afghani or pathan attack. Civil unrest in india is already there to an extent due to cow and mandir issue. Indian muslims are becoming docile nowadays due to "hindu awakening" . Their fights with hindutva is mostly nowadays restricted to making memes ridiculing hindutva or condemning attack on muslims. As the things are now, I don't see a muslim uprising, rather I fear a hindutva uprising among otherwise peaceful hindus.

It is china which could start a spark with india or more likely vice-versa (india undermining china) . If you see recent events, sikkim area already has such an issue.

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11 hours ago, acsap said:

The nation who killed Sikhs, we should worry about it. You should, but not sikhs!

Do you even know how many times abdali invaded Punjab?? That is how Khalsa Raj came along!! No body talk about abdali invasion, it is about Khalsa Raj. However, sikhs like you were always worried about abdali, those sikhs are. Muslim now. 

I couldn't care less for India, but unfortunately Sikhs are attached at the hip to India. 

And yeah, Sikhs gave shaheedi against Mughals/Afghans etc and eventually got raj. So today you're saying again Shaheediyan will be given, raj will be attained. Will you be there to give shaheedi? Or are you just volunteering the people of Punjab?

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi
13 minutes ago, KhoonKaBadlaKhoon said:

I couldn't care less for India, but unfortunately Sikhs are attached at the hip to India. 

And yeah, Sikhs gave shaheedi against Mughals/Afghans etc and eventually got raj. So today you're saying again Shaheediyan will be given, raj will be attained. Will you be there to give shaheedi? Or are you just volunteering the people of Punjab?

If you think current Indian govt is any semblance of sikh raaj , you're so mistaken. 

Sikhs don't even have proper control over punjab govt. And soon , if current demographic trend is not stopped, sikhs will even stop being majority in their hard-earned state punjab. 

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11 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

The Bhaiya Muslims of India alone are not capable of beating the Hindus. The real strength of Muslim fighters is from the North West area, especially the Pathan belt of Afghanistan and western Pakistan. It is they who will give the Hindus a beating after their eventual victory in Afghanistan and quite possibly Pakistan too. The Muslims of India will probably act as a 5th column in all of this as they did during the 3rd battle of Panipat.

The maoists are also capable fighters. 

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21 hours ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

If you think current Indian govt is any semblance of sikh raaj , you're so mistaken. 

Sikhs don't even have proper control over punjab govt. And soon , if current demographic trend is not stopped, sikhs will even stop being majority in their hard-earned state punjab. 

Where did I state Indian govt today is Sikh raj? Anyone could deduce that I was referring to Maharaja Ranjit Singhs raj. Don't be willfully naive/slow to try and prove a point.


You're right in 2nd paragraph. But war is not a solution. 

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On 7/9/2017 at 6:46 AM, KhoonKaBadlaKhoon said:

I couldn't care less for India, but unfortunately Sikhs are attached at the hip to India. 

And yeah, Sikhs gave shaheedi against Mughals/Afghans etc and eventually got raj. So today you're saying again Shaheediyan will be given, raj will be attained. Will you be there to give shaheedi? Or are you just volunteering the people of Punjab?

Did I ask you what you will do for Sikhs ?  You don't know me, so keep your questions to yourself.  I provided you the historical background about the Sikh Raj.  Please don't make it personal, that is not how debate should go.

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Things in India are definitely going the downhill direction. Hindu Muslim relations are worsening day by day. Almost everyday there is news of cow vigilantes killing or severely beating up a Muslims who they suspect of eating beef. Hindu organisations are ready to declare Hindu Rashtra by 2020.

As for Mulsims:

Recently the Muslims of Bengal have had a riot attacking HIndus, burning Hindus shops. The Hindus of Bengal are saying this is due to the CM of Bengal Mamta Banerji appeasing Muslims.


In Kashmir Muslim militants killed Hindus Yatris who came for their Amarnath Yatra. This is the first time this has happened  in a long time and shows the extent to how things descending to an eventual conflit. It is happening all over India in Kashmir, UP, Bengal, Maharashtra.

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi
27 minutes ago, Jonny101 said:

Things in India are definitely going the downhill direction. Hindu Muslim relations are worsening day by day. Almost everyday there is news of cow vigilantes killing or severely beating up a Muslims who they suspect of eating beef. Hindu organisations are ready to declare Hindu Rashtra by 2020.

As for Mulsims:

Recently the Muslims of Bengal have had a riot attacking HIndus, burning Hindus shops. The Hindus of Bengal are saying this is due to the CM of Bengal Mamta Banerji appeasing Muslims.


In Kashmir Muslim militants killed Hindus Yatris who came for their Amarnath Yatra. This is the first time this has happened  in a long time and shows the extent to how things descending to an eventual conflit. It is happening all over India in Kashmir, UP, Bengal, Maharashtra.

You forget that hindu state power in india is powerful enough to suppress these muslim acts .

From within , India will never lose. Attack from outside, such as by china which is many times powerful than india could severely destabilize it .

China could attack india over recent doklam issue. Also US vs north korea is another front we don't know how will end.

And then these internal groups could finally have their way if India spins into a mess of anarchy. 

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